:- module(http_unix_daemon, [ http_daemon/0, http_daemon/1 % +Options ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(broadcast)). :- use_module(library(socket)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(uid)). :- use_module(library(unix)). :- use_module(library(syslog)). :- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- multifile http_server_hook/1. % +Options /** Run SWI-Prolog HTTP server as a Unix system daemon This module provides the logic that is needed to integrate a process into the Unix service (daemon) architecture. It deals with the following aspects, all of which may be used/ignored and configured using commandline options: - Select the port of the server - Run the startup of the process as root to perform priviledged tasks and the server itself as unpriviledged user, for example to open ports below 1000. - Fork and detach from the controlling terminal - Handle console and debug output using a file and/or the syslog daemon. - Manage a _|pid file|_ The typical use scenario is to write a file that loads the following components: 1. The application code, including http handlers (see http_handler/3). 2. This library 3. Use an initialization directive to start http_daemon/0 In the code below, =|load|= loads the remainder of the webserver code. == :- use_module(library(http/http_unix_daemon)). :- initialization http_daemon. :- [load]. == Now, the server may be started using the command below. See http_daemon/0 for supported options. == % [sudo] swipl -s mainfile.pl -- [option ...] == Below are some examples. Our first example is completely silent, running on port 80 as user =www=. == % swipl -s mainfile.pl -- --user=www --pidfile=/var/run/http.pid == Our second example logs HTTP interaction with the syslog daemon for debugging purposes. Note that the argument to =|--debug|== is a Prolog term and must often be escaped to avoid misinterpretation by the Unix shell. The debug option can be repeated to log multiple debug topics. == % swipl -s mainfile.pl -- --user=www --pidfile=/var/run/http.pid \ --debug='http(request)' --syslog=http == *Broadcasting* The library uses broadcast/1 to allow hooking certain events: - http(pre_server_start) Run _after_ _fork_, just before starting the HTTP server. Can be used to load additional files or perform additional initialisation, such as starting additional threads. Recall that it is not possible to start threads _before_ forking. - http(post_server_start) Run _after_ starting the HTTP server. @tbd Make it work with SSL @tbd Cleanup issues wrt. loading and initialization of xpce. @see The file /doc/packages/examples/http/linux-init-script provides a /etc/init.d script for controlling a server as a normal Unix service. */ :- debug(daemon). % Do not run xpce in a thread. This disables forking. The problem here % is that loading library(pce) starts the event dispatching thread. This % should be handled lazily. :- set_prolog_flag(xpce_threaded, false). :- set_prolog_flag(message_ide, false). % cause xpce to trap messages %% http_daemon % % Start the HTTP server as a daemon process. This predicate % processes the following commandline arguments: % % $ --port=Port : % Start HTTP server at Port. It requires root permission and the % option =|--user=User|= to open ports below 1000. The default % port is 80. % % $ --ip=IP : % Only listen to the given IP address. Typically used as % =|--ip=localhost|= to restrict access to connections from % _localhost_ if the server itself is behind an (Apache) % proxy server running on the same host. % % $ --debug=Topic : % Enable debugging Topic. See debug/3. % % $ --syslog=Ident : % Write debug messages to the syslog daemon using Ident % % $ --user=User : % When started as root to open a port below 1000, this option % must be provided to switch to the target user. Three actions % are performed as user: open the socket, write the pidfile and % setup syslog interaction. % % $ --group=Group : % May be used in addition to =|--user|=. If omitted, the login % group of the target user is used. % % $ --pidfile=File : % Write the PID of the daemon process to File. % % $ --output=File : % Send output of the process to File. By default, all % Prolog console output` is discarded. % % $ --fork[=Bool] : % If given as =|--no-fork|= or =|--fork=false|=, the process % runs in the foreground. % % $ --interactive[=Bool] : % If =true= (default =false=) implies =|--no-fork|= and presents % the Prolog toplevel after starting the server. % % $ --gtrace=[Bool] : % Use the debugger to trace http_daemon/1. % % Other options are converted by argv_options/3 and passed to % http_server/1. For example, this allows for: % % $ --workers=Count : % Set the number of workers for the multi-threaded server. http_daemon :- catch(http_daemon_2, E, ( print_message(error, E), halt(1) )). http_daemon_2 :- current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), argv_options(Argv, _RestArgv, Options), ( option(gtrace(true), Options) -> gtrace ; true ), http_daemon(Options). %% argv_options(+Argv, -RestArgv, -Options) is det. % % Generic transformation of long commandline arguments to options. % Each --Name=Value is mapped to Name(Value). Each plain name is % mapped to Name(true), unless Name starts with =|no-|=, in which % case the option is mapped to Name(false). Numeric options are % mapped to Prolog numbers. argv_options([], [], []). argv_options([H0|T0], R, [H|T]) :- sub_atom(H0, 0, _, _, --), !, ( sub_atom(H0, B, _, A, =) -> B2 is B-2, sub_atom(H0, 2, B2, _, Name), sub_atom(H0, _, A, 0, Value0), ( atom_number(Value0, Number) -> Value = Number ; Value = Value0 ) ; sub_atom(H0, 2, _, 0, Name0), ( sub_atom(Name0, 0, _, _, 'no-') -> sub_atom(Name0, 3, _, 0, Name), Value = false ; Name = Name0, Value = true ) ), H =.. [Name,Value], argv_options(T0, R, T). argv_options([H|T0], [H|R], T) :- argv_options(T0, R, T). %% http_daemon(+Options) % % Helper that is started from http_daemon/0. See http_daemon/0 for % options that are processed. http_daemon(Options) :- option(help(true), Options), !, print_message(information, http_daemon(help)), halt. http_daemon(Options) :- setup_debug(Options), option(port(Port), Options, 80), merge_options([port(Port)], Options, Options1), make_socket(Options1, Socket), debug(daemon(socket), 'Created socket ~q, listening to port ~q', [Socket, Port]), ( option(fork(true), Options1, true), option(interactive(false), Options, false) -> fork(Who), ( Who \== child -> halt ; disable_development_system, setup_syslog(Options1), write_pid(Options1), setup_output(Options1), switch_user(Options1), setup_signals, start_server([tcp_socket(Socket)|Options1]), wait(Options1) ) ; write_pid(Options1), switch_user(Options1), start_server([tcp_socket(Socket)|Options1]), wait(Options1) ). %% start_server(+Options) is det. % % Start the HTTP server. It performs the following steps: % % 1. Call broadcast(http(pre_server_start)) % 2. Call http_server(http_dispatch, Options) % 2. Call broadcast(http(post_server_start)) % % This predicate can be hooked using http_server_hook/1. This % predicate is executed after % % - Forking % - Setting I/O (e.g., to talk to the syslog daemon) % - Dropping root privileges (--user) % - Setting up signal handling start_server(Options) :- http_server_hook(Options), !. start_server(Options) :- broadcast(http(pre_server_start)), http_server(http_dispatch, Options), option(port(Port), Options), debug(daemon, 'Started server at port ~w', [Port]), broadcast(http(post_server_start)). make_socket(Options, Socket) :- option(port(Port), Options), ( option(ip(IP), Options) -> Address = IP:Port ; Address = Port ), tcp_socket(Socket), bind_socket(Socket, Address). bind_socket(Socket, Address) :- tcp_setopt(Socket, reuseaddr), tcp_bind(Socket, Address), tcp_listen(Socket, 5). %% disable_development_system % % Disable some development