LaTeX Class for The Annals of Mathematics Boris Veytsman Version 1.14a This package provides the class for typesetting articles for The Annals of Mathematics, Changes: Version 1.14a New url on the masthead Version 1.14 Added macros for Crossref submissions Version 1.13 The correction in v1.12 did not work with older hyperref versions. This release corrects the problem. Version 1.12 Corrected the bug with hyperref and appendix Version 1.11 Added \copyrightnote Added \fulladdress Bibliography changes: added titlenote field, deleted \bysame line Bug fix with e-mail including underscores Version 1.10 `Old' doi formatting can be set with the option olddoi Support for French and German added Version 1.9 Changed formatting of doi numbers Version 1.8 Bibliography changes: @incollection now the uses venue field; "von" part is not used when ordering entries. Version 1.7 Suppressed end page number in the header for one-page documents Version 1.6 Appendix letter is now upright in the refs, even inside italics Bibliography style change: aomalpha.bst now respects the key field Version 1.5 Typo corrected: arXiV is now arXiv Bibliography style change: added sortyear field Version 1.4 Changed formatting of sections and subsections Version 1.3 Bug fixes Bibliography style change: added url field