PKG=veeam5-nosnap ARCH=x86_64 VERSION= SERIALNUM=001 NAME=Veeam Agent for Linux CATEGORY=network,application VENDOR= BASEDIR=/ DESC=This package contains the original Veeam Agent for Linux from the download page, but without all unneeded bloat and dependencies (e.g. lvm2, dkms, full C development environment, etc.), Furthermore the package design has now system integrity in mind. Thus it follows much better the IT Baseline Protection Catalog of the german Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and fits container deployments much better than the original stuff. Last but not least most of the install scripts got removed: You have to take care by yourself to stop the service before intalling or removing this package and doing a 'systemctl daemon-reload' after it. PSTAMP=bionic20210420154551 CLASSES=none