stuff. disable_development_system :- set_prolog_flag(editor, '/bin/false'). %% enable_development_system % % Enable some development stuff. Currently reenables xpce if this % was loaded, but not initialised. enable_development_system :- set_prolog_flag(xpce_threaded, true), set_prolog_flag(message_ide, true), ( current_prolog_flag(xpce_version, _) -> call(pce_dispatch([])) ; true ). %% setup_syslog(+Options) is det. % % Setup syslog interaction. setup_syslog(Options) :- option(syslog(Ident), Options), !, openlog(Ident, [pid], user). setup_syslog(_). %% setup_output(+Options) is det. % % Setup output from the daemon process. The default is to send all % output to a null-stream (see open_null_stream/1). With the % option output(File), all output is written to File. setup_output(Options) :- option(output(File), Options), !, open(File, write, Out, [encoding(utf8)]), set_stream(Out, buffer(line)), detach_IO(Out). setup_output(_) :- open_null_stream(Out), detach_IO(Out). %% write_pid(+Options) is det. % % If the option pidfile(File) is present, write the PID of the % daemon to this file. write_pid(Options) :- option(pidfile(File), Options), current_prolog_flag(pid, PID), !, setup_call_cleanup( open(File, write, Out), format(Out, '~d~n', [PID]), close(Out)), at_halt(catch(delete_file(File), _, true)). write_pid(_). %% switch_user(+Options) is det. % % Switch to the target user and group. If the server is started as % root, this option *must* be present. switch_user(Options) :- option(user(User), Options), !, ( option(group(Group), Options) -> set_user_and_group(User, Group) ; set_user_and_group(User) ), prctl(set_dumpable(true)). % re-enable core dumps on Linux switch_user(Options) :- geteuid(0), !, option(port(Port), Options), throw(error(permission_error(open, http_server, Port), context('Refusing to run HTTP server as root', _))). switch_user(_). :- if(\+current_predicate(prctl/1)). prctl(_). :- endif. %% setup_debug(+Options) is det. % % Initialse debug/3 topics. The =|--debug|= option may be used % multiple times. setup_debug(Options) :- nodebug(_), debug(daemon), enable_debug(Options). enable_debug([]). enable_debug([debug(Topic)|T]) :- !, atom_to_term(Topic, Term, _), debug(Term), enable_debug(T). enable_debug([_|T]) :- enable_debug(T). %% setup_signals % % Kill the server on SIGINT, SIGHUP and SIGTERM. setup_signals :- on_signal(int, _, quit), on_signal(hup, _, quit), on_signal(term, _, quit). quit(Signal) :- debug(daemon, 'Dying on signal ~w', [Signal]), thread_send_message(main, quit). %% wait(+Options) % % This predicate runs in the main thread, waiting for a message % from quit/0. wait(Options) :- option(interactive(true), Options, false), !, enable_development_system. wait(_) :- repeat, thread_get_message(Msg), Msg == quit, halt(0). /******************************* * HOOKS * *******************************/ %% http_server_hook(+Options) is semidet. % % Hook that is called to start the HTTP server. This hook must be % compatible to http_server(Handler, Options). The default is % provided by start_server/1. /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(http_daemon(help)) --> [ 'Usage: option ...'-[], nl, 'Options:'-[], nl, nl, ' --port=port HTTP port to listen to'-[], nl, ' --ip=IP Only listen to this ip (--ip=localhost)'-[], nl, ' --debug=topic Print debug message for topic'-[], nl, ' --syslog=ident Send output to syslog daemon as ident'-[], nl, ' --user=user Run server under this user'-[], nl, ' --group=group Run server under this group'-[], nl, ' --pidfile=path Write PID to path'-[], nl, ' --output=file Send output to file (instead of syslog)'-[], nl, ' --fork=bool Do/do not fork'-[], nl, ' --interactive=bool Enter Prolog toplevel after starting server'-[], nl, ' --gtrace=bool Start (graphical) debugger'-[], nl, ' --workers=count Number of HTTP worker threads'-[], nl, nl, 'Boolean options may be written without value (true) or as --no-name (false)'-[] ].