this is a Package including beamer and scrlttr2 derived classes for the corporate design of the University of Regensburg. The beamer layout can be used as a class or a theme (see beamer documentation). The missing logos are available for members of the University via: In Version 1.1 (2015/06/15) of the package urcls consists of URbeamer.cls Version 1.6 (2015/06/15) URletter.cls Version 1.5 (2015/01/28) URcolors.sty Version 1.1 (2013/06/04) beamerthemeUR.sty Version 1.0 (2015/01/28) beamerouterthemeUR.sty Version 1.4 (2015/06/15) beamerfontthemeUR.sty Version 1.0 (2014/02/14) beamercolorthemeUR Version 1.0 (2013/03/16) and the example files DEMO-Brief.tex/.pdf Version 1.1 (2015/06/15) DEMO-Praesentation.tex/.pdf Version 1.1 (2015/06/15) UR-Adressdaten.lco Version 1.1 (2015/06/15) as well as this README. Changes since last Version have only been made for made to fix Bugs (Correct Title positioning when using beamer-option aspectratio) and additional support for the tikz-feature externalize (see Demo-files) as well as for LuaLaTeX.