--- sort: 7 --- # vmrestore `vmrestore` restores data from backups created by [vmbackup](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmbackup.html). Restore process can be interrupted at any time. It is automatically resumed from the interruption point when restarting `vmrestore` with the same args. ## Usage VictoriaMetrics must be stopped during the restore process. Run the following command to restore backup from the given `-src` into the given `-storageDataPath`: ```console ./vmrestore -src=:// -storageDataPath= ``` * `://` is the path to backup made with [vmbackup](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmbackup.html). `vmrestore` can restore backups from the following storage types: * [GCS](https://cloud.google.com/storage/). Example: `-src=gs:///` * [S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/). Example: `-src=s3:///` * [Azure Blob Storage](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/storage/blobs/). Example: `-src=azblob:///` * Any S3-compatible storage such as [MinIO](https://github.com/minio/minio), [Ceph](https://docs.ceph.com/en/pacific/radosgw/s3/) or [Swift](https://platform.swiftstack.com/docs/admin/middleware/s3_middleware.html). See [these docs](#advanced-usage) for details. * Local filesystem. Example: `-src=fs://`. Note that `vmbackup` prevents from storing the backup into the directory pointed by `-storageDataPath` command-line flag, since this directory should be managed solely by VictoriaMetrics or `vmstorage`. * `` is the path to folder where data will be restored. This folder must be passed to VictoriaMetrics in `-storageDataPath` command-line flag after the restore process is complete. The original `-storageDataPath` directory may contain old files. They will be substituted by the files from backup, i.e. the end result would be similar to [rsync --delete](https://askubuntu.com/questions/476041/how-do-i-make-rsync-delete-files-that-have-been-deleted-from-the-source-folder). ## Troubleshooting * If `vmrestore` eats all the network bandwidth, then set `-maxBytesPerSecond` to the desired value. * If `vmrestore` has been interrupted due to temporary error, then just restart it with the same args. It will resume the restore process. ## Advanced usage * Obtaining credentials from a file. Add flag `-credsFilePath=/etc/credentials` with following content: for s3 (aws, minio or other s3 compatible storages): ```console [default] aws_access_key_id=theaccesskey aws_secret_access_key=thesecretaccesskeyvalue ``` for gce cloud storage: ```json { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "project-id", "private_key_id": "key-id", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nprivate-key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "service-account-email", "client_id": "client-id", "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "token_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs", "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/service-account-email" } ``` * Usage with s3 custom url endpoint. It is possible to use `vmrestore` with s3 api compatible storages, like minio, cloudian and other. You have to add custom url endpoint with a flag: ```console # for minio: -customS3Endpoint=http://localhost:9000 # for aws gov region -customS3Endpoint=https://s3-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com ``` * Run `vmrestore -help` in order to see all the available options: ```console -concurrency int The number of concurrent workers. Higher concurrency may reduce restore duration (default 10) -configFilePath string Path to file with S3 configs. Configs are loaded from default location if not set. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-security-credentials.html -configProfile string Profile name for S3 configs. If no set, the value of the environment variable will be loaded (AWS_PROFILE or AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE), or if both not set, DefaultSharedConfigProfile is used -credsFilePath string Path to file with GCS or S3 credentials. Credentials are loaded from default locations if not set. See https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-security-credentials.html -customS3Endpoint string Custom S3 endpoint for use with S3-compatible storages (e.g. MinIO). S3 is used if not set -enableTCP6 Whether to enable IPv6 for listening and dialing. By default only IPv4 TCP and UDP is used -envflag.enable Whether to enable reading flags from environment variables additionally to command line. Command line flag values have priority over values from environment vars. Flags are read only from command line if this flag isn't set. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#environment-variables for more details -envflag.prefix string Prefix for environment variables if -envflag.enable is set -eula By specifying this flag, you confirm that you have an enterprise license and accept the EULA https://victoriametrics.com/assets/VM_EULA.pdf . This flag is available only in enterprise version of VictoriaMetrics -flagsAuthKey string Auth key for /flags endpoint. It must be passed via authKey query arg. It overrides httpAuth.* settings -fs.disableMmap Whether to use pread() instead of mmap() for reading data files. By default mmap() is used for 64-bit arches and pread() is used for 32-bit arches, since they cannot read data files bigger than 2^32 bytes in memory. mmap() is usually faster for reading small data chunks than pread() -http.connTimeout duration Incoming http connections are closed after the configured timeout. This may help to spread the incoming load among a cluster of services behind a load balancer. Please note that the real timeout may be bigger by up to 10% as a protection against the thundering herd problem (default 2m0s) -http.disableResponseCompression Disable compression of HTTP responses to save CPU resources. By default compression is enabled to save network bandwidth -http.idleConnTimeout duration Timeout for incoming idle http connections (default 1m0s) -http.maxGracefulShutdownDuration duration The maximum duration for a graceful shutdown of the HTTP server. A highly loaded server may require increased value for a graceful shutdown (default 7s) -http.pathPrefix string An optional prefix to add to all the paths handled by http server. For example, if '-http.pathPrefix=/foo/bar' is set, then all the http requests will be handled on '/foo/bar/*' paths. This may be useful for proxied requests. See https://www.robustperception.io/using-external-urls-and-proxies-with-prometheus -http.shutdownDelay duration Optional delay before http