(module configure mzscheme (require (lib "unitsig.ss") (lib "servlet-sig.ss" "web-server") (lib "url.ss" "net") (lib "etc.ss") (lib "list.ss") (lib "pretty.ss") (lib "file.ss") (lib "contract.ss") (only (lib "configuration.ss" "web-server") default-configuration-table-path) (lib "configuration-table-structs.ss" "web-server" "private") (lib "parse-table.ss" "web-server" "private") (lib "configuration-util.ss" "web-server" "private") (lib "util.ss" "web-server" "private")) (provide/contract [servlet unit/sig?] ; XXX contract [servlet-maker (string? . -> . unit/sig?)]) ;; FIX ; - fuss with changing absolute paths into relative ones internally ; - move old config files instead of copying default ones ; - ask: - move exisiting (don't move defaults) ; - copy defaults to new location ; - use files existing in the new location (ask only when they exist) ; - do this when either ; - changing the root dir (and at least one other file depends on it?) ; - editing an individual path ; - change all configuration paths (in the configure servlet and in the server) to ; use a platform independent representation (i.e. a listof strings) ; servlet-maker : str -> (unit/sig servlet^ -> ()) (define (servlet-maker default-configuration-path) (unit/sig () (import servlet^) (define CONFIGURE-SERVLET-NAME "configure.ss") (define WIDE "70") (adjust-timeout! (* 12 60 60)) (error-print-width 800) ; 10-ish lines ; passwords = (listof realm) ; realm = (make-realm str str (listof user-pass)) (define-struct realm (name pattern allowed)) ; user-pass = (make-user-pass sym str) (define-struct user-pass (user pass)) (define doc-dir "Defaults/documentation") (define edit-host-button-name "Edit Minor Details") ; build-footer : str -> html (define (build-footer base) (let ([scale (lambda (n) (number->string (round (/ n 4))))]) `(p "Powered by " (a ([href "http://www.plt-scheme.org/"]) (img ([width ,(scale 211)] [height ,(scale 76)] [src ,(string-append base doc-dir "/plt-logo.gif")])))))) (define footer (build-footer "/")) ; access-error-page : html (define access-error-page `(html (head (title "Web Server Configuration Access Error")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (p "You must connect to the configuration tool from the machine the server runs on using for the host part of the URL.") ,footer))) ; permission-error-page : path -> html (define (permission-error-page configuration-path) `(html (head (title "Web Server Configuration Permissions Error")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (p "You must have read and write access to " (code ,(path->string configuration-path)) " in order to configure the server.")))) ; check-ip-address : request -> request (define (check-ip-address request) (unless (string=? "" (request-host-ip request)) (send/finish access-error-page)) request) (check-ip-address initial-request) (define web-base (directory-part default-configuration-path)) ; more here - abstract with static pages? (define web-server-icon `(img ([src ,(string-append "/" doc-dir "/web-server.gif")] ;[width "123"] [height "115"] [width "61"] [height "57"]))) ; interact : (str -> response) -> bindings (define (interact page) (request-bindings (check-ip-address (send/suspend page)))) ; choose-configuration-file : -> doesn't (define (choose-configuration-file) (let ([configuration-path (ask-for-configuration-path)]) (let loop () (if (file-exists? configuration-path) (let ([perms (file-or-directory-permissions configuration-path)]) ; race condition - changing the permissions after the check ; will result in an exception later (which serves them right) (if (and (memq 'write perms) (memq 'read perms)) (configure-top-level configuration-path) (send/finish (permission-error-page configuration-path)))) (begin (send/suspend (copy-configuration-file configuration-path)) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem:exists? send-exn]) (let-values ([(base name must-be-dir) (split-path configuration-path)]) (ensure-directory-shallow base)) (copy-file default-configuration-path configuration-path)) (loop)))))) ; copy-configuration-file : path -> html (define (copy-configuration-file configuration-path) (build-suspender '("Copy Configuration File") `((h1 "Copy Configuration File") (p "The configuration file " (blockquote (code ,(path->string configuration-path))) "does not exist. Would you like to copy the default configuration to this " "location?") (center (input ([type "submit"] [name "ok"] [value "Copy"])))))) ; ask-for-configuration-path : -> path (define (ask-for-configuration-path) (build-path (extract-binding/single 'path (request-bindings (send/suspend configuration-path-page))))) ; configuration-path-page : str -> html (define configuration-path-page (build-suspender '("Choose a Configuration File") `((h1 "Choose a Web Server Configuration File") ,web-server-icon (p "Choose a Web server configuration file to edit. " (br) "This Web server uses the configuration in " (blockquote (code ,(path->string default-configuration-path)))) (table (tr (th "Configuration path") (td (input ([type "text"] [name "path"] [size ,WIDE] [value ,(path->string default-configuration-path)])))) (tr (td ([colspan "2"] [align "center"]) (input ([type "submit"] [name "choose-path"] [value "Select"])))))))) ; configure-top-level : path -> doesn't (define (configure-top-level configuration-path) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem:exists? send-exn]) (let ([original-configuration (read-configuration configuration-path)]) (let loop ([configuration original-configuration]) (let* ([update-bindings (interact (request-new-configuration-table configuration original-configuration))] [form-configuration (delete-hosts (update-configuration configuration update-bindings) (foldr (lambda (b acc) (if (string=? "Delete" (cdr b)) (cons (symbol->string (car b)) acc) acc)) null update-bindings))] [new-configuration (cond [(assq 'add-host update-bindings) (add-virtual-host form-configuration (extract-bindings 'host-prefixes update-bindings))] [(reverse-assoc edit-host-button-name update-bindings) => (lambda (edit) ; write the configuration twice when editing a host: once before and once after. ; The after may never happen if the user doesn't continue (write-configuration form-configuration configuration-path) (configure-hosts form-configuration (string->number (symbol->string (car edit)))))] [else form-configuration])]) (write-configuration new-configuration configuration-path) (loop new-configuration)))))) ; switch-to-current-port : configuration-table -> (U #f configuration-table) ; doesn't work - the browser doesn't send the port and it wouldn't be reliable anyway ; perhaps the server could include it? '(define (switch-to-current-port old) (let ([current-port (url-port (request-uri initial-request))]) (and (not (= current-port (configuration-table-port old))) (make-configuration-table current-port (configuration-table-max-waiting old) (configuration-table-initial-connection-timeout old) (configuration-table-default-host old) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old))))) ; send-exn : tst -> doesn't (define (send-exn exn) (send/back (exception-error-page exn))) ; reverse-assoc : a (listof (cons b a)) -> (U #f (cons b a)) (define (reverse-assoc x lst) (cond [(null? lst) #f] [else (if (equal? x (cdar lst)) (car lst) (reverse-assoc x (cdr lst)))])) ; add-virtual-host : configuration-table (listof str) -> configuration-table (define (add-virtual-host conf existing-prefixes) (update-hosts conf (cons (cons "my-host.my-domain.org" (configuration-table-default-host conf)) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts conf)))) ; update-hosts : configuration-table (listof (cons str host-table)) (define (update-hosts conf new-hosts) (make-configuration-table (configuration-table-port conf) (configuration-table-max-waiting conf) (configuration-table-initial-connection-timeout conf) (configuration-table-default-host conf) new-hosts)) ; delete-hosts : configuration-table (listof str) -> configuration-table ; pre: (>= (length (configuration-table-virtual-hosts conf)) (max to-delete)) (define (delete-hosts conf to-delete) ; the if is not needed, it