; Dec 18 2012 - Started with mode331 (Combo of mode257 mode306 mode307) ; and modified so that it suggests many FO-like setsubs early in the search. ; It uses E to try to prove one of the setsubs leads to a solution. SPLIT_GLOBAL_DISJUNCTIONS true ENUM_ITER_DEEP true ENUM_ITER_DEEP_INIT 7 ENUM_CHOICE 20 ENUM_SORT 0 ENUM_O 20 ENUM_ARROW 20 ENUM_FALSE 20 ENUM_NEG 0 ENUM_IMP 2 ENUM_FORALL 20 ENUM_EQ 0 PROJECT_DELAY 0 IMITATE_DELAY 0 USE_E true E_PERIOD 1000 E_TIMEOUT 3 E_EQO_EQUIV true