# This is a configuration file for the # https://github.com/jelmd/snmp-export/tree/main/generator # (C) 2022 by Jens Elkner (jel+snmpex@cs.uni-magdeburg.de) # To translate it into a YAML spec conforming file, you need to pass it through # https://github.com/jelmd/snakeyaml - this is a modified YAML file parser, # which allows duplicated keys and in turn does what most normal people would # do: merge its contents into a single basket and throw away the now redundant # basket. # The usual workflows used to create and test it were: # export MIBDIRS=${HOME}/adm/snmp/mibs/cisco:${HOME}/adm/snmp/mibs/cisco/capa # DST=mySNMPdeviceIP # # snmpbulkwalk -v 2c -c public -Pu -OX $DST mib-2 >/tmp/mib2.out # snmpbulkwalk -v 2c -c public -Pu -OX $DST private >/tmp/priv.out # snmptable -v 2c -c public -Pu -OX $DST ifTable >/tmp/iftbl.out # snmptranslate -Tp -IR -Pu ifTable >/tmp/iftbltree.out # ... # Create/edit generator.cisco.yml using the output in /tmp/*.out etc. and check: # snakeyaml generator.cisco.yml > /tmp/a # snmp-export-cfg generate -f /tmp/a -o /tmp/c # snmp-export -f /tmp/c # Queries: # curl -s "http://localhost:9116/snmp?compact&module=ifTables&target=$DSTa" # curl -s "http://localhost:9116/snmp?compact&module=ifTables&target=$DSTb" # curl -s "http://localhost:9116/snmp?compact&module=cisco_35xx&target=$DSTa" # curl -s "http://localhost:9116/snmp?compact&module=cisco_n3k&target=$DSTb" modules: global_vars: prefix: &prefix netsw ifTable_template: # generic walk: &ifTable_walk - ifOperStatus # - ifInDiscards # - ifInErrors # - ifInUnknownProtos # - ifOutDiscards # - ifOutErrors # - udpInDatagrams # - udpOutDatagrams # - snmpInPkts # - snmpOutPkts # overrides: &ifTable_overrides ifIndex: ignore: true ifDescr: ignore: true ifType: ignore: true ifMtu: ignore: true ifPhysAddress: ignore: true ifAdminStatus: ignore: true ifLastChange: ignore: true ifOutQLen: ignore: true ifSpecific: ignore: true # use 64-bit variants from ifXTable instead ifSpeed: ignore: true ifInOctets: ignore: true ifInUcastPkts: ignore: true ifInNUcastPkts: ignore: true ifOutOctets: ignore: true ifOutUcastPkts: ignore: true ifOutNUcastPkts: ignore: true ifXTable_template: # generic walk: &ifXTable_walk - ifHCInOctets # - ifHCInUcastPkts # - ifHCInMulticastPkts # - ifHCInBroadcastPkts # - ifHCOutOctets # - ifHCOutUcastPkts # - ifHCOutMulticastPkts # - ifHCOutBroadcastPkts # - ifHighSpeed # overrides: &ifXTable_overrides ifAlias: ignore: true # redundant/useless ifConnectorPresent: ignore: true ifCounterDiscontinuityTime: ignore: true ifInBroadcastPkts: ignore: true # use ifHCInBroadcastPkts ifInMulticastPkts: ignore: true # use ifHCInMulticastPkts ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable: ignore: true ifName: ignore: true # included as labels ifOutBroadcastPkts: ignore: true # use ifHCOutBroadcastPkts ifOutMulticastPkts: ignore: true # use ifHCOutMulticastPkts ifPromiscuousMode: ignore: true lookups: &ifTable_lookups - source_indexes: [ifIndex] lookup: # ifName drop_source_indexes: true mprefix: [if] revalue: regex: '(Eth|po|Vl)(ernet|rt-channel|an)(.*)' value: '$1$3' rename: nic cisco_chassisModel_template: overrides: &cisco_chassisModel_overrides chassisModel: regex_extracts: '': - regex: '.*' value: '1' lookups: &cisco_chassisModel_lookups - source_indexes: [] mprefix: [chassisModel] lookup: chassisModel rename: name cpmCPUTotalTable_template: # C35xx, N3K walk: &cpmCPUTotalTable_walk - cpmCPUTotal1minRev # - cpmCPUTotal5minRev # - cpmCPUTotal5secRev # overrides: &cpmCPUTotalTable_overrides cpmCPUMonInterval: ignore: true # constant = 5s cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue: ignore: true # same as cpmCPUTotal5secRev cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue: ignore: true # cpu utilzation is sufficient or now. cpmCPUTotal1min: ignore: true # same as cpmCPUTotal1minRev cpmCPUTotal5min: ignore: true # same as cpmCPUTotal5minRev cpmCPUTotal5sec: ignore: true # same as cpmCPUTotal5secRev cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex: ignore: true # use to resolve entPhysicalName, only. lookups: &cpmCPUTotalTable_lookups - source_indexes: [cpmCPUTotalIndex] mprefix: [cpmCPU] lookup: cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex¦entPhysicalName rename: cpu revalue: regex: '([^ ]+).