#!/bin/ksh93 export PATH=/usr/bin:/local/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ETCDIR=${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc BREAK= if [[ -e ${ETCDIR}/passwd && -e ${ETCDIR}/group ]]; then # check, whether the group smmsp exists if ! /bin/grep -q '^smmsp:' ${ETCDIR}/group ; then print ' WARNING: The new security system for sendmail requires a group "smmsp". This group is not part of your '"${ETCDIR}/group"'! Please setup such a group! E.g. by adding "smmsp::25:" to '"${ETCDIR}/group"' manually or running the command: addgroup --system --gid 25 smmsp ' BREAK=1 fi # check, whether a user smmsp exists if ! /bin/grep -q '^smmsp:' ${ETCDIR}/passwd ; then print ' WARNING: The security system for sendmail requires a user "smmsp". This user is not part of your '"${ETCDIR}/passwd"' ! Please setup such an account, e.g. by running the following command: adduser --system --ingroup smmsp --uid 25 --home / --no-create-home \ --disabled-password --gecos "SendMail Mail Submission Program" smmsp ' BREAK=1 fi [[ -n ${BREAK} ]] && exit 3 fi exit 0