/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2004-2014, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(http_parameters, [ http_parameters/2, % +Request, -Params http_parameters/3, % +Request, -Params, +TypeG http_convert_parameter/4, % +Options, +FieldName, +ValIn, -ValOut http_convert_parameters/2, % +Data, +Params http_convert_parameters/3 % +Data, +Params, :DeclGoal ]). :- use_module(http_client). :- use_module(http_multipart_plugin). :- use_module(http_hook). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(broadcast)). :- predicate_options(http_parameters/3, 3, [ form_data(-list), attribute_declarations(callable) ]). /** Extract parameters (GET and POST) from HTTP requests This module is used to extract the value of GET or POST parameters from an HTTP request. The typical usage is e.g., == :- http_handler('/register_user', register_user, []). register_user(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ name(Name, []), sex(Sex, [oneof([male,female])]), birth_year(BY, [between(1850,10000)]) ]), register_user(Name, Sex, BY), html_reply_page(title('New user added'), ...). == @see http_dispatch.pl dispatches requests to predicates. */ :- meta_predicate http_parameters(+, ?, :), http_convert_parameters(+, ?, 2). %% http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms) is det. %% http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms, :Options) is det. % % Get HTTP GET or POST form-data, applying type validation, % default values, etc. Provided options are: % % * attribute_declarations(:Goal) % Causes the declarations for an attributed named A to be % fetched using call(Goal, A, Declarations). % % * form_data(-Data) % Return the data read from the GET por POST request as a % list Name = Value. All data, including name/value pairs % used for Parms, is unified with Data. % % The attribute_declarations hook allows sharing the declaration % of attribute-properties between many http_parameters/3 calls. In % this form, the requested attribute takes only one argument and % the options are acquired by calling the hook. For example: % % == % ..., % http_parameters(Request, % [ sex(Sex) % ], % [ attribute_declarations(http_param) % ]), % ... % % http_param(sex, [ oneof(male, female), % description('Sex of the person') % ]). % == http_parameters(Request, Params) :- http_parameters(Request, Params, []). http_parameters(Request, Params, Options) :- must_be(list, Params), meta_options(is_meta, Options, QOptions), option(attribute_declarations(DeclGoal), QOptions, -), http_parms(Request, Params, DeclGoal, Form), ( memberchk(form_data(RForm), QOptions) -> RForm = Form ; true ). is_meta(attribute_declarations). http_parms(Request, Params, DeclGoal, Data) :- memberchk(method(post), Request), memberchk(content_type(Content), Request), form_data_content_type(Content), !, debug(post_request, 'POST Request: ~p', [Request]), posted_form(Request, Data), fill_parameters(Params, Data, DeclGoal). http_parms(Request, Params, DeclGoal, Search) :- ( memberchk(search(Search), Request) -> true ; Search = [] ), fill_parameters(Params, Search, DeclGoal). :- multifile form_data_content_type/1. form_data_content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') :- !. form_data_content_type(ContentType) :- sub_atom(ContentType, 0, _, _, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;'). %% posted_form(+Request, -Data) is det. % % True when Data is list of Name=Value pairs representing the % posted data. posted_form(Request, _Data) :- nb_current(http_post_data, read), !, option(request_uri(URI), Request), throw(error(permission_error('re-read', 'POST data', URI), context(_, 'Attempt to re-read POST data'))). posted_form(Request, Data) :- http_read_data(Request, Data, []), nb_setval(http_post_data, read), debug(post, 'POST Data: ~p', [Data]). wipe_posted_data :- debug(post, 