logic HasCASL from HasCASL/Real3D/SolidWorks/SolidWorks get SolidWorks %[ REMARK I: 1. Give the spec a name (preferably the same as filename, but without the extension) 2. Solidworks -> SolidWorks (case sensitive) ]% spec Teil1 = SolidWorks then op %%Tag:Arc(0)@Skizze1 %[ REMARK II: 1. Use the type SWSketchObject instead of SWObject here 2. Don't use the Arc constructor in front of SWArc (check the new SolidWorks datatypes!) 3. Close all parantheses (weren't closed in the original version) 4. Use the Point datatype from the HasCASL/Real3D/Basics.het (with constructor P) 5. Try to figure out if there is a floating point in your number otherwise just use the number, e.g., 0 instead of SWReal(0,0) 6. The SWArc constructor doesn't have the plane as argument anymore, this argument has moved to the SWSketch constructor (see below) ]% Arc_0:SWSketchObject = SWArc( P(21.102926303348984, 54.579525064921974, 0), P(21.102926303348984, 54.579525064921974, 0), P(-53.474235764235748, 31.085514485514469, 0)); %[REMARK III: 1. The SWSketch constructor has a new argument of type Plane (check the new SolidWorks datatypes!) 2. Close the parens correctly! ]% %%Tag:Skizze1 Skizze1:SWSketch = SWSketch([Arc_0], E1); %%Origin = ( 0, 0, 0) %%Xvector = ( 1, 0, 0) %%Normal = ( 0, 0, 1) %[REMARK IV: 1. The SWExtrude constructor became SWExtrusion (check the new SolidWorks datatypes!) and for simplicity we just kept two arguments (the SWSketch and the depth) 2. Check the names when referring to previously defined symbols (Sketch_1 -> Skizze1) ]% %%Tag:Linear austragen1 Extrude_Sketch1:SWFeature = SWExtrusion(Skizze1, 0.00000000000058); %% alternatively one could write also: %% Extrude_Sketch1:SWFeature = SWExtrusion(Skizze1, 5.8 E -13); end