/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2014 VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(rdfa, [ read_rdfa/3, % +Input, -RDF, +Options xml_rdfa/3 % +XMLDom, -RDF, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). :- use_module(library(http/http_open)). :- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). :- use_module(library(xpath)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(sgml)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(uri)). :- use_module(library(error)). /** Extract RDF from an HTML or XML DOM This module implements extraction of RDFa triples from parsed XML or HTML documents. It has two interfaces: read_rdfa/3 to read triples from some input (stream, file, URL) and xml_rdfa/3 to extract triples from an HTML or XML document that is already parsed with load_html/3 or load_xml/3. @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-rdfa-core-20130822/ @see http://www.w3.org/TR/html-rdfa/ */ :- rdf_register_prefix(rdfa, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/rdfa#'). :- rdf_meta add_triple(+, r, r, o), add_incomplete_triple(+, t). :- discontiguous term_expansion/2. :- predicate_options(xml_rdfa/3, 3, [ base(atom), anon_prefix(any), lang(atom), vocab(atom), markup(atom) ]). :- predicate_options(read_rdfa/3, 3, [ pass_to(xml_rdfa/3, 3), pass_to(system:open/4, 4), pass_to(http_open:http_open/3, 3) ]). /******************************* * STREAM READING * *******************************/ %% read_rdfa(+Input, -Triples, +Options) is det. % % True when Triples is a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples extracted from % Input. Input is either a stream, a file name, a URL referencing % a file name or a URL that is valid for http_open/3. Options are % passed to open/4, http_open/3 and xml_rdfa/3. If no base is % provided in Options, a base is deduced from Input. read_rdfa(Input, Triples, Options) :- setup_call_cleanup( open_input(Input, In, NewOptions, Close, Options), read_dom(In, DOM, Options), close_input(Close)), merge_options(NewOptions, Options, RDFaOptions), xml_rdfa(DOM, Triples, RDFaOptions). open_input(Input, In, NewOptions, Close, Options) :- open_input2(Input, In, NewOptions, Close0, Options), detect_bom(In, Close0, Close). open_input2(stream(In), In, Options, true, _) :- !, ( stream_property(In, file_name(Name)), to_uri(Name, URI) -> Options = [base(URI)] ; Options = [] ). open_input2(In, In, Options, true, _) :- is_stream(In), !, ( stream_property(In, file_name(Name)), to_uri(Name, URI) -> Options = [base(URI)] ; Options = [] ). open_input2(URL, In, [base(URL)], close(In), Options) :- atom(URL), uri_file_name(URL, File), !, open(File, read, In, Options). open_input2(URL, In, [base(Base)], close(In), Options) :- atom(URL), to_uri2(URL, Base), !, http_open(URL, In, Options). open_input2(File, In, [base(URI)], close(In), Options) :- absolute_file_name(File, Path, [access(read)]), uri_file_name(URI, Path), open(Path, read, In, Options). %% detect_bom(+In, +Close0, -Close) is det. % % We may be loading a binary stream. In that case we want to do % BOM detection. detect_bom(In, Close0, Close) :- stream_property(In, type(binary)), stream_property(In, encoding(Enc)), catch(set_stream(In, encoding(bom)),_,fail), !, merge_close(Close0, set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)), Close). detect_bom(_, Close, Close). merge_close(true, Close, Close) :- !. merge_close(Close, _, Close). to_uri(URI0, URI) :- to_uri2(URI0, URI), !. to_uri(URI0, URI) :- absolute_file_name(URI0, Path), uri_file_name(URI, Path). to_uri2(URI0, Base) :- uri_components(URI0, Components), uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), http_scheme(Scheme), !, uri_data(fragment, Components, _, Components2), uri_components(Base, Components2). http_scheme(http). http_scheme(https). close_input(true). close_input(close(X)) :- close(X). close_input(set_stream(In, encoding(Enc))) :- set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)). read_dom(In, DOM, Options) :- option(dialect(Dialect), Options), !, ( xml_dialect(Dialect) -> load_xml(stream(In), DOM, Options) ; load_html(stream(In), DOM, Options) ). read_dom(In, DOM, Options) :- peek_string(In, 1000, Start), guess_dialect(Start, Dialect), read_dom(In, DOM, [dialect(Dialect)|Options]). xml_dialect(xml). xml_dialect(xmlns). xml_dialect(svg). xml_dialect(xhtml). xml_dialect(xhtml5). guess_dialect(Start, Dialect) :- sub_string(Start, _, _, _, " Dialect = xhtml ; string_codes(Start, Codes), phrase(html_doctype(DialectFound), Codes, _) -> Dialect = DialectFound ; Dialect = html ). guess_dialect(Start, Dialect) :- sub_string(Start, _, _, _, " blanks, "", !. html_doctype(html4) --> blanks, " []. icase_string([H|T]) --> alpha_to_lower(H), icase_string(T). /******************************* * DOM PROCESSING * *******************************/ %% xml_rdfa(+DOM, -RDF, +Options) % % True when RDF is a list of rdf(S,P,O) terms extracted from DOM % according to the RDFa specification. Options processed: % % * base(+BaseURI) % URI to use for ''. Normally set to the document URI. % * anon_prefix(+AnnonPrefix) % Prefix for blank nodes. % * lang(+Lang) % Default for =lang= % * vocab(+Vocab) % Default for =vocab= % * markup(+Markup) % Markup language processed (xhtml, xml, ...) xml_rdfa(DOM, _, _) :- var(DOM), !, instantiation_error(DOM). xml_rdfa(DOM, RDF, Options) :- is_list(DOM), !, maplist(xml_rdfa_aux(Options), DOM, RDFList), append(RDFList, RDF). xml_rdfa(DOM, RDF, Options) :- DOM = element(_,_,_), !, rdfa_evaluation_context(DOM, EvalContext, Options), process_node(DOM, EvalContext), arg(1, EvalContext.triples, List), reverse(List, RDF0), apply_patterns(RDF0, RDF). % XML Processing Instruction (PI). xml_rdfa(DOM, [], _) :- DOM = pi(_), !. xml_rdfa(DOM, _, _) :- type_error(xml_dom, DOM). xml_rdfa_aux(Options, DOM, RDF) :- xml_rdfa(DOM, RDF, Options). process_node(DOM, EvalContext) :- rdfa_local_context(EvalContext, LocalContext), % 7.5.1 update_vocab(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.2 update_prefixes(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.3 update_lang(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.4 update_subject(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.5, 7.5.6 emit_typeof(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.7 update_list_mapping(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.8 step_7_5_9(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.9 step_7_5_10(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.10 update_property_value(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.11 complete_triples(LocalContext), % 7.5.12 descent(DOM, LocalContext), % 7.5.13 complete_lists(LocalContext), !. % 7.5.14 process_node(DOM, EvalContext) :- print_message(warning, rdfa(failed(DOM, EvalContext))), ( debugging(rdfa(test)) -> gtrace, process_node(DOM, EvalContext) ; true ). %% rdfa_evaluation_context(+DOM, -Context, +Options) % % 7.5.0: Create the initial evaluation context % % @tbd: derive markup from DOM rdfa_evaluation_context(DOM, Context, Options) :- Context = rdfa_eval{base:Base, % atom parent_subject:Base, % atom parent_object:null, % null or atom incomplete_triples:[], % list list_mapping:ListMapping, % IRI --> list(List) lang:Lang, % null or atom iri_mapping:IRIMappings, % dict term_mapping:TermMappings, % dict vocab:Vocab, % null or atom bnode_id:bnode(1), % integer markup:Markup, % Processing profile anon_prefix:AnonPrefix, named_bnodes:r{v:_{}}, root:DOM, % XML DOM triples:triples([])}, % list empty_list_mapping(ListMapping), option(markup(Markup), Options, xhtml), base(DOM, Options, Base), default_vocab(Markup, DefaultVocab), option(lang(Lang), Options, ''), option(vocab(Vocab), Options, DefaultVocab), ( option(anon_prefix(AnonPrefix), Options) -> true ; atom_concat('__', Base, AnonPrefix) ), default_prefixes(Markup, DefPrefixes), mapping(prefixes(IRIMappings0), Options), put_dict(DefPrefixes, IRIMappings0, IRIMappings), mapping(terms(TermMappings), Options). base(DOM, _Options, Base) :- xpath(DOM, //base(@href=Base), _), !. base(_DOM, Options, Base) :- option(base(Base0), Options), rdf_global_id(Base0, Base), !. base(_, _, 'http://www.example.org/'). mapping(Term, Options) :- Term =.. [Name, Value], ( TermG =.. [Name, Var], option(TermG, Options) -> dict_create(Value, Name, Var) ; dict_create(Value, Name, []) ). %% default_prefixes(+Markup, -Dict) % % Create a default prefix map. Which prefixes are supposed to be % in this map? default_prefixes(Markup, _{'':DefPrefix}) :- default_prefix_mapping(Markup, DefPrefix). %% rdfa_core_prefix(?Prefix, ?URI) is nondet. % % RDFa initial context prefix declarations. % % @see http://www.w3.org/2011/rdfa-context/rdfa-1.1 rdfa_core_prefix(dcat, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#'). rdfa_core_prefix(qb, 'http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#'). rdfa_core_prefix(grddl, 'http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#'). rdfa_core_prefix(ma, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ma-ont#'). rdfa_core_prefix(org, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/org#'). rdfa_core_prefix(owl, 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#'). rdfa_core_prefix(prov, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#'). rdfa_core_prefix(rdf, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'). rdfa_core_prefix(rdfa, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/rdfa#'). rdfa_core_prefix(rdfs, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#'). rdfa_core_prefix(rif, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#'). rdfa_core_prefix(rr, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#'). rdfa_core_prefix(sd, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#'). rdfa_core_prefix(skos, 'http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#'). rdfa_core_prefix(skosxl, 'http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#'). rdfa_core_prefix(wdr, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder#'). rdfa_core_prefix(void, 'http://rdfs.org/ns/void#'). rdfa_core_prefix(wdrs, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#'). rdfa_core_prefix(xhv, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#'). rdfa_core_prefix(xml, 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'). rdfa_core_prefix(xsd, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#'). rdfa_core_prefix(cc, 