PKG=LNFipmimex ARCH=x86_64 VERSION=1.0.0 SERIALNUM=001 NAME=Metrics exporter for IPMI driven BMCs CATEGORY=database,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=ipmimex is a metrics exporter for Board Management Controller (BMC) and similar devices, which are directly accessible from the host running this utility using the system's Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI). Collected data can be exposed via HTTP in Prometheus exposition format e.g. using the default endpoint URL http://hostname:9290/metrics (optionally via http://hostname:9290/overview in a ipmitool sensor like format) and thus visualized e.g. using Grafana, Netdata, or Zabbix. LICINFO=Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.1 LICURL= LICFILE=cddl-11.txt PSTAMP=jammy20220814012145 CLASSES=none