name lecturer category Package revision 23916 shortdesc On-screen presentations for (almost) all formats. relocated 1 longdesc The package creates slides for on-screen presentations based on longdesc PDF features without manipulating TeX's typesetting process. longdesc The presentation flow relies on PDF's abilities to display longdesc content step by step. Features include: Free positioning of longdesc anything anywhere in painted areas on the slide, as well as in longdesc the main textblock; Numerous attributes to control the layout longdesc and the presentation flow, from TeX's primitive dimensions to longdesc the visibility of steps; Feature inheritance from global to longdesc local settings, with intermediate types; Basic drawing longdesc facilities to produce symbols, e.g., for list items or buttons; longdesc Colours, transparency, shades, and pictures; Navigation with longdesc links, pop-up menus, and customizable bookmarks; Easy switch longdesc between presentation and handout; and PDF transitions. Besides longdesc the traditional documentation, the distribution includes visual longdesc documentation and six demo presentations ranging from geometric longdesc abstraction to classic style to silly video game. Lecturer is longdesc designed to work with all formats, but presently fails with longdesc ConTeXt MkIV (because of clashes in management of PDF objects, longdesc probably), works only with pdfTeX and LuaTeX for the time longdesc being, and requires texapi and yax, both v.1.02. runfiles size=23 RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/lecturer.sty RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/lecturer.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/ltr-areas.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/ltr-graphics.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/ltr-job.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/ltr-navigation.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/ltr-slides.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/ltr-steps.tex RELOC/tex/generic/lecturer/t-lecturer.tex catalogue-ctan /macros/generic/lecturer catalogue-date 2014-10-10 18:20:36 +0200 catalogue-license lppl