P LNFghc-76 The Glasgow Haskell Compiler 7.6 (ghc) P LNFansi-terminal-76 ANSI terminal support for Haskell P LNFblaze-builder-76 Haskell ByteString library P LNFcase-insensitive-76 Case insensitive string comparison for Haskell P LNFhttp-types-76 Generic HTTP types for Haskell P LNFlifted-base-76 Lifted IO operations from the base library for Haskell P LNFnetwork-76 Haskell low-level networking interface P LNFresourcet-76 Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources for Haskell P LNFstreaming-commons-76 Haskell lower-level functions for streaming P LNFtext-76 Haskell Unicode text type P LNFunix-compat-76 Haskell POSIX-compatibility layer P LNFvault-76 Haskell persistent store P LNFvoid-76 A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type P LNFwai-76 Haskell Web Application Interface P LNFbase64-bytestring-76 Haskell Base64 de/encoder for ByteStrings P LNFcookie-76 HTTP cookie parsing and rendering for Haskell P LNFdata-default-class-76 Haskell class for types with a default value P LNFfast-logger-76 A logging system for Haskell P LNFstringsearch-76 Haskell search, split and replace for ByteStrings P LNFwai-logger-76 Haskell logging system for WAI P LNFword8-76 Haskell word8 library