#!/bin/ksh93 # A wrapper around docker.io, which just adds --runtime=nvidia to run and create # command and passes $NV_GPU as NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES env var if set. typeset NV_DOCKER="${NV_DOCKER:-docker}" ARG VERSION='' function checkNvRuntime { typeset ARG='/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime' DV BEST [[ -x ${ARG} ]] && return 0 typeset -a LINE ALL print -u2 "Missing the executable '${ARG}'." DV=${ dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' docker.io ; } [[ -n ${DV} ]] && DV=${DV%%-*} || \ print -u2 'Ooops, docker.io seems not to be installed.' apt-cache madison nvidia-container-runtime 2>/dev/null | while read -A L do if [[ -z ${BEST} ]]; then X=${L[2]%-*} [[ ${DV} == ${X#*docker} ]] && BEST="${L[2]}" && continue fi ALL+=" apt-get install nvidia-container-runtime=${L[2]}\n" done if [[ -z ${ALL} && -z ${BEST} ]]; then print -u2 'nvidia-container-runtime package infos are not available.' print -u2 "Please run '/usr/sbin/nvidia-Repos+Keys.sh -a' as root\n" \ 'to add the nvidia repository infos to your system.' return 2 fi X="The package 'nvidia-container-runtime' should be [re-]installed on this" X+=' system.\n\nRun: apt-get install nvidia-container-runtime to install the latest version' if [[ -n ${BEST} ]]; then X+=", or\n apt-get install nvidia-container-runtime=${BEST}\nto " X+='install the version which matches the installed docker.io package' fi if [[ -n ${ALL} ]]; then X+=", or any of\n${ALL}to install the version you want (but may not" X+='work at all)' fi print "$X"'. To prevent the automatic upgrade to the most recent version just run: apt-mark hold nvidia-container-runtime and the same command but with "unhold" to release the lock. ' return 3 } checkNvRuntime || return 99 typeset -a SEEN typeset -a NEW_ARGS while (( $# )); do SEEN+=( "$1" ) ARG="$1" shift case "${ARG}" in run|create) NEW_ARGS+=( '--runtime=nvidia' ) [[ -n ${NV_GPU} ]] && \ NEW_ARGS+=( '-e' 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='"${NV_GPU// /,}" ) break ;; version) print "NVIDIA Docker: ${VERSION}" break ;; --) break ;; esac done [[ -n ${NV_DEBUG} ]] && set -x exec ${NV_DOCKER} "${SEEN[@]}" "${NEW_ARGS[@]}" "$@"