library Ontology/Blending/SignForest logic OWL serialization Manchester %% signs are physical artifacts %% Signs have a low density of symbols, i.e., the number of symbols on a sign may not exceed seven (?) items. %% symbols convey information or point to other objects. %% ( in principle: signs can be classified into different types of signs, such as road sign or warning sign. ) ontology Signage = ObjectProperty: conveys Characteristics: Irreflexive, Asymmetric Domain: Symbol or Shape or Colour Range: Information ObjectProperty: depicts Characteristics: Irreflexive, Asymmetric Domain: Sign Range: Symbol ObjectProperty: pointsTo Domain: Information Range: Object ObjectProperty: hasColour Range: Colour ObjectProperty: hasShape Range: Shape ObjectProperty: locatedAt Range: PhysicalSupport Class: Sign SubClassOf: PhysicalArtefact EquivalentTo: depicts max 7 Symbol Class: Symbol EquivalentTo: conveys some Information Class: Information Class: PhysicalArtefact SubClassOf: hasColour exactly 1 Colour, hasShape exactly 1 Shape, locatedAt some PhysicalSupport Class: Object Class: Colour Class: Shape Class: PhysicalSupport end ontology Forest = %% forests are natural groups of `soil, plant, and animal life' %% todo: with a high density of trees, i.e., more than 100 (?) %% ( in principle: They can be classified into types, such as rainforest or tropical forest. ) Class: NaturalGroup Class: Plant Class: Tree SubClassOf: Plant ObjectProperty: contains Class: Forest SubClassOf: NaturalGroup %% TODO: 100 instead of 5!!! EquivalentTo: contains min 5 Tree, contains some (Soil or Plant or AnimalLife) Class: Soil Class: AnimalLife end ontology SignForestBase = %% Schilderwald Class: AbstractSupport ObjectProperty: hasLocation ObjectProperty: contains Class: BaseObject SubClassOf: hasLocation some AbstractSupport Class: Container SubClassOf: contains some BaseObject end view SignageWithSignForestBase : {SignForestBase hide Container, contains} to Signage = BaseObject |-> Sign, AbstractSupport |-> PhysicalSupport, hasLocation |-> locatedAt %% hidden the following and extend conservatively later to calculate colimit %% Container |-> SignCollection, %% contains |-> contains end ontology SignageConservativeExt = Signage then %cons ObjectProperty: contains Class: SignCollection SubClassOf: contains some Sign end view SignageWithSignForestBaseForColimit : SignForestBase to SignageConservativeExt = BaseObject |-> Sign, AbstractSupport |-> PhysicalSupport, hasLocation |-> locatedAt, Container |-> SignCollection, contains |-> contains end view ForestWithSignForestBase : {SignForestBase hide hasLocation} to Forest = AbstractSupport |-> Soil, Container |-> Forest, contains |-> contains, BaseObject |-> Tree end ontology ForestConservativeExt = Forest then %cons ObjectProperty: growsOn Class: Tree SubClassOf: growsOn some Soil end view ForestWithSignForestBaseForColimit : SignForestBase to ForestConservativeExt = AbstractSupport |-> Soil, Container |-> Forest, contains |-> contains, BaseObject |-> Tree, hasLocation |-> growsOn end %% in hets: %% SignForest colimit from SignageWithSignForestBaseForColimit to ForestWithSignForestBaseForColimit ontology Blend1 = combine SignageWithSignForestBase, ForestWithSignForestBase end ontology Blend2 = combine SignageWithSignForestBaseForColimit, ForestWithSignForestBaseForColimit end