/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2014, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(prolog_stack, [ get_prolog_backtrace/2, % +MaxDepth, -Stack get_prolog_backtrace/3, % +Frame, +MaxDepth, -Stack prolog_stack_frame_property/2, % +Frame, ?Property print_prolog_backtrace/2, % +Stream, +Stack print_prolog_backtrace/3, % +Stream, +Stack, +Options backtrace/1 % +MaxDepth ]). :- use_module(library(prolog_clause)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- dynamic stack_guard/1. :- multifile stack_guard/1. :- predicate_options(print_prolog_backtrace/3, 3, [ subgoal_positions(boolean) ]). /** Examine the Prolog stack This module defines high-level primitives for examining the Prolog stack, primarily intended to support debugging. It provides the following functionality: * get_prolog_backtrace/2 gets a Prolog representation of the Prolog stack. This can be used for printing, but also to enrich exceptions using prolog_exception_hook/4. Decorating exceptions is provided by this library and controlled by the hook stack_guard/1. * print_prolog_backtrace/2 prints a backtrace as returned by get_prolog_backtrace/2 * The shorthand backtrace/1 fetches and prints a backtrace. This library may be enabled by default to improve interactive debugging, for example by adding the lines below to your ~/swiplrc (swipl.ini in Windows) to decorate uncaught exceptions: == :- load_files(library(prolog_stack), [silent(true)]). prolog_stack:stack_guard(none). == @bug Use of this library may negatively impact performance of applications that process (error-)exceptions frequently as part of their normal processing. */ :- create_prolog_flag(backtrace_depth, 20, [type(integer)]). :- create_prolog_flag(backtrace_goal_depth, 2, [type(integer)]). :- create_prolog_flag(backtrace_show_lines, true, [type(boolean)]). %% get_prolog_backtrace(+MaxDepth, -Backtrace) is det. %% get_prolog_backtrace(+MaxDepth, -Backtrace, +Options) is det. % % Obtain a backtrace from the current location. The backtrace is a % list of frames. Each frame is an opaque term that can be % inspected using the predicate prolog_stack_frame_property/2 can % be used to extract information from these frames. Most use % scenarios will pass the stack to print_prolog_backtrace/2. The % following options are provided: % % * frame(Frame) % Start at Frame instead of the current frame. % * goal_depth(+Depth) % If Depth > 0, include a shallow copy of the goal arguments % into the stack. Default is set by the Prolog flag % =backtrace_goal_depth=, set to =2= initially, showing the % goal and toplevel of any argument. % % @param Frame is the frame to start from. See prolog_current_frame/1. % @param MaxDepth defines the maximum number of frames returned. % @compat get_prolog_backtrace/3 used to have the parameters % +Frame, +MaxDepth, -Backtrace. A call that matches this % signature is mapped to get_prolog_backtrace(MaxDepth, Backtrace, % [frame(Frame)]). get_prolog_backtrace(MaxDepth, Stack) :- get_prolog_backtrace(MaxDepth, Stack, []). get_prolog_backtrace(Fr, MaxDepth, Stack) :- integer(Fr), integer(MaxDepth), var(Stack), !, get_prolog_backtrace_lc(MaxDepth, Stack, [frame(Fr)]), nlc. get_prolog_backtrace(MaxDepth, Stack, Options) :- get_prolog_backtrace_lc(MaxDepth, Stack, Options), nlc. % avoid last-call-optimization, such that % the top of the stack is always a nice Prolog % frame nlc. get_prolog_backtrace_lc(MaxDepth, Stack, Options) :- ( option(frame(Fr), Options) -> PC = call ; prolog_current_frame(Fr0), prolog_frame_attribute(Fr0, pc, PC), prolog_frame_attribute(Fr0, parent, Fr) ), ( option(goal_term_depth(GoalDepth), Options) -> true ; current_prolog_flag(backtrace_goal_depth, GoalDepth) ), must_be(nonneg, GoalDepth), backtrace(MaxDepth, Fr, PC, GoalDepth, Stack). backtrace(0, _, _, _, []) :- !. backtrace(MaxDepth, Fr, PC, GoalDepth, [frame(Level, Where, Goal)|Stack]) :- prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, level, Level), ( PC == foreign -> prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, predicate_indicator, Pred), Where = foreign(Pred) ; PC == call -> prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, predicate_indicator, Pred), Where = call(Pred) ; prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, clause, Clause) -> Where = clause(Clause, PC) ; Where = meta_call ), ( Where == meta_call -> Goal = 0 ; copy_goal(GoalDepth, Fr, Goal) ), ( prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, pc, PC2) -> true ; PC2 = foreign ), ( prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, parent, Parent), ( prolog_frame_attribute(Parent, predicate_indicator, PI), PI \= '$toplevel':_ ; current_prolog_flag(break_level, Break), Break >= 1 ) -> D2 is MaxDepth - 1, backtrace(D2, Parent, PC2, GoalDepth, Stack) ; Stack = [] ). %% copy_goal(+TermDepth, +Frame, -Goal) is det. % % Create a shallow copy of the frame's goal to help debugging. In % addition to shallow copying, high-arity terms are represented % as below. Currently the 16 first arguments are hardcoded. % % == % name(A1, ..., A16, , An) % == copy_goal(0, _, 0) :- !. % 0 is not a valid goal copy_goal(D, Fr, Goal) :- prolog_frame_attribute(Fr, goal, Goal0), ( Goal0 = Module:Goal1 -> copy_term_limit(D, Goal1, Goal2), ( hidden_module(Module) -> Goal = Goal2 ; Goal = Module:Goal2 ) ; copy_term_limit(D, Goal0, Goal) ). hidden_module(system). hidden_module(user). copy_term_limit(0, In, '...') :- compound(In), !. copy_term_limit(N, In, Out) :- is_dict(In), !, dict_pairs(In, Tag, PairsIn), N2 is N - 1, MaxArity = 16, copy_pairs(PairsIn, N2, MaxArity, PairsOut), dict_pairs(Out, Tag, PairsOut). copy_term_limit(N, In, Out) :- compound(In), !, compound_name_arity(In, Functor, Arity), N2 is N - 1, MaxArity = 16, ( Arity =< MaxArity -> compound_name_arity(Out, Functor, Arity), copy_term_args(0, Arity, N2, In, Out) ; OutArity is MaxArity+2, compound_name_arity(Out, Functor, OutArity), copy_term_args(0, MaxArity, N2, In, Out), SkipArg is MaxArity+1, Skipped is Arity - MaxArity - 1, format(atom(Msg), '', [Skipped, Arity]), arg(SkipArg, Out, Msg), arg(Arity, In, InA), arg(OutArity, Out, OutA), copy_term_limit(N2, InA, OutA) ). copy_term_limit(_, In, Out) :- copy_term_nat(In, Out). copy_term_args(I, Arity, Depth, In, Out) :- I < Arity, !, I2 is I + 1, arg(I2, In, InA), arg(I2, Out, OutA), copy_term_limit(Depth, InA, OutA), copy_term_args(I2, Arity, Depth, In, Out). copy_term_args(_, _, _, _, _). copy_pairs([], _, _, []) :- !. copy_pairs(Pairs, _, 0, [''-Skipped]) :- !, length(Pairs, Skipped). copy_pairs([K-V0|T0], N, MaxArity, [K-V|T]) :- copy_term_limit(N, V0, V), MaxArity1 is MaxArity - 1, copy_pairs(T0, N, MaxArity1, T). %% prolog_stack_frame_property(+Frame, ?Property) is nondet. % % True when Property is a property of Frame. Frame is an element % of a stack-trace as produced by get_prolog_backtrace/2. Defined % properties are: % % * level(Level) % * predicate(PI) % * location(File:Line) prolog_stack_frame_property(frame(Level,_,_), level(Level)). prolog_stack_frame_property(frame(_,Where,_), predicate(PI)) :- frame_predicate(Where, PI). prolog_stack_frame_property(frame(_,clause(Clause,PC),_), location(File:Line)) :- subgoal_position(Clause, PC, File, CharA, _CharZ), File \= @(_), % XPCE Object reference