{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Register -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2004 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: Perform the \"@.\/setup register@\" action. -- Uses a drop-file for HC-PKG. See also "Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo". {- Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Isaac Jones All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Distribution.Simple.Register ( register, unregister, writeInstalledConfig, removeInstalledConfig, installedPkgConfigFile, regScriptLocation, unregScriptLocation, ) where import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo(..), mkLibDir, mkHaddockDir, mkIncludeDir) import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..), Compiler(..)) import Distribution.Setup (RegisterFlags(..), CopyDest(..), userOverride) import Distribution.PackageDescription (setupMessage, PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..), Library(..), haddockName) import Distribution.Package (PackageIdentifier(..), showPackageId) import Distribution.Version (Version(..)) import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo, showInstalledPackageInfo, emptyInstalledPackageInfo) import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemExit, copyFileVerbose, die) import Distribution.Simple.Hugs (hugsPackageDir) import Distribution.Simple.GHCPackageConfig (mkGHCPackageConfig, showGHCPackageConfig) import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCPackageConfig as GHC (localPackageConfig, canWriteLocalPackageConfig, maybeCreateLocalPackageConfig) import Distribution.Compat.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing,removeDirectoryRecursive, setPermissions, getPermissions, Permissions(executable) ) import Distribution.Compat.FilePath (joinFileName, joinPaths, splitFileName, isAbsolutePath) import System.Directory(doesFileExist, removeFile, getCurrentDirectory) import System.IO.Error (try) import Control.Monad (when, unless) import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromJust) import Data.List (partition) regScriptLocation :: FilePath regScriptLocation = "register.sh" unregScriptLocation :: FilePath unregScriptLocation = "unregister.sh" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Registration register :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> RegisterFlags -- ^Install in the user's database?; verbose -> IO () register pkg_descr lbi regFlags | isNothing (library pkg_descr) = do setupMessage "No package to register" pkg_descr return () | otherwise = do let ghc_63_plus = compilerVersion (compiler lbi) >= Version [6,3] [] genScript = regGenScript regFlags verbose = regVerbose regFlags user = regUser regFlags `userOverride` userConf lbi inplace = regInPlace regFlags setupMessage (if genScript then ("Writing registration script: " ++ regScriptLocation) else "Registering") pkg_descr case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of GHC -> do config_flags <- if user then if ghc_63_plus then return ["--user"] else do GHC.maybeCreateLocalPackageConfig localConf <- GHC.localPackageConfig pkgConfWriteable <- GHC.canWriteLocalPackageConfig when (not pkgConfWriteable && not genScript) $ userPkgConfErr localConf return ["--config-file=" ++ localConf] else return [] let instConf = if inplace then inplacePkgConfigFile else installedPkgConfigFile instConfExists <- doesFileExist instConf when (not instConfExists && not genScript) $ do when (verbose > 0) $ putStrLn ("create " ++ instConf) writeInstalledConfig pkg_descr lbi inplace let register_flags | ghc_63_plus = "update": if genScript then [] else [instConf] | otherwise = "--update-package": if genScript then [] else ["--input-file="++instConf] let allFlags = register_flags ++ config_flags ++ if ghc_63_plus && genScript then ["-"] else [] let pkgTool = case regWithHcPkg regFlags of Just f -> f Nothing -> compilerPkgTool (compiler lbi) if genScript then do cfg <- showInstalledConfig pkg_descr lbi inplace rawSystemPipe regScriptLocation verbose cfg pkgTool allFlags else rawSystemExit verbose pkgTool allFlags Hugs -> do when inplace $ die "--inplace is not supported with Hugs" createDirectoryIfMissing True (hugsPackageDir pkg_descr lbi) copyFileVerbose verbose installedPkgConfigFile (hugsPackageDir pkg_descr lbi `joinFileName` "package.conf") JHC -> when (verbose > 0) $ putStrLn "registering for JHC (nothing to do)" _ -> die ("only registering with GHC is implemented") userPkgConfErr :: String -> IO a userPkgConfErr local_conf = die ("--user flag passed, but cannot write to local package config: " ++ local_conf ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The installed package config -- |Register doesn't drop the register info file, it must be done in a -- separate step. writeInstalledConfig :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Bool -> IO () writeInstalledConfig pkg_descr lbi inplace = do pkg_config <- showInstalledConfig pkg_descr lbi inplace writeFile (if inplace then inplacePkgConfigFile else installedPkgConfigFile) (pkg_config ++ "\n") -- |Create a string suitable