name mycv category Package revision 26807 shortdesc A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations. relocated 1 longdesc The class provides a set of functionality for writing longdesc "curriculum vitae" with different layouts. The idea is that a longdesc user can write some custom configuration directives, by means longdesc of which is possible both to produce different c.v. layouts and longdesc quickly switch among them. In order to process such directives, longdesc the class uses a set of lists, provided by the package longdesc etextools. Basic support for using TikZ decorations is also longdesc provided. runfiles size=11 RELOC/scripts/mycv/ RELOC/tex/latex/mycv/mycv.cls RELOC/tex/latex/mycv/mycv_base.def RELOC/tex/latex/mycv/mycv_dec.sty RELOC/tex/latex/mycv/mycv_misc.def RELOC/tex/latex/mycv/mycv_style.sty RELOC/tex/latex/mycv/mycv_version.def catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/mycv catalogue-date 2014-11-07 14:37:14 +0100 catalogue-license lppl1.3 catalogue-version 1.5.6