The following packages are recommende to be installed: - snmp-export - on the machine where scraping should be actually done. - snmp-export-cfg - on the machine, which has net-snmp installed and snmp-export files should be generated by snmp-export-cfg. One should create a generator config file (see and than generate a snmp-export file as needed , copy it to its final location, change the startup parameters of the snmp-export service accordingly and finally start it (if needed). Per default the service will use the file /etc/snmp-export-default.yml which is probably not what you want (and gets usually overriden/removed on each [un-]install/update unconditionally). Generate the exporter config file e.g. like this: snmp-export-cfg generate -f /tmp/test.yml -o /tmp/snmp-export.yml scp /tmp/snmp-export.yml scraping-host:/etc/snmp-export.yml And on the scraping-host e.g. on Solaris: svccfg -s snmp-export 'setprop config/file = "/etc/snmp-export.yml"' svccfg -s snmp-export refresh svcadm enable snmp-export Or on Linux: echo 'CFG=/etc/snmp-export.yml' | sudo tail -a /etc/default/snmp-export sudo enable snmp-export sudo start snmp-export