PKG=LNFcuda-drivers ARCH=x86_64 VERSION=565. SERIALNUM=001 NAME=CUDA driver metapackage CATEGORY=develop,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=This metapackage basically pulls in the 'nvidia-driver-565' metapackage as well as some additional utilities like nvidia-modprobe (usually not needed) and nvidia-settings. If you do not need to run X11 or wayland, e.g. in a [compute] server environment, you should better install the 'nvidia-headless-565' or the 'nvidia-headless-no-dkms-565' metapackage, which avoid to pull in all the X11/Wayland related server, libraries and possibly documentation. Note that the difference of this package to the original one hosted on the NVIDA repository is, that it does not duplicate any dependencies from pulled in packages, but leaves it to the package resolver to do this as needed and thus avoids another point of failures and redundancy. LICINFO=MIT License LICURL= LICFILE=mit.txt PSTAMP=jammy20241104173336