*' value: '$1' drop_source_indexes: true ciscoMemoryPoolTable_template: # 35xx, !N3K walk: &ciscoMemoryPoolTable_walk - ciscoMemoryPoolUsed - ciscoMemoryPoolFree - ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree overrides: &ciscoMemoryPoolTable_overrides ciscoMemoryPoolName: ignore: true ciscoMemoryPoolAlternate: # useless ignore: true ciscoMemoryPoolType: ignore: true ciscoMemoryPoolValid: ignore: true lookups: &ciscoMemoryPoolTable_lookups - source_indexes: [ciscoMemoryPoolType] lookup: ciscoMemoryPoolName rename: pool drop_source_indexes: true cempMemPoolTable_template: # !35xx, N3K walk: &cempMemPoolTable_walk - cempMemPoolHCUsed - cempMemPoolHCFree - cempMemPoolHCLargestFree - cempMemPoolHCLowestFree - cempMemPoolHCUsedLowWaterMark - cempMemPoolHCShared overrides: &cempMemPoolTable_overrides # ignore 32-bit values and use 64-bit aka HC values, only. cempMemPoolFree: ignore: true cempMemPoolFreeOvrflw: ignore: true cempMemPoolLargestFree: ignore: true cempMemPoolLargestFreeOvrflw: ignore: true cempMemPoolLowestFree: ignore: true cempMemPoolLowestFreeOvrflw: ignore: true cempMemPoolShared: ignore: true cempMemPoolSharedOvrflw: ignore: true cempMemPoolUsedLowWaterMark: ignore: true cempMemPoolUsedLowWaterMarkOvrflw: ignore: true cempMemPoolUsed: ignore: true cempMemPoolUsedOvrflw: ignore: true # useless or redundant stuff cempMemPoolPlatformMemory: ignore: true cempMemPoolAlternate: ignore: true cempMemPoolValid: ignore: true cempMemPoolAllocHit: ignore: true cempMemPoolAllocMiss: ignore: true cempMemPoolFreeHit: ignore: true cempMemPoolFreeMiss: ignore: true cempMemPoolType: ignore: true entPhysicalIndex: ignore: true cempMemPoolName: ignore: true lookups: &cempMemPoolTable_lookups - source_indexes: [cempMemPoolIndex, entPhysicalIndex] mprefix: [cempMemPoolHC] # actually cempMemPoolName.entPhysicalIndex.cempMemPoolIndex but this # is not yet supported. Since this is always the same, we hardcode it # to a 35xx compatible value using a cheap index/lookup lookup: cempMemPoolName rename: pool revalue: regex: '.*' value: 'Processor' drop_source_indexes: true # expensive, especially on more recent cisco Switches # - source_indexes: [entPhysicalIndex] # lookup: entPhysicalName # rename: pool # revalue: # regex: '([^ ]+).*' # value: '$1' # drop_source_indexes: true # ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable_template: # 35xx, !N3K # useless bloat # walk: # - ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable_template: # 35xx, !N3K walk: &ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable_walk - ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue - ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold overrides: &ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable_overrides ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown: ignore: true ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr: ignore: true ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValueRev1: ignore: true ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState: ignore: true lookups: &ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable_lookups - source_indexes: [ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex] lookup: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr rename: sensor revalue: regex: 'S[^0-9]*([0-9]+), S[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*' value: '$1.$2' drop_source_indexes: true ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable_template: # 35xx, !N3K walk: &ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable_walk - ciscoEnvMonFanState overrides: &ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable_overrides ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr: ignore: true # unknown(1), up(2), down(3), warning(4) lookups: &ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable_lookups - source_indexes: [ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex] lookup: ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr rename: fan revalue: regex: 'Switch#([0-9]+), Fan#([0-9]+).*' value: '$1.