PKG=LNFnvidia-dkms-470 ARCH=x86_64 VERSION=470. SERIALNUM=001 NAME=NVIDIA GPU driver kernel modules CATEGORY=develop,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=This binary-only packages contains the original kernel modules for NVIDIA graphics cards. They provide optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL applications via a direct-rendering X Server, PCIe, SLI, TV-out and also support flat panel displays. This package should be used, where you not want to pollute the environment with all the otherwise useless packages required to be installed for being able to compile them, e.g. in the global zone of bare metal boxes (in terms of space: about 22 MB vs. 608 MB). If you want to compile them from source by yourself, download the corresponding package from and install this one instead. Note that the documentation is bundled in the nvidia-driver-470 package. LICINFO=MIT License LICURL= LICFILE=mit.txt PSTAMP=bionic20210903212014 CLASSES=none