library HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/DesignPatternLib version 0.2 %author: E. Schulz %date: 26-02-2010 logic HasCASL from HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/SWCommonPatterns get SolidWorksCylinderByArcExtrusion %[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% The Design Pattern Library will be ideally generated %% %% automatically by some tool from design pattern %% %% constructors (DPCs) defined, e.g., in SWCommonPatterns. %% %% %% %% For each DPC with name n there will be a specification %% %% with name DP_{n} containing one constant with the same %% %% name defined by the DPC and all function parameters %% %% of the DPC are replaced by newly defined constants. %% %% For an example see the specification below. %% %% %% %% This constantification has to be made in order to map %% %% concrete specifications to these design patterns %% %% by means of signature morphisms. %% %% %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%]% spec DP_SWCylinder1 = SolidWorksCylinderByArcExtrusion then ops center, boundarypoint:Point; axis:VectorStar; DP_SWCylinder1:SWFeature = SWCylinder(center, boundarypoint, axis) %(def of DP_SWCylinder1)% end