# This is a configuration file for the # https://github.com/jelmd/snmp-export/tree/main/generator # (C) 2022 by Jens Elkner (jel+snmpex@cs.uni-magdeburg.de) # # To translate it into a YAML spec conforming file, you need to pass it through # https://github.com/jelmd/snakeyaml - this is a modified YAML file parser, # which allows duplicated keys and in turn does what most normal people would # do: merge its contents into a single basket and throw away the now redundant # basket. # Queries: # curl -s 'http://localhost:9116/snmp?module=surtxli_with_env&compact&target=surtxli-a' # no iem query -> saves a lot of time (~0.5s) # curl -s 'http://localhost:9116/snmp?module=surtxli_no_env&compact&target=surtxli-b' # curl -s 'http://localhost:9116/snmp?module=ats&compact&target=ats' modules: global_vars: prefix: &prefix apc surtxli_template: walk: &surtxli_walk - sysObjectID # - sysUpTime # - snmpInPkts # - snmpOutPkts # #- upsConfigOutputVA # unreliable - upsAdvInputLineFailCause # # Last Battery Transfer - upsBasicIdentModel - upsBasicBatteryStatus - upsBasicBatteryTimeOnBattery # [100 Hz] - upsBasicInputPhase - upsBasicOutputPhase - upsBasicOutputStatus - upsHighPrecBatteryCapacity # Capacity [%] - upsHighPrecBatteryTemperature # Internal Temperature [°cC] - upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltage # Battery Voltage [VDC] - upsHighPrecInputLineVoltage # Input Voltage [VAC] - upsHighPrecInputFrequency # Input Frequency [Hz] # evtl. raus - bzgl. letzter 1 min - upsHighPrecInputMaxLineVoltage - upsHighPrecInputMinLineVoltage # 4a, 4b - upsHighPrecInputBypassVoltage # Bypass Input Voltage [VAC] - upsHighPrecInputBypassFrequency # Frequency [Hz] - upsHighPrecOutputVoltage # Output Voltage [VAC] - upsHighPrecOutputFrequency # Frequency [Hz] - upsHighPrecOutputLoad # 1a,1b,3b,4a,4b: Apparent Load Power [% VA] # 3a: Load Power [% W] - upsHighPrecOutputCurrent # Load Current [cA] - upsAdvConfigRatedOutputVoltage - upsAdvConfigHighTransferVolt - upsAdvConfigLowTransferVolt lookups: &surtxli_lookups - source_indexes: [] lookup: upsBasicIdentModel mprefix: [upsBasicIdentModel] rename: name overrides: &surtxli_overrides sysUpTime: &sysUpTime_override type: uptime regex_extracts: .boot_time: - regex: '(.*)' value: '$1' sysObjectID: remap: # because upsConfigOutputVA is unreliable or n/a on some NMCs '': 8000 # smartUPS2 '': 8000 # smartUPS8000 '': 10000 # smartUPS10000 rename: - sub_oids: '.*' value: apc_upsConfigOutputVA upsBasicIdentModel: regex_extracts: '': - regex: '.*' value: '1' surtxli_no_env: # 4b prefix: *prefix walk: *surtxli_walk lookups: *surtxli_lookups overrides: <<: *surtxli_overrides surtxli_with_env: # 4a, 3a, 3b prefix: *prefix walk: *surtxli_walk overrides: <<: *surtxli_overrides lookups: *surtxli_lookups walk: - iemStatusProbeCurrentTemp # Integrated Temp.: ca. 0.5+-0.1s !!! [°cC] #- iemStatusProbeCurrentHumid lookups: - source_indexes: [iemStatusProbeNumber] lookup: _dummy drop_source_indexes: true ats_template: walk: &ats_gets # tables n/a - sysUpTime # - snmpInPkts # - snmpOutPkts # - atsIdentModelNumber # AP* - atsConfigPreferredSource # SourceNum - atsStatusSelectedSource # SourceNum - atsStatusRedundancyState # [1:atsRedundancyLost,2:atsFullyRedundant] - atsStatusSwitchStatus # [1:fail, 2:ok] - atsStatusSourceAStatus # [1:fail, 2:ok] - atsStatusSourceBStatus # [1:fail, 2:ok] - atsStatusPhaseSyncStatus # [1:inSync, 2:outOfSync] - atsStatusVoltageOutStatus # [1:fail, 2:ok] - atsStatusHardwareStatus # [1:fail, 2:ok] walk: &ats_walk # atsInputTable - atsInputFrequency # [Hz] # atsInputPhaseTable - atsInputVoltage # [VAC] # atsOutputTable - atsOutputFrequency # [Hz] # atsOutputPhaseTable - atsOutputVoltage # [V] - atsOutputCurrent # [cA] - atsOutputLoad # [VA] - atsOutputPower # [W] - atsOutputPercentLoad # [%] - atsOutputPercentPower # [%] - atsOutputPhaseState # [1:normal,2:lowload,3:nearoverld,4:overld] lookups: &ats_lookups - source_indexes: [atsInputTableIndex] lookup: atsInputName mprefix: [atsInputFreq] rename: source revalue: regex: 'Source ([AB])' value: '$1' - source_indexes: [atsInputPhaseTableIndex] lookup: atsInputName mprefix: [atsInputVolt] rename: source revalue: regex: 'Source ([AB])' value: '$1' - source_indexes: [atsOutputPhaseTableIndex] lookup: _dummy mprefix: [atsOutput] drop_source_indexes: true - source_indexes: [] lookup: atsIdentModelNumber mprefix: [atsIdentModelNumber] rename: name overrides: &ats_overrides sysUpTime: <<: *sysUpTime_override # atsInputTable atsInputCurrent: ignore: true atsInputName: ignore: true atsInputTableIndex: ignore: true atsInputType: ignore: true atsInputVoltageOrientation: ignore: true atsNumInputPhases: ignore: true # atsInputPhaseTable atsInputMaxCurrent: ignore: true atsInputMaxPower: ignore: true atsInputMaxVoltage: ignore: true atsInputMinCurrent: ignore: true atsInputMinPower: ignore: true atsInputMinVoltage: ignore: true atsInputPhaseIndex: ignore: true atsInputPhaseTableIndex: ignore: true atsInputPower: ignore: true # atsOutputTable atsOutputTableIndex: ignore: true atsNumOutputPhases: ignore: true atsOutputVoltageOrientation: ignore: true # atsOutputPhaseTable atsOutputPhaseTableIndex: ignore: true atsOutputPhaseIndex: ignore: true atsOutputMaxCurrent: ignore: true atsOutputMinCurrent: ignore: true atsOutputMaxLoad: ignore: true atsOutputMinLoad: ignore: true atsOutputMaxPercentLoad: ignore: true atsOutputMinPercentLoad: ignore: true atsOutputMaxPower: ignore: true atsOutputMinPower: ignore: true atsOutputMaxPercentPower: ignore: true atsOutputMinPercentPower: ignore: true # drop n/a stats atsOutputLoad: remap: '-1': '@drop@' atsOutputPercentLoad: remap: '-1': '@drop@' # normalize Load atsOutputCurrent: regex_extracts: '': - regex: '([0-9])*([0-9])' value: '$1.$2' atsIdentModelNumber: regex_extracts: '': - regex: '.*' value: '1' # ATS snmp is awefully slow, so pull intervall should be min. 2s, better 3+s ats: prefix: *prefix walk: *ats_gets walk: #*ats_walk - atsInputTable - atsInputPhaseTable - atsOutputTable - atsOutputPhaseTable lookups: *ats_lookups overrides: <<: *ats_overrides walk: - _dummy