logic OWL serialization Manchester spec TimeOWL = Class: TemporalEntity ObjectProperty: before Domain: TemporalEntity Range: TemporalEntity Characteristics: Transitive end logic CommonLogic spec TimeCL = %% CommonLogic equivalent of Domain and Range above . (forall (t1 t2) (if (before t1 t2) (and (TemporalEntity t1) (TemporalEntity t2)))) %% CommonLogic equivalent of Transitive above . (forall (t1 t2 t3) (if (and (before t1 t2) (before t2 t3)) (before t1 t3))) %% A new axiom that cannot be expressed in OWL . (forall (t1 t2) (or (before t1 t2) (before t2 t1) (= t1 t2))) end view TimeOWLtoCL : { TimeOWL with logic OWL22CommonLogic } to TimeCL %% As OWL22CommonLogic is the default translation, %% it is optional to specify it.