This is the required ReadMe file for the CASC competitions. ----------------------------------------------------------- For installation, follow the instructions in the main README file. Make sure to do a proper install, so that e_ltb_runner can find the executables. If you need to rebuild a StarExec version from the sources, run "make starexec", which should take care of everything. Note that THIS WILL DELETE $(STAREXECPATH), which is by default define as $(HOME)/StarExec. Edit Makefile.vars to choose a different directory for building the StarExec distribution. The strategies for the different divisions are: FOF UEQ: starexec_run_E---_autoschedule FNT EPR: starexec_run_E---_satautoschedule LTB: starexec_run_E---LTB27 Distinguished strings for the results: Problem is CNF and unsatisfiable: # SZS status Unsatisfiable Problem is CNF and satisfiable: # SZS status Satisfiable Problem is FOF and a theorem: # SZS status Theorem or # SZS status ContradictoryAxioms Problem is FOF and not a theorem: # SZS status CounterSatisfiable System gave up (usually resource limit) # Failure: The start of solution output for proofs: # SZS output start CNFRefutation. The end of solution output for proofs: # SZS output end CNFRefutation. The start of solution output for models/saturations: # SZS output start Saturation. The end of solution output for models/saturations: # SZS output end Saturation. LTB Problem processing: # SZS status Started for # SZS status Ended for