'Wiping posted data', []), nb_delete(http_post_data). :- listen(http(request_finished(_Id, _Code, _Status, _CPU, _Bytes)), wipe_posted_data). %% fill_parameters(+ParamDecls, +FormData, +DeclGoal) % % Fill values from the parameter list fill_parameters([], _, _). fill_parameters([H|T], FormData, DeclGoal) :- fill_parameter(H, FormData, DeclGoal), fill_parameters(T, FormData, DeclGoal). fill_parameter(H, _, _) :- var(H), !, instantiation_error(H). fill_parameter(group(Members, _Options), FormData, DeclGoal) :- is_list(Members), !, fill_parameters(Members, FormData, DeclGoal). fill_parameter(H, FormData, _) :- H =.. [Name,Value,Options], !, fill_param(Name, Value, Options, FormData). fill_parameter(H, FormData, DeclGoal) :- H =.. [Name,Value], ( DeclGoal \== (-), call(DeclGoal, Name, Options) -> true ; throw(error(existence_error(attribute_declaration, Name), _)) ), fill_param(Name, Value, Options, FormData). fill_param(Name, Values, Options, FormData) :- memberchk(zero_or_more, Options), !, fill_param_list(FormData, Name, Values, Options). fill_param(Name, Values, Options, FormData) :- memberchk(list(Type), Options), !, fill_param_list(FormData, Name, Values, [Type|Options]). fill_param(Name, Value, Options, FormData) :- ( memberchk(Name=Value0, FormData), Value0 \== '' % Not sure -> http_convert_parameter(Options, Name, Value0, Value) ; memberchk(default(Value), Options) -> true ; memberchk(optional(true), Options) -> true ; throw(error(existence_error(http_parameter, Name), _)) ). fill_param_list([], _, [], _). fill_param_list([Name=Value0|Form], Name, [Value|VT], Options) :- !, http_convert_parameter(Options, Name, Value0, Value), fill_param_list(Form, Name, VT, Options). fill_param_list([_|Form], Name, VT, Options) :- fill_param_list(Form, Name, VT, Options). %% http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params) is det. %% http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params, :AttrDecl) is det. % % Implements the parameter translation of http_parameters/2 or % http_parameters/3. I.e., http_parameters/2 for a POST request % can be implemented as: % % == % http_parameters(Request, Params) :- % http_read_data(Request, Data, []), % http_convert_parameters(Data, Params). % == http_convert_parameters(Data, ParamDecls) :- fill_parameters(ParamDecls, Data, -). http_convert_parameters(Data, ParamDecls, DeclGoal) :- fill_parameters(ParamDecls, Data, DeclGoal). %% http_convert_parameter(+Options, +FieldName, +ValueIn, -ValueOut) is det. % % Conversion of an HTTP form value. First tries the multifile hook % http:convert_parameter/3 and next the built-in checks. % % @param Option List as provided with the parameter % @param FieldName Name of the HTTP field (for better message) % @param ValueIn Atom value as received from HTTP layer % @param ValueOut Possibly converted final value % @error type_error(Type, Value) http_convert_parameter([], _, Value, Value). http_convert_parameter([H|T], Field, Value0, Value) :- ( check_type_no_error(H, Value0, Value1) -> http_convert_parameter(T, Field, Value1, Value) ; throw(error(type_error(H, Value0), context(_, http_parameter(Field)))) ). check_type_no_error(Type, In, Out) :- http:convert_parameter(Type, In, Out), !. check_type_no_error(Type, In, Out) :- check_type3(Type, In, Out). %% check_type3(+Type, +ValueIn, -ValueOut) is semidet. % % HTTP parameter type-check for types that need converting. check_type3((T1;T2), In, Out) :- !, ( check_type_no_error(T1, In, Out) -> true ; check_type_no_error(T2, In, Out) ). check_type3(string, Atom, String) :- !, to_string(Atom, String). check_type3(number, Atom, Number) :- !, to_number(Atom, Number). check_type3(integer, Atom, Integer) :- !, to_number(Atom, Integer), integer(Integer). check_type3(nonneg, Atom, Integer) :- !, to_number(Atom, Integer), integer(Integer), Integer >= 