;;; Begin Twelf mode setup ;; Extend emacs load path, if necessary (cond ((not (member (concat twelf-root "emacs") load-path)) (setq load-path (cons (concat twelf-root "emacs") load-path)))) ;; Autoload libraries when Twelf-related major modes are started. (autoload 'twelf-mode "twelf" "Major mode for editing Twelf source." t) (autoload 'twelf-server "twelf" "Run an inferior Twelf server." t) (autoload 'twelf-sml "twelf" "Run an inferior Twelf-SML process." t) (autoload 'twelf-info "twelf" "Browse Twelf User's Guide." t) ;; Switch buffers to Twelf mode based on filename extension, ;; which is one of .elf, .quy, .thm, or .cfg. (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.elf$" . twelf-mode) (cons '("\\.quy$" . twelf-mode) (cons '("\\.thm$" . twelf-mode) (cons '("\\.cfg$" . twelf-mode) auto-mode-alist))))) ;; Default Twelf server program location (setq twelf-server-program (concat twelf-root "bin/twelf-server")) ;; Default Twelf SML program location (setq twelf-sml-program (concat twelf-root "bin/twelf-sml")) ;; Default documentation location (in info format) (setq twelf-info-file (concat twelf-root "doc/info/twelf.info")) ;; Automatically highlight Twelf sources using font-lock (add-hook 'twelf-mode-hook 'twelf-font-fontify-buffer) ;;; End Twelf mode setup