'http://creativecommons.org/ns#'). rdfa_core_prefix(ctag, 'http://commontag.org/ns#'). rdfa_core_prefix(dc, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/'). rdfa_core_prefix(dcterms, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/'). rdfa_core_prefix(dc11, 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'). rdfa_core_prefix(foaf, 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/'). rdfa_core_prefix(gr, 'http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#'). rdfa_core_prefix(ical, 'http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/icaltzd#'). rdfa_core_prefix(og, 'http://ogp.me/ns#'). rdfa_core_prefix(rev, 'http://purl.org/stuff/rev#'). rdfa_core_prefix(sioc, 'http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#'). rdfa_core_prefix(v, 'http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#'). rdfa_core_prefix(vcard, 'http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#'). rdfa_core_prefix(schema, 'http://schema.org/'). default_prefix_mapping(xhtml, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#') :- !. default_prefix_mapping(_, 'http://www.example.org/'). default_vocab(_, ''). %% rdfa_local_context(EvalContext, LocalContext) % % 7.5.1: Create the local context rdfa_local_context(EvalContext, LocalContext) :- LocalContext = rdfa_local{skip_element:false, new_subject:null, current_object_resource:null, typed_resource:null, iri_mapping:IRIMappings, incomplete_triples:[], list_mapping:ListMapping, lang:Lang, term_mapping:TermMapping, vocab:Vocab, eval_context:EvalContext }, _{ iri_mapping:IRIMappings, list_mapping:ListMapping, lang:Lang, term_mapping:TermMapping, vocab:Vocab } :< EvalContext. %% update_vocab(+DOM, +Context) is det. % % 7.5.2. Handle @vocab update_vocab(DOM, Context) :- xpath(DOM, /(*(@vocab=Vocab0)), _), !, ( Vocab0 == '' -> Vocab = '' % Host Language defined default? ; iri(Vocab0, Vocab, Context) ), nb_set_dict(vocab, Context, Vocab), add_triple(Context, Context.eval_context.base, rdfa:usesVocabulary, Vocab). update_vocab(_, _). %% update_prefixes(+DOM, +Context) is det. % % 7.5.3: Update prefix map using @prefix and @xmlns. First % processes xmlns:Prefix=IRI. update_prefixes(DOM, Context) :- DOM=element(_,Attrs,_), xmlns_dict(Attrs, _{}, Dict0), ( xpath(DOM, /(*(@prefix=PrefixDecl)), _) -> prefix_dict(PrefixDecl, Dict0, Dict) ; Dict = Dict0 ), Dict \= _{}, !, put_dict(Dict, Context.iri_mapping, NewMapping), b_set_dict(iri_mapping, Context, NewMapping). update_prefixes(_, _). xmlns_dict([], Dict, Dict). xmlns_dict([Attr=IRI|T0], Dict0, Dict) :- ( Attr = xmlns:Name ; atom_concat('xmlns:', Name, Attr) ), !, downcase_atom(Name, Prefix), put_dict(Prefix, Dict0, IRI, Dict1), xmlns_dict(T0, Dict1, Dict). xmlns_dict([_|T0], Dict0, Dict) :- xmlns_dict(T0, Dict0, Dict). prefix_dict(Text, Dict0, Dict) :- atom_codes(Text, Codes), phrase(prefixes(Dict0, Dict), Codes). %% update_lang(+DOM, +Context) is det. % % 7.5.4: Update lang update_lang(DOM, Context) :- DOM=element(_,Attrs,_), ( ( memberchk(xml:lang=Lang, Attrs) % XML with namespaces ; memberchk('xml:lang'=Lang, Attrs) % XML without namespaces ; memberchk(lang=Lang, Attrs) % HTML 5 ) -> nb_set_dict(lang, Context, Lang) ; true ), ( ( memberchk(xml:base=Base, Attrs) % XML with namespaces ; memberchk('xml:base'=Base, Attrs) % XML without namespaces ) -> nb_set_dict(base, Context.eval_context, Base) ; true ). %% update_subject(+DOM, +Context) is det. % % 7.5.5 and 7.5.6: establish a value for new subject update_subject(DOM, Context) :- DOM=element(E,Attrs,_), \+ has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Context), \+ has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Context), !, % Commit to rule-set 7.5.5 ( memberchk(property=_, Attrs), \+ memberchk(content=_, Attrs), \+ memberchk(datatype=_, Attrs) -> ( ( about(DOM, About, Context) % ; About = Context.eval_context.parent_object ), About \== null -> nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, About) ; true ), ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs) -> ( ( iri_attr(about, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context), TypedIRI \== null ; DOM == Context.eval_context.root -> iri('', TypedIRI, Context) ; ( iri_attr(resource, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context) ; iri_attr(href, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context) ; iri_attr(src, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context) ; new_bnode(TypedIRI, Context) ), TypedIRI \== null -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, TypedIRI), nb_set_dict(current_object_resource, Context, TypedIRI) ) -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, TypedIRI) ; true ) ; true ) ; ( new_subject_attr_2(SubjectAttr), % memberchk(SubjectAttr=About0, Attrs), attr_convert(SubjectAttr, About0, About, Context), About \== null -> true ; html_root(E, Context), About = Context.eval_context.parent_object, About \== null -> true ; DOM == Context.eval_context.root -> iri('', About, Context) ; memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs) -> new_bnode(About, Context) ; About = Context.eval_context.parent_object, About \== null -> ( \+ memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs) -> nb_set_dict(skip_element, Context, true) ; true ) ), debug(rdfa(new_subject), '~w: set new_subject to ~p', [E, About]), nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, About), ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs) -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, About) ; true ) ). update_subject(DOM, Context) :- DOM=element(_,Attrs,_), % 7.5.6 ( iri_attr(about, Attrs, NewSubject, Context) -> nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, NewSubject), ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs) -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, NewSubject) ; true ) ; true % was \+ memberchk(resource=_, Attrs): % If no resource is provided ... -> ( DOM == Context.eval_context.root -> iri('', NewSubject, Context), nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, NewSubject), ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs) -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, NewSubject) ; true ) ; NewSubject = Context.eval_context.parent_object, NewSubject \== null -> nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, NewSubject) ; true ) ), ( ( iri_attr(resource, Attrs, CurrentObjectResource, Context) ; iri_attr(href, Attrs, CurrentObjectResource, Context) ; iri_attr(src, Attrs, CurrentObjectResource, Context) ; memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs), \+ memberchk(about=_, Attrs), new_bnode(CurrentObjectResource, Context) ), CurrentObjectResource \== null -> nb_set_dict(current_object_resource, Context, CurrentObjectResource) ; true ), ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs), \+ memberchk(about=_, Attrs) -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, Context.current_object_resource) ; true ). new_subject_attr_2(about). new_subject_attr_2(resource). new_subject_attr_2(href). new_subject_attr_2(src). html_root(head, Context) :- html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup). html_root(body, Context) :- html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup). html_markup(html). html_markup(xhtml). %% emit_typeof(+DOM, +LocalContext) is det. % % 7.5.7: emit triples for @typeof value. emit_typeof(DOM, Context) :- DOM = element(_,Attrs,_), Subject = Context.typed_resource, Subject \== null, memberchk(typeof=TypeOf, Attrs), !, iri_list(TypeOf, IRIs, Context), maplist(type_triple(Context), IRIs). emit_typeof(_, _). type_triple(Context, IRI) :- add_triple(Context, Context.typed_resource, rdf:type, IRI). %% update_list_mapping(+DOM, +Context) is det. % % 7.5.8: Create a list mapping if appropriate update_list_mapping(_DOM, Context) :- Context.new_subject \== null, Context.new_subject \== Context.eval_context.parent_object, !, empty_list_mapping(ListMapping), b_set_dict(list_mapping, Context, ListMapping). update_list_mapping(_, _). %% empty_list_mapping(-Mapping) is det. %% empty_list_mapping(+Mapping) is semidet. %% get_list_mapping(+IRI, +Mapping, -List) is semidet. %% add_list_mapping(+IRI, !Mapping, +List) is det. % % Manage a list mapping. Note this needs to be wrapped in a term % to be able to extend the mapping while keeping its identity. empty_list_mapping(list_mapping(_{})). get_list_mapping(IRI, list_mapping(Dict), Dict.get(IRI)). add_list_mapping(IRI, LM, List) :- LM = list_mapping(Dict), setarg(1, LM, Dict.put(IRI, List)). list_mapping_pairs(list_mapping(Dict), Pairs) :- dict_pairs(Dict, _, Pairs). %% step_7_5_9(+DOM, +Context) step_7_5_9(_DOM, Context) :- Context.current_object_resource == null, !. step_7_5_9(DOM, Context) :- DOM = element(_,Attrs,_), memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs), has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context), !, iri_list(Rel, Preds, Context), CurrentObjectResource = Context.current_object_resource, maplist(add_property_list(Context, CurrentObjectResource), Preds). step_7_5_9(DOM, Context) :- DOM = element(_,Attrs,_), ( has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context), \+ memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs) -> iri_list(Rel, RelIRIs, Context), maplist(rel_triple(Context), RelIRIs) ; true ), ( has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Rev, Context) -> iri_list(Rev, RevIRIs, Context), maplist(rev_triple(Context), RevIRIs) ; true ). rel_triple(Context, IRI) :- add_triple(Context, Context.new_subject, IRI, Context.current_object_resource). rev_triple(Context, IRI) :- add_triple(Context, Context.current_object_resource, IRI, Context.new_subject). %% step_7_5_10(+DOM, +Context) % % Similar to step_7_5_9, but adding to incomplete triples. step_7_5_10(_DOM, Context) :- Context.current_object_resource \== null, !. step_7_5_10(DOM, Context) :- DOM = element(_,Attrs,_), memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs), has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context), !, set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context), iri_list(Rel, IRIs, Context), maplist(incomplete_ll_triple(Context), IRIs). step_7_5_10(DOM, Context) :- DOM = element(_,Attrs,_), ( has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context), \+ memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs) -> iri_list(Rel, RelIRIs, Context), set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context), maplist(incomplete_rel_triple(Context), RelIRIs) ; true ), ( has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Rev, Context) -> iri_list(Rev, RevIRIs, Context), set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context), maplist(incomplete_rev_triple(Context), RevIRIs) ; true ). set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context) :- new_bnode(BNode, Context), b_set_dict(current_object_resource, Context, BNode). incomplete_ll_triple(Context, IRI) :- LM = Context.list_mapping, ( get_list_mapping(IRI, LM, LL) -> true ; LL = list([]), add_list_mapping(IRI, LM, LL) ), add_incomplete_triple(Context, _{list:LL, direction:none}). incomplete_rel_triple(Context, IRI) :- add_incomplete_triple(Context, _{predicate:IRI, direction:forward}). incomplete_rev_triple(Context, IRI) :- add_incomplete_triple(Context, _{predicate:IRI, direction:reverse}). %% update_property_value(+DOM, +Context) is det. % % 7.5.11: establish current property value. update_property_value(DOM, Context) :- DOM = element(Element,Attrs,Content), memberchk(property=PropSpec, Attrs), !, iri_list(PropSpec, Preds, Context), ( memberchk(datatype=DTSpec, Attrs) -> ( DTSpec \== '', term_or_curie_or_absiri(DTSpec, DataType, Context), DataType \== null -> ( ( rdf_equal(rdf:'XMLLiteral', DataType) ; rdf_equal(rdf:'HTML', DataType) ) -> content_xml(Content, Text) ; content_text(DOM, Text, Context) ), Obj0 = literal(type(DataType, Text)) ; content_text(DOM, Text, Context), Obj0 = literal(Text) ) ; memberchk(content=Text, Attrs) -> Obj0 = literal(Text) ; \+ has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Context), \+ has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Context), %\+ memberchk(content=_, Attrs), % already guaranteed ( iri_attr(resource, Attrs, Obj0, Context) ; iri_attr(href, Attrs, Obj0, Context) ; iri_attr(src, Attrs, Obj0, Context) ), Obj0 \== null -> true ; ( memberchk(datetime=DateTime, Attrs) ; Element == time, Content = [DateTime] ), html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup) -> ( date_time_type(DateTime, DataType) -> Obj0 = literal(type(DataType, DateTime)) ; Obj0 = literal(DateTime) ) ; memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs), \+ memberchk(about=_, Attrs) -> Obj0 = Context.typed_resource ; content_text(Content, Text, Context), % "as a plain literal"??? Obj0 = literal(Text) ), ( Obj0 = literal(Text), Context.lang \== '' -> Obj = literal(lang(Context.lang, Text)) ; Obj = Obj0 ), ( memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs) -> maplist(add_property_list(Context, Obj), Preds) ; NewSubject = Context.new_subject, maplist(add_property(Context, NewSubject, Obj), Preds) ). update_property_value(_, _). add_property_list(Context, Obj, Pred) :- LM = Context.list_mapping, ( get_list_mapping(Pred, LM, LL) -> LL = list(Old), setarg(1, LL, [Obj|Old]) ; add_list_mapping(Pred, LM, list([Obj])) ). add_property(Context, Subject, Object, Pred) :- add_triple(Context, Subject, Pred, Object). content_text(element(_,Attrs,_), Text, _Context) :- memberchk(content=Text, Attrs), !. content_text(element(_,Attrs,_), Text, Context) :- memberchk(datetime=Text, Attrs), html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup), !. content_text(element(_,_,Content), Text, _Context) :- !, phrase(text_nodes(Content), Texts), atomic_list_concat(Texts, Text). content_text(Content, Text, _Context) :- !, phrase(text_nodes(Content), Texts), atomic_list_concat(Texts, Text). text_nodes([]) --> !. text_nodes([H|T]) --> !, text_nodes(H), text_nodes(T). text_nodes(element(_,_,Content)) --> !, text_nodes(Content). text_nodes(CDATA) --> [CDATA]. content_xml(DOM, Text) :- with_output_to(atom(Text), xml_write(DOM, [header(false)])). %% complete_triples(+Context) % % 7.5.12: Complete incomplete triples complete_triples(Context) :- Context.skip_element == false, Context.new_subject \== null, Context.eval_context.incomplete_triples \== [], !, reverse(Context.eval_context.incomplete_triples, Incomplete), maplist(complete_triple(Context), Incomplete). complete_triples(_). complete_triple(Context, Dict) :- complete_triple(Dict.direction, Dict, Context). complete_triple(none, Dict, Context) :- List = Dict.list, List = list(Old), setarg(1, List, [Context.new_subject|Old]). complete_triple(forward, Dict, Context) :- add_triple(Context, Context.eval_context.parent_subject, Dict.predicate, Context.new_subject). complete_triple(reverse, Dict, Context) :- add_triple(Context, Context.new_subject, Dict.predicate, Context.eval_context.parent_subject). %% descent(DOM, Context) % % 7.5.13: Descent into the children descent(element(_,_,Content), Context) :- ( Context.skip_element == true -> maplist(descent_skip(Context), Content) ; maplist(descent_no_skip(Context), Content) ). descent_skip(Context, DOM) :- DOM = element(E,_,_), !, debug(rdfa(descent), 'skip: ~w: new_subject=~p', [E, Context.new_subject]), process_node(DOM, Context.eval_context.put( _{ lang:Context.lang, vocab:Context.vocab, iri_mapping:Context.iri_mapping })). descent_skip(_, _). descent_no_skip(Context, DOM) :- DOM = element(E,_,_), !, ( ParentSubject = Context.new_subject, ParentSubject \== null -> true ; ParentSubject = Context.eval_context.parent_subject ), ( ParentObject = Context.current_object_resource, ParentObject \== null -> true ; ParentObject = ParentSubject ), debug(rdfa(descent), 'no skip: ~w: parent subject = ~p, object = ~p', [E, ParentSubject, ParentObject]), process_node(DOM, Context.eval_context.put( _{ parent_subject:ParentSubject, parent_object:ParentObject, iri_mapping:Context.iri_mapping, incomplete_triples:Context.incomplete_triples, list_mapping:Context.list_mapping, lang:Context.lang, vocab:Context.vocab })). descent_no_skip(_, _). %% complete_lists(+Context) is det. % % 7.5.14: Complete possibly pending lists complete_lists(Context) :- empty_list_mapping(Context.list_mapping), !. complete_lists(Context) :- ( CurrentSubject = Context.new_subject, CurrentSubject \== null -> true ; CurrentSubject = Context.eval_context.base ), list_mapping_pairs(Context.list_mapping, Pairs), maplist(complete_list(Context, CurrentSubject), Pairs). complete_list(Context, _, IRI-_) :- get_list_mapping(IRI, Context.eval_context.list_mapping, _), !. complete_list(Context, CurrentSubject, IRI-list(List0)) :- reverse(List0, List), emit_list(List, ListURI, Context), add_triple(Context, CurrentSubject, IRI, ListURI). emit_list([], NIL, _) :- rdf_equal(NIL, rdf:nil). emit_list([H|T], URI, Context) :- emit_list(T, TailURI, Context), new_bnode(URI, Context), add_triple(Context, URI, rdf:first, H), add_triple(Context, URI, rdf:rest, TailURI). %% has_attribute(+Name, +Attrs, +Context) is semidet. %% has_attribute(+Name, +Attrs, -Value, +Context) is semidet. % % True if Attrs contains Name. We sometimes need to ignore % Attributes if their value is invalid. % % @see HTML+RDFa, 3.1 Additional RDFa Processing Rules, point 7. has_attribute(Name, Attrs, Context) :- has_attribute(Name, Attrs, _, Context). has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context) :- memberchk(rel=Rel, Attrs), html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup), memberchk(property=_, Attrs), !, html_non_empty_rel(Rel, Context). has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Rev, Context) :- memberchk(rev=Rev, Attrs), html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup), memberchk(property=_, Attrs), !, html_non_empty_rel(Rev, Context). has_attribute(Name, Attrs, Value, _Context) :- memberchk(Name=Value, Attrs). html_non_empty_rel(Spec, Context) :- Sep = "\s\t\n\r", split_string(Spec, Sep, Sep, SpecList), member(Spec1, SpecList), safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec1, _, Context), !. %% iri_attr(+AttName, +Attrs, -IRI, +Context) is semidet. iri_attr(Name, Attrs, IRI, Context) :- memberchk(Name=IRI0, Attrs), attr_convert(Name, IRI0, IRI, Context). attr_convert(about, Spec, IRI, Context) :- safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context). attr_convert(href, Spec, IRI, Context) :- iri(Spec, IRI, Context). attr_convert(src, Spec, IRI, Context) :- iri(Spec, IRI, Context). attr_convert(resource, Spec, IRI, Context) :- safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context). attr_convert(vocab, Spec, IRI, Context) :- iri(Spec, IRI, Context). attr_convert(datatype, Spec, IRI, Context) :- term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context). about(DOM, About, Context) :- DOM=element(_,Attrs,_), ( memberchk(about=About0, Attrs) -> safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(About0, About, Context) ; DOM == Context.eval_context.root -> iri('', About, Context) ). %% new_bnode(-BNode, +Context) is det. % % Create a new blank node. Note that the current id is kept in a % term to avoid copying the counter on the descent step. new_bnode(BNode, Context) :- EvalCtx = Context.eval_context, Node = EvalCtx.bnode_id, arg(1, Node, Id), succ(Id, Id1), nb_setarg(1, Node, Id1), Prefix = EvalCtx.anon_prefix, ( atom(Prefix) -> atom_concat(Prefix, Id, BNode) ; BNode = bnode(Id) ). %% iri_list(+Spec, -IRIs, +Context) is det. % % True when IRIs is a list of fulfy qualified IRIs from Spec iri_list(Spec, IRIs, Context) :- Sep = "\s\t\n\r", split_string(Spec, Sep, Sep, SpecList), ( SpecList == [""] -> IRIs = [] ; maplist(ctx_to_iri(Context), SpecList, IRIs0), exclude(==(null), IRIs0, IRIs) ). ctx_to_iri(Context, Spec, IRI) :- term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context). %% iri(+Spec, -IRI, +Context) % % Used for @href and @src attributes iri(Spec, IRI, Context) :- iri_normalized(Spec, Context.eval_context.base, IRI). abs_iri(Spec, IRI) :- uri_components(Spec, Components), uri_data(authority, Components, Authority), nonvar(Authority), uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), nonvar(Scheme), !, iri_normalized(Spec, IRI). %% safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(+Spec, -IRI, +Context) is det. % % Implement section 7.4, CURIE and IRI Processing. Used for % @about and @resource safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context) :- safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context), !. safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context) :- uri_normalized(Spec, Context.eval_context.base, IRI). safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, _Context) :- abs_iri(Spec, IRI0), !, IRI = IRI0. safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context) :- atom_codes(Spec, Codes), ( safe_curie(Codes, Curie) -> ( phrase(curie(IRI, Context), Curie) -> true ; IRI = null ) ; phrase(curie(IRI, Context), Codes) ). safe_curie(Codes, Curie) :- append([0'[|Curie], `]`, Codes). curie(IRI, Context) --> "_:", !, reference_or_empty(Reference), { IRI = Context.eval_context.named_bnodes.v.get(Reference) -> true ; new_bnode(IRI, Context), b_set_dict(v, Context.eval_context.named_bnodes, Context.eval_context.named_bnodes.v.put(Reference, IRI)) }. curie(IRI, Context) --> ":", !, reference_or_empty(Reference), { atom_concat(Context.iri_mapping.get(''), Reference, IRI) }. curie(IRI, Context) --> nc_name(Prefix), ":", !, reference_or_empty(Reference), { atom_concat(Context.iri_mapping.get(Prefix), Reference, IRI0) -> IRI = IRI0 ; rdfa_core_prefix(Prefix, URIPrefix) -> atom_concat(URIPrefix, Reference, IRI) }. %% term_or_curie_or_absiri(+Spec, -IRI, +Context) is det. % % Used for @datatype and @property, @typeof, @rel and @rev term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, _Context) :- abs_iri(Spec, IRI0), !, IRI = IRI0. term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context) :- atom_codes(Spec, Codes), ( phrase(term(Term), Codes), downcase_atom(Term, LwrCase) -> ( Vocab = Context.vocab, Vocab \== '' -> atom_concat(Vocab, Term, IRI) ; term_iri(LwrCase, Context.eval_context.markup, IRI0) -> IRI = IRI0 ; IRI = Context.term_mapping.get(Term) -> true ; dict_pairs(Context.term_mapping, _Tag, Pairs), member(TermCaps-IRI, Pairs), downcase_atom(TermCaps, LwrCase) -> true ; IRI = null ) ; phrase(curie(IRI, Context), Codes) -> true ; uri_normalized(Spec, Context.eval_context.base, IRI) ). %% term_iri(?Term, ?Markup, ?IRI) % % @see http://www.w3.org/2011/rdfa-context/xhtml-rdfa-1.1 term_expansion(term_iri(Term, Markup), term_iri(Term, Markup, URI)) :- default_prefix_mapping(Markup, Prefix), atom_concat(Prefix, Term, URI). term_iri(alternate, xhtml). term_iri(appendix, xhtml). term_iri(cite, xhtml). term_iri(bookmark, xhtml). term_iri(contents, xhtml). term_iri(chapter, xhtml). term_iri(copyright, xhtml). term_iri(first, xhtml). term_iri(glossary, xhtml). term_iri(help, xhtml). term_iri(icon, xhtml). term_iri(index, xhtml). term_iri(last, xhtml). term_iri(meta, xhtml). term_iri(next, xhtml). term_iri(prev, xhtml). term_iri(previous, xhtml). term_iri(section, xhtml). term_iri(start, xhtml). term_iri(stylesheet, xhtml). term_iri(subsection, xhtml). term_iri(top, xhtml). term_iri(up, xhtml). term_iri(p3pv1, xhtml). term_iri(describedby, _, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#describedby'). term_iri(license, _, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#license'). term_iri(role, _, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#role'). /******************************* * GRAMMARS * *******************************/ prefixes(Dict0, Dict) --> ws, nc_name(Name), ws, ":", ws, reference(IRI), !, ws, prefixes(Dict0.put(Name,IRI), Dict). prefixes(Dict, Dict) --> []. ws --> ws1, !, ws. ws --> []. ws1 --> " ". ws1 --> "\t". ws1 --> "\r". ws1 --> "\n". nc_name(Name) --> [H], {nc_name_start_code(H)}, nc_name_codes(Codes), { atom_codes(Name0, [H|Codes]), downcase_atom(Name0, Name) }. %% term(-Term)// % % 7.4.3 term(Term) --> [H], {nc_name_start_code(H)}, term_codes(Codes), { atom_codes(Term, [H|Codes]) }. nc_name_codes([H|T]) --> nc_name_code(H), !, nc_name_codes(T). nc_name_codes([]) --> []. nc_name_code(H) --> [H], {nc_name_code(H)}. term_codes([H|T]) --> term_code(H), !, term_codes(T). term_codes([]) --> []. term_code(H) --> [H], {term_code(H)}. nc_name_start_code(0':) :- !, fail. nc_name_start_code(C) :- xml_basechar(C), !. nc_name_start_code(C) :- xml_ideographic(C). nc_name_code(0':) :- !, fail. nc_name_code(C) :- xml_basechar(C), !. nc_name_code(C) :- xml_digit(C), !. nc_name_code(C) :- xml_ideographic(C), !. nc_name_code(C) :- xml_combining_char(C), !. nc_name_code(C) :- xml_extender(C), !. term_code(0'/) :- !. term_code(C) :- nc_name_code(C). reference(IRI) --> [H], reference_codes(T), { atom_codes(IRI, [H|T]) }. reference_codes([]) --> ws1, !. reference_codes([H|T]) --> [H], !, reference_codes(T). reference_codes([]) --> []. reference_or_empty(IRI) --> reference_codes(Codes), { atom_codes(IRI, Codes) }. %% date_time_type(+DateTime, -DataType) is semidet. % % True when DataType is the xsd type that matches the lexical % representation of DateTime date_time_type(DateTime, DataType) :- atom_codes(DateTime, Codes), phrase(date_time_type(DataType), Codes). date_time_type(DT) --> duration, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:duration) }. date_time_type(DT) --> date_time, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:dateTime) }. date_time_type(DT) --> date, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:date) }. date_time_type(DT) --> time, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:time) }. date_time_type(DT) --> gyearmonth, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:gYearMonth) }. date_time_type(DT) --> gyear, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:gYear) }. duration --> opt_minus, "P", opt_dy, opt_dm, opt_dd, ( "T" -> opt_dh, opt_dm, opt_ds ; "" ). date_time --> opt_minus, yyyy, "-", !, mM, "-", dd, "T", hh, ":", mm, ":", ss, opt_fraction, opt_zzzzzz. date --> opt_minus, yyyy, "-", !, mM, "-", dd. time --> hh, ":", mm, ":", ss, opt_fraction. gyearmonth --> opt_minus, yyyy, "-", !, mM. gyear --> opt_minus, yyyy. opt_minus --> "-", !. opt_minus --> "". yyyy --> dnzs, d, d, d, d. dnzs --> "". dnzs --> dnz, dnzs. opt_fraction --> ".", !, ds. opt_fraction --> "". mM --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M >= 1, M =< 12 }. dd --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M >= 1, M =< 31 }. hh --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M =< 23 }. mm --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M =< 59 }. ss --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M =< 59 }. d(V) --> [D], { between(0'0, 0'9, D), V is D-0'0 }. d --> [D], { between(0'0, 0'9, D) }. dnz --> [D], { between(0'1, 0'9, D) }. ds --> d, !, ds. ds --> "". opt_zzzzzz --> sign, hh, ":", mm. opt_zzzzzz --> "Z". opt_zzzzzz --> "". sign --> "+". sign --> "-". opt_dy --> ( int, "Y" | "" ). opt_dm --> ( int, "M" | "" ). opt_dd --> ( int, "D" | "" ). opt_dh --> ( int, "H" | "" ). opt_ds --> ( int, ("." -> int ; ""), "S" | "" ). int --> d, ds. /******************************* * TRIPLES * *******************************/ %% add_triple(+Context, +S, +P, +O) is det. % % Add a triple to the global evaluation context. Triples are % embedded in a term, so we can use setarg/3 on the list, while % the evaluation context is copied for descending the node % hierarchy. add_triple(Context, S, P, O) :- ( debugging(rdfa(triple)) -> debug(rdfa(triple), 'Added { ~p ~p ~p }', [S,P,O]), backtrace(4) ; true ), valid_subject(S), valid_predicate(P), valid_object(O), !, Triples = Context.eval_context.triples, arg(1, Triples, Old), setarg(1, Triples, [rdf(S,P,O)|Old]). add_triple(_, _, _, _). % ignored invalid triple. valid_subject(S) :- S \== null. valid_predicate(P) :- P \== null, \+ rdf_is_bnode(P). valid_object(O) :- O \== null, ( atom(O) -> true ; valid_literal(O) ). valid_literal(literal(Plain)) :- atom(Plain), !. valid_literal(literal(type(T, _))) :- !, T \== null. valid_literal(literal(lang(_,_))). add_incomplete_triple(Context, Dict) :- debug(rdfa(incomplete), 'Incomplete: ~p', [Dict]), b_set_dict(incomplete_triples, Context, [ Dict | Context.incomplete_triples ]). /******************************* * PATTERNS * *******************************/ %% apply_patterns(+TriplesIn, -TriplesOut) is det. % % Apply RDFa patterns. We need several passes do deal with ordering % issues and the possibility that patterns are invalid: % % 1. find patterns from rdf(_,rdfa:copy,Pattern) % 2. collect the properties for these patterns and delete % patterns that do not have rdf:type rdfa:Pattern. % 3. Actually copy the patterns and delete the patterns themselves. apply_patterns(TriplesIn, TriplesOut) :- referenced_patterns(TriplesIn, Pairs), ( Pairs == [] -> TriplesOut = TriplesIn ; sort(Pairs, UniquePairs), dict_pairs(Dict, _, UniquePairs), pattern_properties(TriplesIn, Dict), delete_invalid_patterns(Dict, Patterns), phrase(apply_patterns(TriplesIn, Patterns), TriplesOut) ). term_expansion(TIn, TOut) :- rdf_global_term(TIn, TOut). referenced_patterns([], []). referenced_patterns([rdf(_,rdfa:copy,O)|T0], [O-[]|T]) :- !, referenced_patterns(T0, T). referenced_patterns([_|T0], T) :- referenced_patterns(T0, T). pattern_properties([], _). pattern_properties([rdf(S,P,O)|T], Dict) :- ignore(b_set_dict(S, Dict, [P-O|Dict.get(S)])), pattern_properties(T, Dict). delete_invalid_patterns(Patterns0, Patterns) :- dict_pairs(Patterns0, Tag, Pairs0), include(rdfa_pattern, Pairs0, Pairs), dict_pairs(Patterns, Tag, Pairs). rdfa_pattern(_-PO) :- memberchk((rdf:type)-(rdfa:'Pattern'), PO). apply_patterns([], _) --> []. apply_patterns([rdf(S,rdfa:copy,O)|T0], Dict) --> !, copy_pattern(Dict.O, S), apply_patterns(T0, Dict). apply_patterns([rdf(S,_,_)|T0], Dict) --> { _ = Dict.get(S) }, !, apply_patterns(T0, Dict). apply_patterns([H|T], Dict) --> [H], apply_patterns(T, Dict). copy_pattern([], _) --> []. copy_pattern([(rdf:type)-(rdfa:'Pattern')|T], S) --> !, copy_pattern(T, S). copy_pattern([P-O|T], S) --> [rdf(S,P,O)], copy_pattern(T, S). /******************************* * HOOK INTO RDF-DB * *******************************/ :- multifile rdf_db:rdf_load_stream/3, rdf_db:rdf_file_type/2. %% rdf_db:rdf_load_stream(+Format, +Stream, :Options) % % Register library(semweb/rdfa) as loader for HTML RDFa files. % % @tbd Which options need to be forwarded to read_rdfa/3? rdf_db:rdf_load_stream(rdfa, Stream, _Module:Options1):- rdf_db:graph(Options1, Graph), atom_concat('__', Graph, BNodePrefix), merge_options([anon_prefix(BNodePrefix)], Options1, Options2), read_rdfa(Stream, Triples, Options2), rdf_transaction(( forall(member(rdf(S,P,O), Triples), rdf_assert(S, P, O, Graph)), rdf_set_graph(Graph, modified(false)) ), parse(Graph)). rdf_db:rdf_file_type(html, rdfa).