for writing out to the package config file showInstalledConfig :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Bool -> IO String showInstalledConfig pkg_descr lbi inplace | (case compilerFlavor hc of GHC -> True; _ -> False) && compilerVersion hc < Version [6,3] [] = if inplace then error "--inplace not supported for GHC < 6.3" else return (showGHCPackageConfig (mkGHCPackageConfig pkg_descr lbi)) | otherwise = do cfg <- mkInstalledPackageInfo pkg_descr lbi inplace return (showInstalledPackageInfo cfg) where hc = compiler lbi removeInstalledConfig :: IO () removeInstalledConfig = do try (removeFile installedPkgConfigFile) >> return () try (removeFile inplacePkgConfigFile) >> return () installedPkgConfigFile :: String installedPkgConfigFile = ".installed-pkg-config" inplacePkgConfigFile :: String inplacePkgConfigFile = ".inplace-pkg-config" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Making the InstalledPackageInfo mkInstalledPackageInfo :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Bool -> IO InstalledPackageInfo mkInstalledPackageInfo pkg_descr lbi inplace = do pwd <- getCurrentDirectory let lib = fromJust (library pkg_descr) -- checked for Nothing earlier bi = libBuildInfo lib build_dir = pwd `joinFileName` buildDir lbi libdir = mkLibDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest incdir = mkIncludeDir libdir (absinc,relinc) = partition isAbsolutePath (includeDirs bi) haddockDir = mkHaddockDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest haddockFile = joinPaths haddockDir (haddockName pkg_descr) in return emptyInstalledPackageInfo{ IPI.package = package pkg_descr, IPI.license = license pkg_descr, IPI.copyright = copyright pkg_descr, IPI.maintainer = maintainer pkg_descr, IPI.author = author pkg_descr, IPI.stability = stability pkg_descr, IPI.homepage = homepage pkg_descr, IPI.pkgUrl = pkgUrl pkg_descr, IPI.description = description pkg_descr, IPI.category = category pkg_descr, IPI.exposed = True, IPI.exposedModules = exposedModules lib, IPI.hiddenModules = otherModules bi, IPI.importDirs = [if inplace then build_dir else libdir], IPI.libraryDirs = (if inplace then build_dir else libdir) : extraLibDirs bi, IPI.hsLibraries = ["HS" ++ showPackageId (package pkg_descr)], IPI.extraLibraries = extraLibs bi, IPI.includeDirs = absinc ++ if inplace then map (pwd `joinFileName`) relinc else [incdir], IPI.includes = includes bi ++ map (snd.splitFileName) (installIncludes bi), IPI.depends = packageDeps lbi, IPI.hugsOptions = concat [opts | (Hugs,opts) <- options bi], IPI.ccOptions = ccOptions bi, IPI.ldOptions = ldOptions bi, IPI.frameworkDirs = [], IPI.frameworks = frameworks bi, IPI.haddockInterfaces = [haddockFile], IPI.haddockHTMLs = [haddockDir] } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unregistration unregister :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> RegisterFlags -> IO () unregister pkg_descr lbi regFlags = do setupMessage "Unregistering" pkg_descr let ghc_63_plus = compilerVersion (compiler lbi) >= Version [6,3] [] genScript = regGenScript regFlags verbose = regVerbose regFlags user = regUser regFlags `userOverride` userConf lbi case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of GHC -> do config_flags <- if user then if ghc_63_plus then return ["--user"] else do instConfExists <- doesFileExist installedPkgConfigFile localConf <- GHC.localPackageConfig unless instConfExists (userPkgConfErr localConf) return ["--config-file=" ++ localConf] else return [] let removeCmd = if ghc_63_plus then ["unregister",showPackageId (package pkg_descr)] else ["--remove-package="++(pkgName $ package pkg_descr)] let pkgTool = case regWithHcPkg regFlags of Just f -> f Nothing -> compilerPkgTool (compiler lbi) rawSystemEmit unregScriptLocation genScript verbose pkgTool (removeCmd++config_flags) Hugs -> do try $ removeDirectoryRecursive (hugsPackageDir pkg_descr lbi) return () _ -> die ("only unregistering with GHC and Hugs is implemented") -- |Like rawSystemExit, but optionally emits to a script instead of -- exiting. FIX: chmod +x? rawSystemEmit :: FilePath -- ^Script name -> Bool -- ^if true, emit, if false, run -> Int -- ^Verbosity -> FilePath -- ^Program to run -> [String] -- ^Args -> IO () rawSystemEmit _ False verbosity path args = rawSystemExit verbosity path args rawSystemEmit scriptName True verbosity path args = do writeFile scriptName ("#!/bin/sh\n\n" ++ (path ++ concatMap (' ':) args) ++ "\n") p <- getPermissions scriptName setPermissions scriptName p{executable=True} -- |Like rawSystemEmit, except it has string for pipeFrom. FIX: chmod +x rawSystemPipe :: FilePath -- ^Script location -> Int -- ^Verbosity -> String -- ^where to pipe from -> FilePath -- ^Program to run -> [String] -- ^Args -> IO () rawSystemPipe scriptName verbose pipeFrom path args = do writeFile scriptName ("#!/bin/sh\n\n" ++ "echo '" ++ pipeFrom ++ "' | " ++ (path ++ concatMap (' ':) args) ++ "\n") p <- getPermissions scriptName setPermissions scriptName p{executable=True} -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Testing -- ------------------------------------------------------------