PKG=LNFfreeswitch-extra ARCH=x86_64 VERSION= SERIALNUM=001 NAME=Extra modules for FreeSWITCH CATEGORY=network,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=This package contains a lot of optional, non-default modules for FreeSWITCH, which have no other external dependencies as the freeswitch core itself (and thus avoids pulling in other packages). FreeSWITCH is a scalable open source cross-platform telephony platform designed to route and interconnect popular communication protocols using audio, video, text or any other form of media. The mentioned packages are right now: mod_abstraction, mod_avmd, mod_bert, mod_blacklist, mod_callcenter, mod_cidlookup, mod_curl, mod_directory, mod_distributor, mod_easyroute, mod_esl, mod_fsk, mod_http_cache, mod_ladspa, mod_lcr, mod_mp4v, mod_nibblebill, mod_odbc_cdr, mod_oreka, mod_prefix, mod_rad_auth, mod_redis, mod_rss, mod_snapshot, mod_snom, mod_sonar, mod_spy, mod_stress, mod_translate, mod_video_filter, mod_vmd, mod_voicemail_ivr, mod_tts_commandline, mod_pocketsphinx, mod_unimrcp, mod_dialplan_directory, mod_amrwb, mod_clearmode, mod_isac, mod_theora, mod_dingaling, mod_rtmp, mod_basic, mod_dahdi_codec, mod_cdr_mongodb, mod_erlang_event, mod_event_multicast, mod_fail2ban, mod_format_cdr, mod_json_cdr, mod_radius_cdr, mod_event_zmq, mod_shell_stream, mod_ssml, mod_graylog2, mod_raven, mod_posix_timer, mod_timerfd, mod_xml_curl, mod_xml_radius. LICINFO=Mozilla Public License 1.1 LICURL= LICFILE=mpl11.txt PSTAMP=focal20200630044138 CLASSES=none