0. check_type3(float, Atom, Float) :- !, to_number(Atom, Number), Float is float(Number). check_type3(between(Low, High), Atom, Value) :- !, to_number(Atom, Number), ( (float(Low) ; float(High)) -> Value is float(Number) ; Value = Number ), is_of_type(between(Low, High), Value). check_type3(boolean, Atom, Bool) :- !, truth(Atom, Bool). check_type3(Type, Atom, Atom) :- check_type2(Type, Atom). to_number(In, Number) :- number(In), !, Number = In. to_number(In, Number) :- atom(In), atom_number(In, Number). to_string(In, String) :- string(In), !, String = In. to_string(In, String) :- atom(In), !, atom_string(In, String). to_string(In, String) :- number(In), !, number_string(In, String). %% check_type2(+Type, +ValueIn) is semidet. % % HTTP parameter type-check for types that need no conversion. check_type2(oneof(Set), Value) :- !, memberchk(Value, Set). check_type2(length > N, Value) :- !, atom_length(Value, Len), Len > N. check_type2(length >= N, Value) :- !, atom_length(Value, Len), Len >= N. check_type2(length < N, Value) :- !, atom_length(Value, Len), Len < N. check_type2(length =< N, Value) :- !, atom_length(Value, Len), Len =< N. check_type2(_, _). %% truth(+In, -Boolean) is semidet. % % Translate some commonly used textual representations for true % and false into their canonical representation. truth(true, true). truth('TRUE', true). truth(yes, true). truth('YES', true). truth(on, true). truth('ON', true). % IE7 truth('1', true). truth(false, false). truth('FALSE', false). truth(no, false). truth('NO', false). truth(off, false). truth('OFF', false). truth('0', false). /******************************* * XREF SUPPORT * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:called_by/2, emacs_prolog_colours:goal_colours/2. prolog:called_by(http_parameters(_,_,Options), [G+2]) :- option(attribute_declarations(G), Options, _), callable(G), !. emacs_prolog_colours:goal_colours(http_parameters(_,_,Options), built_in-[classify, classify, Colours]) :- option_list_colours(Options, Colours). option_list_colours(Var, error) :- var(Var), !. option_list_colours([], classify) :- !. option_list_colours(Term, list-Elements) :- Term = [_|_], !, option_list_colours_2(Term, Elements). option_list_colours(_, error). option_list_colours_2(Var, classify) :- var(Var). option_list_colours_2([], []). option_list_colours_2([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- option_colours(H0, H), option_list_colours_2(T0, T). option_colours(Var, classify) :- var(Var), !. option_colours(_=_, built_in-[classify,classify]) :- !. option_colours(attribute_declarations(_), % DCG = is a hack! option(attribute_declarations)-[dcg]) :- !. option_colours(Term, option(Name)-[classify]) :- compound(Term), Term =.. [Name,_Value], !. option_colours(_, error). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:error_message//1. :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:error_message(existence_error(http_parameter, Name)) --> [ 'Missing value for parameter "~w".'-[Name] ]. prolog:message(error(type_error(Type, Term), context(_, http_parameter(Param)))) --> { atom(Param) }, [ 'Parameter "~w" must be '-[Param] ], param_type(Type), ['. Found "~w".'-[Term] ]. param_type(length>N) --> !, ['longer than ~D characters'-[N]]. param_type(length>=N) --> !, ['at least ~D characters'-[N]]. param_type(length !, ['shorter than ~D characters'-[N]]. param_type(length= !, ['at most ~D characters'-[N]]. param_type(between(Low,High)) --> !, ( {float(Low);float(High)} -> ['a number between ~w and ~w'-[Low,High]] ; ['an integer between ~w and ~w'-[Low,High]] ). param_type(oneof([Only])) --> !, ['"~w"'-[Only]]. param_type(oneof(List)) --> !, ['one of '-[]], oneof(List). param_type(T) --> ['of type ~p'-[T]]. oneof([]) --> []. oneof([H|T]) --> ['"~w"'-[H]], ( {T == []} -> [] ; {T = [Last]} -> [' or "~w"'-[Last] ] ; [', '-[]], oneof(T) ).