%% This is a (possibly outdated) subset of AAL.het, which has been created for demonstrating the need to map symbols to terms. library SymbolTermMapping from OpenAALOntology get httpwwwopenaalorgSAMOntology |-> OpenAAL logic Propositional spec LightSwitch = props light_on, person_in_room, dark_outside . light_on <=> person_in_room /\ dark_outside end logic OWL %% TODO What is the syntax for OWL RL? spec AAL = OpenAAL with |-> AssistedPerson %% TODO how to map symbols by their absolute URI? then { Prefix: ht: Class: LightSwitch SubClassOf: ht:Device } spec LightSwitchToAALMap = AAL then { Prefix: location: Prefix: openaal: Class: person_in_room Class: light_on EquivalentClasses: person_in_room, location:Room that inverse openaal:is-in-room min 1 AssistedPerson EquivalentClasses: light_on, location:Room that inverse openaal:is-in-room only (not (LightSwitch that openaal:has-power-state value Off)) } %[view LightSwitchToAAL : LightSwitch to LightSwitchToAALMap]% %[I would actually like to write this view without having to implement the LightSwitchToAALMap spec. The latter establishes a mapping via OWL's equivalence construct, which does not exist in all profiles of OWL, at least not without restrictions.]%