lineno(File, CharA, Line). prolog_stack_frame_property(frame(_,_,_,Goal), goal(Goal)) :- Goal \== 0. frame_predicate(foreign(PI), PI). frame_predicate(call(PI), PI). frame_predicate(clause(Clause, _PC), PI) :- clause_property(Clause, PI). default_backtrace_options(Options) :- ( current_prolog_flag(backtrace_show_lines, true) -> Options = [] ; Options = [subgoal_positions(false)] ). %% print_prolog_backtrace(+Stream, +Backtrace) is det. %% print_prolog_backtrace(+Stream, +Backtrace, +Options) is det. % % Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream. % Options is an option list that accepts: % % * subgoal_positions(+Boolean) % If =true=, print subgoal line numbers. The default depends % on the Prolog flag =backtrace_show_lines=. % % @arg Backtrace is a list of frame(Depth,Location,Goal) terms. print_prolog_backtrace(Stream, Backtrace) :- print_prolog_backtrace(Stream, Backtrace, []). print_prolog_backtrace(Stream, Backtrace, Options) :- default_backtrace_options(DefOptions), merge_options(Options, DefOptions, FinalOptions), phrase(message(Backtrace, FinalOptions), Lines), print_message_lines(Stream, '', Lines). :- public % Called from some handlers message//1. message(Backtrace) --> {default_backtrace_options(Options)}, message(Backtrace, Options). message([], _) --> []. message([H|T], Options) --> message(H, Options), ( {T == []} -> [] ; [nl], message(T, Options) ). message(frame(Level, Where, 0), Options) --> !, level(Level), where_no_goal(Where, Options). message(frame(Level, Where, Goal), Options) --> level(Level), [ '~q'-[Goal] ], where_goal(Where, Options). where_no_goal(foreign(PI), _) --> [ '~w '-[PI] ]. where_no_goal(call(PI), _) --> [ '~w'-[PI] ]. where_no_goal(clause(Clause, PC), Options) --> { option(subgoal_positions(true), Options, true), subgoal_position(Clause, PC, File, CharA, _CharZ), File \= @(_), % XPCE Object reference lineno(File, CharA, Line), clause_predicate_name(Clause, PredName) }, !, [ '~w at ~w:~d'-[PredName, File, Line] ]. where_no_goal(clause(Clause, _PC), _) --> { clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)), clause_predicate_name(Clause, PredName) }, !, [ '~w at ~w:~d'-[PredName, File, Line] ]. where_no_goal(clause(Clause, _PC), _) --> { clause_name(Clause, ClauseName) }, [ '~w '-[ClauseName] ]. where_no_goal(meta_call, _) --> [ '' ]. where_goal(foreign(_), _) --> [ ' '-[] ], !. where_goal(clause(Clause, PC), Options) --> { option(subgoal_positions(true), Options, true), subgoal_position(Clause, PC, File, CharA, _CharZ), File \= @(_), % XPCE Object reference lineno(File, CharA, Line) }, !, [ ' at ~w:~d'-[File, Line] ]. where_goal(clause(Clause, _PC), _) --> { clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)) }, !, [ ' at ~w:~d'-[ File, Line] ]. where_goal(clause(Clause, _PC), _) --> { clause_name(Clause, ClauseName) }, !, [ ' ~w '-[ClauseName] ]. where_goal(_, _) --> []. level(Level) --> [ '~|~t[~D]~6+ '-[Level] ]. %% clause_predicate_name(+ClauseRef, -Predname) is det. % % Produce a name (typically Functor/Arity) for a predicate to % which Clause belongs. clause_predicate_name(Clause, PredName) :- user:prolog_clause_name(Clause, PredName), !. clause_predicate_name(Clause, PredName) :- nth_clause(Head, _N, Clause), !, predicate_name(user:Head, PredName). %% backtrace(+MaxDepth) % % Get and print a stacktrace to the user_error stream. backtrace(MaxDepth) :- get_prolog_backtrace_lc(MaxDepth, Stack, []), print_prolog_backtrace(user_error, Stack). subgoal_position(ClauseRef, PC, File, CharA, CharZ) :- debug(backtrace, 'Term-position in ~p at