THE LEO-II System Installation Guide (Christoph Benzmueller and Nik Sultana) NOTES: * LEO-II runs under OCaml * It follows the TPTP ATP System Building Conventions ( ) - LEO-II is designed to cooperate with first-order provers. Thus installation of a first order prover is crucial in order to run LEO-II. While LEO-II can cooperate with different first-order provers, we recommend here to install the 'The E Equational Theorem Prover' which is available at - In the following we assume that the binary for running prover E is available in file [eprover-directory]/eprover - In order to inform LEO-II where it can find this binary for E you need to provide a file [your-homedirectory]/.leoatprc containing the following entries: e = [eprover-directory]/eprover epclextract = [eprover-directory]/epclextract Running LEO-II in Automatic Mode: - To start LEO-II you need to type: [installation-directory]/leo2/bin/leo - Parameters are given in the following sequence: [installation-directory]/leo2/bin/leo [OPTIONS] [FILE] In order to see which options can be set, run [installation-directory]/leo2/bin/leo --help - Usage examples: [installation-directory]/leo2/bin/leo [installation-directory]/leo2/distrib_examples/BrownSmolka-1.thf --proofoutput 1 [installation-directory]/leo2/bin/leo -d [installation-directory]/leo2/distrib_examples -f e -t 40 (please make sure that you have write permissions for [installation-directory]/leo2/distrib_examples) At CASC LEO-II is called as follows: [installation-directory]/leo2/bin/leo --timeout 30 --proofoutput 1 --foatp e \ --atp e=[e-directory]/eprover '[problem-file-directory/SET014^4.tptp' Running LEO-II in Interactive Mode is not currently recommended due to several open issues.