server shutdown. During this delay, the server returns non-OK responses from /health page, so load balancers can route new requests to other servers -httpAuth.password string Password for HTTP Basic Auth. The authentication is disabled if -httpAuth.username is empty -httpAuth.username string Username for HTTP Basic Auth. The authentication is disabled if empty. See also -httpAuth.password -httpListenAddr string TCP address for exporting metrics at /metrics page (default ":8421") -loggerDisableTimestamps Whether to disable writing timestamps in logs -loggerErrorsPerSecondLimit int Per-second limit on the number of ERROR messages. If more than the given number of errors are emitted per second, the remaining errors are suppressed. Zero values disable the rate limit -loggerFormat string Format for logs. Possible values: default, json (default "default") -loggerLevel string Minimum level of errors to log. Possible values: INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC (default "INFO") -loggerOutput string Output for the logs. Supported values: stderr, stdout (default "stderr") -loggerTimezone string Timezone to use for timestamps in logs. Timezone must be a valid IANA Time Zone. For example: America/New_York, Europe/Berlin, Etc/GMT+3 or Local (default "UTC") -loggerWarnsPerSecondLimit int Per-second limit on the number of WARN messages. If more than the given number of warns are emitted per second, then the remaining warns are suppressed. Zero values disable the rate limit -maxBytesPerSecond size The maximum download speed. There is no limit if it is set to 0 Supports the following optional suffixes for size values: KB, MB, GB, KiB, MiB, GiB (default 0) -memory.allowedBytes size Allowed size of system memory VictoriaMetrics caches may occupy. This option overrides -memory.allowedPercent if set to a non-zero value. Too low a value may increase the cache miss rate usually resulting in higher CPU and disk IO usage. Too high a value may evict too much data from OS page cache resulting in higher disk IO usage Supports the following optional suffixes for size values: KB, MB, GB, KiB, MiB, GiB (default 0) -memory.allowedPercent float Allowed percent of system memory VictoriaMetrics caches may occupy. See also -memory.allowedBytes. Too low a value may increase cache miss rate usually resulting in higher CPU and disk IO usage. Too high a value may evict too much data from OS page cache which will result in higher disk IO usage (default 60) -metricsAuthKey string Auth key for /metrics endpoint. It must be passed via authKey query arg. It overrides httpAuth.* settings -pprofAuthKey string Auth key for /debug/pprof/* endpoints. It must be passed via authKey query arg. It overrides httpAuth.* settings -pushmetrics.extraLabel array Optional labels to add to metrics pushed to -pushmetrics.url . For example, -pushmetrics.extraLabel='instance="foo"' adds instance="foo" label to all the metrics pushed to -pushmetrics.url Supports an array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags. -pushmetrics.interval duration Interval for pushing metrics to -pushmetrics.url (default 10s) -pushmetrics.url array Optional URL to push metrics exposed at /metrics page. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#push-metrics . By default metrics exposed at /metrics page aren't pushed to any remote storage Supports an array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags. -s3ForcePathStyle Prefixing endpoint with bucket name when set false, true by default. (default true) -skipBackupCompleteCheck Whether to skip checking for 'backup complete' file in -src. This may be useful for restoring from old backups, which were created without 'backup complete' file -src string Source path with backup on the remote storage. Example: gs://bucket/path/to/backup, s3://bucket/path/to/backup, azblob://bucket/path/to/backup or fs:///path/to/local/backup -storageDataPath string Destination path where backup must be restored. VictoriaMetrics must be stopped when restoring from backup. -storageDataPath dir can be non-empty. In this case the contents of -storageDataPath dir is synchronized with -src contents, i.e. it works like 'rsync --delete' (default "victoria-metrics-data") -tls Whether to enable TLS for incoming HTTP requests at -httpListenAddr (aka https). -tlsCertFile and -tlsKeyFile must be set if -tls is set -tlsCertFile string Path to file with TLS certificate if -tls is set. Prefer ECDSA certs instead of RSA certs as RSA certs are slower. The provided certificate file is automatically re-read every second, so it can be dynamically updated -tlsCipherSuites array Optional list of TLS cipher suites for incoming requests over HTTPS if -tls is set. See the list of supported cipher suites at https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#pkg-constants Supports an array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags. -tlsKeyFile string Path to file with TLS key if -tls is set. The provided key file is automatically re-read every second, so it can be dynamically updated -tlsMinVersion string Optional minimum TLS version to use for incoming requests over HTTPS if -tls is set. Supported values: TLS10, TLS11, TLS12, TLS13 -version Show VictoriaMetrics version ``` ## How to build from sources It is recommended using [binary releases](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases) - see `vmutils-*` archives there. ### Development build 1. [Install Go](https://golang.org/doc/install). The minimum supported version is Go 1.19.2. 2. Run `make vmrestore` from the root folder of [the repository](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics). It builds `vmrestore` binary and puts it into the `bin` folder. ### Production build 1. [Install docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/). 2. Run `make vmrestore-prod` from the root folder of [the repository](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics). It builds `vmrestore-prod` binary and puts it into the `bin` folder. ### Building docker images Run `make package-vmrestore`. It builds `victoriametrics/vmrestore:` docker image locally. `` is auto-generated image tag, which depends on source code in the repository. The `` may be manually set via `PKG_TAG=foobar make package-vmrestore`. The base docker image is [alpine](https://hub.docker.com/_/alpine) but it is possible to use any other base image by setting it via `` environment variable. For example, the following command builds the image on top of [scratch](https://hub.docker.com/_/scratch) image: ```console ROOT_IMAGE=scratch make package-vmrestore ```