################################################################################ # Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT # # This file is intended to be consumed by clients who wish to use Z3 from CMake. # It can be used by doing `find_package(Z3 config)` from within a # `CMakeLists.txt` file. If CMake doesn't find this package automatically you # can give it a hint by passing `-DZ3_DIR=` to the CMake invocation where # `` is the path to the directory containing this file. # # This file was built for the install tree. ################################################################################ # Exported targets include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Z3Targets.cmake") ####### Expanded from @PACKAGE_INIT@ by configure_package_config_file() ####### ####### Any changes to this file will be overwritten by the next CMake run #### ####### The input file was Z3Config.cmake.in ######## get_filename_component(PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../../" ABSOLUTE) # Use original install prefix when loaded through a "/usr move" # cross-prefix symbolic link such as /lib -> /usr/lib. get_filename_component(_realCurr "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}" REALPATH) get_filename_component(_realOrig "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/z3" REALPATH) if(_realCurr STREQUAL _realOrig) set(PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR "/usr") endif() unset(_realOrig) unset(_realCurr) macro(set_and_check _var _file) set(${_var} "${_file}") if(NOT EXISTS "${_file}") message(FATAL_ERROR "File or directory ${_file} referenced by variable ${_var} does not exist !") endif() endmacro() macro(check_required_components _NAME) foreach(comp ${${_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if(NOT ${_NAME}_${comp}_FOUND) if(${_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED_${comp}) set(${_NAME}_FOUND FALSE) endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro() #################################################################################### # Version information set(Z3_VERSION_MAJOR 4) set(Z3_VERSION_MINOR 8) set(Z3_VERSION_PATCH 9) set(Z3_VERSION_TWEAK 0) set(Z3_VERSION_STRING "${Z3_VERSION_MAJOR}.${Z3_VERSION_MINOR}.${Z3_VERSION_PATCH}.${Z3_VERSION_TWEAK}") # NOTE: We can't use `set_and_check()` here because this a list of paths. # List of include directories set(Z3_C_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/include/z3 ) set(Z3_CXX_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Z3_C_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # List of libraries to link against set(Z3_LIBRARIES "z3::libz3")