PC=~w:', [ClauseRef, PC]), clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TPos, _), '$clause_term_position'(ClauseRef, PC, List), debug(backtrace, '\t~p~n', [List]), find_subgoal(List, TPos, PosTerm), arg(1, PosTerm, CharA), arg(2, PosTerm, CharZ). find_subgoal([A|T], term_position(_, _, _, _, PosL), SPos) :- is_list(PosL), nth1(A, PosL, Pos), nonvar(Pos), !, find_subgoal(T, Pos, SPos). find_subgoal([], Pos, Pos). %% lineno(+File, +Char, -Line) % % Translate a character location to a line-number. lineno(File, Char, Line) :- setup_call_cleanup( ( open(File, read, Fd), set_stream(Fd, newline(detect)) ), lineno_(Fd, Char, Line), close(Fd)). lineno_(Fd, Char, L) :- stream_property(Fd, position(Pos)), stream_position_data(char_count, Pos, C), C > Char, !, stream_position_data(line_count, Pos, L0), L is L0-1. lineno_(Fd, Char, L) :- skip(Fd, 0'\n), lineno_(Fd, Char, L). /******************************* * DECORATE ERRORS * *******************************/ %% prolog_stack:stack_guard(+PI) is semidet. % % Dynamic multifile hook that is normally not defined. The hook is % called with PI equal to =none= if the exception is not caught % and with a fully qualified (e.g., Module:Name/Arity) predicate % indicator of the predicate that called catch/3 if the exception % is caught. % % The the exception is of the form error(Formal, ImplDef) and this % hook succeeds, ImplDef is unified to a term % context(prolog_stack(StackData), Message). This context % information is used by the message printing system to print a % human readable representation of the stack when the exception % was raised. % % For example, using a clause stack_guard(none) prints contexts % for uncaught exceptions only. Using a clause stack_guard(_) % prints a full stack-trace for any error exception if the % exception is given to print_message/2. See also % library(http/http_error), which limits printing of exceptions to % exceptions in user-code called from the HTTP server library. % % Details of the exception decoration is controlled by two Prolog % flags: % % * backtrace_depth % Integer that controls the maximum number of frames % collected. Default is 20. If a guard is specified, callers % of the guard are removed from the stack-trace. % % * backtrace_show_lines % Boolean that indicates whether the library tries to find % line numbers for the calls. Default is =true=. :- multifile user:prolog_exception_hook/4. :- dynamic user:prolog_exception_hook/4. user:prolog_exception_hook(error(E, context(Ctx0,Msg)), error(E, context(prolog_stack(Stack),Msg)), Fr, Guard) :- ( Guard == none -> debug(backtrace, 'Got uncaught exception ~p (Ctx0=~p)', [E, Ctx0]), stack_guard(none) ; prolog_frame_attribute(Guard, predicate_indicator, PI), debug(backtrace, 'Got exception ~p (Ctx0=~p, Catcher=~p)', [E, Ctx0, PI]), stack_guard(PI) ), ( current_prolog_flag(backtrace_depth, Depth) -> Depth > 0 ; Depth = 20 % Thread created before lib was loaded ), get_prolog_backtrace(Fr, Depth, Stack0), debug(backtrace, 'Stack = ~p', [Stack0]), clean_stack(Stack0, Stack). clean_stack(List, List) :- stack_guard(X), var(X), !. % Do not stop if we catch all clean_stack(List, Clean) :- clean_stack2(List, Clean). clean_stack2([], []). clean_stack2([H|_], [H]) :- guard_frame(H), !. clean_stack2([H|T0], [H|T]) :- clean_stack2(T0, T). guard_frame(frame(_,clause(ClauseRef, _, _))) :- nth_clause(M:Head, _, ClauseRef), functor(Head, Name, Arity), stack_guard(M:Name/Arity). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(error(Error, context(Stack, Message))) --> { is_stack(Stack, Frames) }, !, '$messages':translate_message(error(Error, context(_, Message))), [ nl, 'In:', nl ], ( {is_list(Frames)} -> message(Frames) ; ['~w'-[Frames]] ). is_stack(Stack, Frames) :- nonvar(Stack), Stack = prolog_stack(Frames).