/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1999-2015, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(thread_util, [ thread_run_interactor/0, % interactor main loop threads/0, % List available threads join_threads/0, % Join all terminated threads interactor/0, % Create a new interactor thread_has_console/0, % Test whether calling thread has a console attach_console/0, % Create an xterm-console for thread. tspy/1, % :Spec tspy/2, % :Spec, +ThreadId tdebug/0, tdebug/1, % +ThreadId tnodebug/0, tnodebug/1, % +ThreadId tprofile/1 % +ThreadId ]). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- module_transparent tspy/1, tspy/2. /** Interactive thread utilities This library provides utilities that are primarily intended for interactive usage in a threaded Prolog environment. It allows for inspecting threads, manage I/O of background threads (depending on the environment) and manipulating the debug status of threads. */ %% threads % % List currently known threads with their status. threads :- threads(Threads), print_message(information, threads(Threads)). threads(Threads) :- findall(Thread, thread_statistics(_,Thread), Threads). %% join_threads % % Join all terminated threads. join_threads :- findall(Ripped, rip_thread(Ripped), AllRipped), ( AllRipped == [] -> true ; print_message(informational, joined_threads(AllRipped)) ). rip_thread(thread{id:id, status:Status}) :- thread_property(Id, status(Status)), Status \== running, \+ thread_self(Id), thread_join(Id, _). %% interactor % % Run a Prolog toplevel in another thread with a new console window. interactor :- thread_create(thread_run_interactor, _Id, [ detached(true), debug(false) ]). thread_run_interactor :- set_prolog_flag(query_debug_settings, debug(false, false)), attach_console, print_message(banner, thread_welcome), prolog. %% thread_has_console is semidet. % % True when the calling thread has an attached console. % % @see attach_console/0 :- dynamic has_console/4. % Id, In, Out, Err thread_has_console(main) :- !. % we assume main has one. thread_has_console(Id) :- has_console(Id, _, _, _). thread_has_console :- current_prolog_flag(break_level, _), !. thread_has_console :- thread_self(Id), thread_has_console(Id), !. %% attach_console is det. % % Create an xterm-console and make the standard Prolog streams point to % it. attach_console :- thread_has_console, !. attach_console :- thread_self(Id), console_title(Id, Title), open_console(Title, In, Out, Err), assert(has_console(Id, In, Out, Err)), set_stream(In, alias(user_input)), set_stream(Out, alias(user_output)), set_stream(Err, alias(user_error)), set_stream(In, alias(current_input)), set_stream(Out, alias(current_output)), thread_at_exit(detach_console(Id)). console_title(Thread, Title) :- % uses tabbed consoles current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt), !, format(atom(Title), 'Thread ~w', [Thread]). console_title(Thread, Title) :- current_prolog_flag(system_thread_id, SysId), format(atom(Title), 'SWI-Prolog Thread ~w (~d) Interactor', [Thread, SysId]). :- if(current_predicate(win_open_console/5)). open_console(Title, In, Out, Err) :- thread_self(Id), regkey(Id, Key), win_open_console(Title, In, Out, Err, [ registry_key(Key) ]). regkey(Key, Key) :- atom(Key). regkey(_, 'Anonymous'). :- else. open_console(Title, In, Out, Err) :- open_xterm(Title, In, Out, Err). :- endif. detach_console(Id) :- ( retract(has_console(Id, In, Out, Err)) -> close(In, [force(true)]), close(Out, [force(true)]), close(Err, [force(true)]) ; true ). /******************************* * DEBUGGING * *******************************/ %% tspy(:Spec) is det. %% tspy(:Spec, +ThreadId) is det. % % Trap the graphical debugger on reaching Spec in the specified or % any thread. tspy(Spec) :- spy(Spec), tdebug. tspy(Spec, ThreadID) :- spy(Spec), tdebug(ThreadID). %% tdebug is det. %% tdebug(+Thread) is det. % % Enable debug-mode, trapping the graphical debugger on reaching % spy-points or errors. tdebug :- forall(debug_target(Id), thread_signal(Id, gdebug)). tdebug(ThreadID) :- thread_signal(ThreadID, gdebug). %% tnodebug is det. %% tnodebug(+Thread) is det. % % Disable debug-mode in all threads or the specified Thread. tnodebug :- forall(debug_target(Id), thread_signal(Id, nodebug)). tnodebug(ThreadID) :- thread_signal(ThreadID, nodebug). debug_target(Thread) :- thread_property(Thread, status(running)), thread_property(Thread, debug(true)). /******************************* * REMOTE PROFILING * *******************************/ %% tprofile(+Thread) is det. % % Profile the operation of Thread until the user hits a key. tprofile(Thread) :- init_pce, thread_signal(Thread, ( reset_profiler, profiler(_, true) )), format('Running profiler in thread ~w (press RET to show results) ...', [Thread]), flush_output, get0(_), thread_signal(Thread, ( profiler(_, false), show_profile(plain, 25) )). %% init_pce % % Make sure XPCE is running if it is attached, so we can use the % graphical display using in_pce_thread/1. init_pce :- current_prolog_flag(gui, true), !, call(send(@(display), open)). % avoid autoloading init_pce. /******************************* * HOOKS * *******************************/ :- multifile user:message_hook/3. user:message_hook(trace_mode(on), _, Lines) :- \+ thread_has_console, \+ current_prolog_flag(gui_tracer, true), catch(attach_console, _, fail), print_message_lines(user_error, '% ', Lines). :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(thread_welcome) --> { thread_self(Self) }, [ 'SWI-Prolog console for thread ~w'-[Self], nl, nl ]. prolog:message(joined_threads(Threads)) --> [ 'Joined the following threads'-[], nl ], thread_list(Threads). prolog:message(threads(Threads)) --> thread_list(Threads). thread_list(Threads) --> { maplist(th_id_len, Threads, Lens), max_list(Lens, MaxWidth), LeftColWidth is max(6, MaxWidth), Threads = [H|_] }, thread_list_header(H, LeftColWidth), thread_list(Threads, LeftColWidth). th_id_len(Thread, IdLen) :- write_length(Thread.id, IdLen, [quoted(true)]). thread_list([], _) --> []. thread_list([H|T], CW) --> thread_info(H, CW), ( {T == []} -> [] ; [nl], thread_list(T, CW) ). thread_list_header(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:_, status:_, time:_, stacks:_} :< Thread, !, HrWidth is CW+18+13 }, [ '~|~tThread~*+ Status~tTime~18+~tStack use~13+'-[CW], nl ], [ '~|~`-t~*+'-[HrWidth], nl ]. thread_list_header(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:_, status:_} :< Thread, !, HrWidth is CW+7 }, [ '~|~tThread~*+ Status'-[CW], nl ], [ '~|~`-t~*+'-[HrWidth], nl ]. thread_info(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:Id, status:Status, time:Time, stacks:Stacks} :< Thread }, !, [ '~|~t~q~*+ ~w~t~3f~18+~t~D~13+'- [ Id, CW, Status, Time.cpu, Stacks.total.usage ] ]. thread_info(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:Id, status:Status} :< Thread }, !, [ '~|~t~q~*+ ~w'- [ Id, CW, Status ] ].