CLASSES=none PSTAMP=q20151005191747 LICFILE=share/texmf/doc/licenses.txt LICURL= LICINFO=free DESC=TexLive is a comprehensive TeX system for many platforms. This package contains the TeXLive binextra collection, i.e. various useful, but non-essential utilities and macros, e.g. for DVI file manipulation, literate programming, pdf file processing/manipulation, ... In contrast to TexLive's binextra collection this package does not contain asymptote and xindy. Also note that if you want to use the included texdoctk script, you also need to install the perl-tk-512 package (or newer). This package consumes ~29 MB on a lzjb compressed ZFS, ~19 MB with facet.doc.tex=false. BASEDIR=/usr VENDOR=LINOFEE, CATEGORY=text,application NAME=TeXLive misc. utilities and macros SERIALNUM=001 MAXINST=1000 VERSION=1.0.20150521 ARCH=i386 PKG=LNFtl-utils