$2' drop_source_indexes: true cefcFanTrayStatusTable_template: # !35xx, N3K walk: &cefcFanTrayStatusTable_walk - cefcFanTrayOperStatus lookups: &cefcFanTrayStatusTable_lookups - source_indexes: [entPhysicalIndex] mprefix: [cefcFanTrayOperStatus] lookup: entPhysicalName rename: fan revalue: regex: 'Fan[^0-9]*([0-9]+)' value: '$1' drop_source_indexes: true ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable_template: # 35xx, !N3K walk: &ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable_walk - ciscoEnvMonSupplyState overrides: &ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable_overrides ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr: ignore: true ciscoEnvMonSupplySource: ignore: true lookups: &ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable_lookups - source_indexes: [ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex] lookup: ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr rename: psu revalue: regex: 'S[^0-9]*([0-9]+), P[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*' value: '$1.$2' drop_source_indexes: true # cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable_template: !35xx, N3K # values which do not make any sense wrt. real measured values. Junk! # walk: # - cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable.* entSensorValueTable_template: # !35xx, N3K walk: &entSensorValueTable_walk - entSensorValue overrides: &entSensorValueTable_overrides entSensorPrecision: ignore: true # always 0 entSensorValueUpdateRate: ignore: true # Transceiver: 180s, Other: 60s entSensorScale: ignore: true # Transceiver: Bias Current [mA], # Receive|Transmit Power [dBm/mW], # Temperature [mC], Voltage [mV] # Other: °C entSensorType: ignore: true # see above entSensorStatus: ignore: true # 1 for all shown entries entSensorValueTimeStamp: ignore: true # in 100 Hz since boot - same value for all entries lookups: &entSensorValueTable_lookups - source_indexes: [entPhysicalIndex] mprefix: [entSensorValue] lookup: entPhysicalName rename: name revalue: regex: '.*Transceiver.*' # don't need Xcvr stats value: '@drop@' drop_source_indexes: true #- source_indexes: [entPhysicalIndex] # lookup: entSensorScale # rename: scale # drop_source_indexes: true #- source_indexes: [entPhysicalIndex] # lookup: entSensorType # rename: type # drop_source_indexes: true ifTables: prefix: *prefix max_repetitions: 50 walk: *ifTable_walk walk: *ifXTable_walk walk: - _dummy lookups: *ifTable_lookups cisco_35xx: # ### C35xx , !C3232C prefix: *prefix max_repetitions: 50 walk: - cpmCPUTotalTable overrides: <<: *cpmCPUTotalTable_overrides lookups: *cpmCPUTotalTable_lookups walk: - ciscoMemoryPoolTable overrides: <<: *ciscoMemoryPoolTable_overrides lookups: *ciscoMemoryPoolTable_lookups walk: - ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable overrides: <<: *ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable_overrides lookups: *ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable_lookups walk: - ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable overrides: <<: *ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable_overrides lookups: *ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable_lookups walk: - ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable overrides: <<: *ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable_overrides lookups: *ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable_lookups walk: - chassisModel # - sysUpTime overrides: <<: *cisco_chassisModel_overrides sysUpTime: type: uptime regex_extracts: .boot_time: - regex: '(.*)' value: '$1' lookups: *cisco_chassisModel_lookups # make snakeyaml happy walk: - _dummy lookups: - source_indexes: [_dummy] lookup: _dummy cisco_n3k: # ### C3232C, !C35xx prefix: *prefix max_repetitions: 50 # N3K has no 'chassisModel', so we need to lookit up via entPhysicalClass walk: - entPhysicalClass - sysUpTime lookups: - source_indexes: [entPhysicalIndex] lookup: entPhysicalName rename: name # keep in sync with *prefix mprefix: [entPhysicalClass] drop_source_indexes: true overrides: entPhysicalClass: type: DisplayString # actually it is an Integer regex_extracts: .chassisModel: - regex: 3 # see snmptranslate -Pu -Tp -IR entPhysicalClass value: 1 sysUpTime: type: uptime regex_extracts: .boot_time: - regex: '(.*)' value: '$1' walk: - cpmCPUTotalTable overrides: <<: *cpmCPUTotalTable_overrides lookups: *cpmCPUTotalTable_lookups walk: - cempMemPoolTable overrides: <<: *cempMemPoolTable_overrides lookups: *cempMemPoolTable_lookups walk: - cefcFanTrayOperStatus lookups: *cefcFanTrayStatusTable_lookups walk: *entSensorValueTable_walk lookups: *entSensorValueTable_lookups # make snakeyaml happy walk: - _dummy lookups: - source_indexes: [_dummy] lookup: _dummy