just avoids some work (if (null? to-delete) conf (update-hosts conf (drop (configuration-table-virtual-hosts conf) to-delete)))) ; drop : (listof a) (listof str) -> (listof a) ; pre: (apply < to-delete) ; to delete the entries in to-filter indexed by to-delete (define (drop to-filter to-delete) (let loop ([to-filter to-filter] [to-delete (map string->number to-delete)] [i 0]) (cond [(null? to-delete) to-filter] [else (if (= i (car to-delete)) (loop (cdr to-filter) (cdr to-delete) (add1 i)) (cons (car to-filter) (loop (cdr to-filter) to-delete (add1 i))))]))) ; configure-hosts : configuration-table (U #f nat) -> configuration-table ; n is either the virtual host number or #f for the default virtual host (define (configure-hosts old n) (if n (update-hosts old ; more here - consider restructuring this map. Perhaps it is fine. ; Perhaps it should short circuit. Perhaps the number of virtual hosts ; is small so it doesn't matter. Perhaps that is a sloppy way to think/program. ; The code is really a functional array update except it's on a list. (map (lambda (host this-n) (if (= n this-n) (cons (car host) (configure-host (cdr host))) host)) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old) (build-list (length (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old)) (lambda (x) x)))) (make-configuration-table (configuration-table-port old) (configuration-table-max-waiting old) (configuration-table-initial-connection-timeout old) (configure-host (configuration-table-default-host old)) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old)))) ; configure-host : host-table -> host-table (define (configure-host old) (let* ([bindings (interact (request-new-host-table old))] [new (update-host-table old bindings)]) (when (assq 'edit-passwords bindings) (let* ([paths (host-table-paths new)] [password-path ;; build-path-unless-absolute is defined in configuration.ss (build-path-unless-absolute (build-path-unless-absolute web-base (paths-host-base paths)) (paths-passwords paths))]) (unless (file-exists? password-path) (write-to-file password-path ''())) (configure-passwords password-path))) new)) (define restart-message `((h3 (font ([color "red"]) "Restart the Web server to use the new settings.")))) ; request-new-configuration-table : configuration-table configuration-table -> str -> html (define (request-new-configuration-table old orig) (build-suspender '("PLT Web Server Configuration") `((h1 "PLT Web Server Configuration Management") ,web-server-icon "copyright 2001 by Paul Graunke and PLT" (hr) (h2 "Basic Configuration") (table ,(make-tr-num "Port" 'port (configuration-table-port old)) ,(make-tr-num "Maximum Waiting Connections" 'waiting (configuration-table-max-waiting old)) ,(make-tr-num "Initial Connection Timeout (seconds)" 'time-initial (configuration-table-initial-connection-timeout old))) (hr) (h2 "Host Name Configuration") (p "The Web server accepts requests on behalf of multiple " (em "hosts") " each corresponding to a domain name." " The table below maps domain names to host specific configurations.") (table ([width "50%"]) (tr (th ([align "left"]) "Name") ;(th "Host configuration path") (th "Host Directory") (th nbsp) (th nbsp)) (tr (td ,"Default Host") (td ,(make-field-size "text" 'default-host-root (table->host-root (configuration-table-default-host old)) WIDE)) (td ([align "center"]) (input ([type "submit"] [name "default"] [value ,edit-host-button-name]))) (td nbsp)) ,@(map (lambda (host n) `(tr (td ,(make-field "text" 'host-regexps (car host))) (td ,(make-field-size "text" 'host-roots (table->host-root (cdr host)) WIDE)) (td ([align "center"]) (input ([type "submit"] [name ,n] [value ,edit-host-button-name]))) (td ([align "center"]) (input ([type "submit"] [name ,n] [value "Delete"]))))) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old) (build-list (length (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old)) number->string)) (tr (td (input ([type "submit"] [name "add-host"] [value "Add Host"]))) (td nbsp); (input ([type "submit"] [name "configure"] [value "Delete"])) ;(td (input ([type "submit"] [name "edit-host-details"] [value "Edit"]))) (td nbsp))) (hr) (table ([width "90%"]) ,@(if (equal? old orig) ; This only tests eq? because structures are more opaque now. null `((tr (td ,@restart-message)))) (tr (td (input ([type "submit"] [name "configure"] [value "Update Configuration"]))))) (hr) ,footer))) ; table->host-root : host-table -> str (define (table->host-root t) (path->string (build-path-unless-absolute web-base (paths-host-base (host-table-paths t))))) ; gen-make-tr : nat -> xexpr sym str [xexpr ...] -> xexpr (define (gen-make-tr size-n) (let ([size-str (number->string size-n)]) (lambda (label tag default-text . extra-tds) `(tr (td (a ([href ,(format "/~a/terms/~a.html" doc-dir tag)]) ,label)) (td ,(make-field-size "text" tag (format "~a" default-text) size-str)) . ,extra-tds)))) (define make-tr-num (gen-make-tr 20)) (define make-tr-str (gen-make-tr 70)) ; make-field : str sym str -> xexpr (define (make-field type label value) (make-field-size type label value "30")) ; make-field-size : str sym str str -> xexpr (define (make-field-size type label value size) `(input ([type ,type] [name ,(symbol->string label)] [value ,value] [size ,size]))) ; update-configuration : configuration-table bindings -> configuration-table (define (update-configuration old bindings) (let ([ubp (un-build-path web-base)]) ;; web-base returned by directory-part is a path (make-configuration-table (string->nat (extract-binding/single 'port bindings)) (string->nat (extract-binding/single 'waiting bindings)) (string->num (extract-binding/single 'time-initial bindings)) (update-host-root (configuration-table-default-host old) (ubp (build-path (extract-binding/single 'default-host-root bindings)))) (map (lambda (h root pattern) (cons pattern (update-host-root (cdr h) (ubp (build-path root))))) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts old) (extract-bindings 'host-roots bindings) (extract-bindings 'host-regexps bindings))))) ; update-host-root : host-table str -> host-table (define (update-host-root host new-root) (host-table<-paths host (paths<-host-base (host-table-paths host) new-root))) ; host-table<-paths : host-table paths -> host-table ; more here - create these silly functions automatically from def-struct macro (define (host-table<-paths host paths) (make-host-table (host-table-indices host) (host-table-log-format host) (host-table-messages host) (host-table-timeouts host) paths)) ; paths<-host-base : paths str -> paths ; more here - create these silly functions automatically from def-struct macro (define (paths<-host-base paths host-base) (make-paths (paths-conf paths) host-base (paths-log paths) (paths-htdocs paths) (paths-servlet paths) (paths-mime-types paths) (paths-passwords paths))) ; string->num : str -> nat (define (string->num str) (or (string->number str) (error 'string->nat "~s is not a number" str))) ; string->nat : str -> nat (define (string->nat str) (let ([n (string->number str)]) (if (and n (integer? n) (exact? n) (>= n 0)) n (error 'string->nat "~s is not exactly a natural number" str)))) ; request-new-host-table : host-table -> str -> response (define (request-new-host-table old) (let* ([timeouts (host-table-timeouts old)] [paths (host-table-paths old)] [m (host-table-messages old)] [host-root (build-path-unless-absolute web-base (paths-host-base paths))] [conf (build-path-unless-absolute host-root (paths-conf paths))]) (build-suspender '("Configure Host") `((h1 "PLT Web Server Host configuration") (input ([type "submit"] [value "Save Configuration"])) (hr) (table (tr (th ([colspan "2"]) "Paths")) ,(make-tr-str "Log file" 'path-log (build-path-unless-absolute host-root (paths-log paths))) ,(make-tr-str "Web document root" 'path-htdocs (build-path-unless-absolute host-root (paths-htdocs paths))) ,(make-tr-str "Servlet root" 'path-servlet (build-path-unless-absolute host-root (paths-servlet paths))) ,(make-tr-str "MIME Types" 'path-mime-types (build-path-unless-absolute host-root (paths-mime-types paths))) ,(make-tr-str "Password File" 'path-password (build-path-unless-absolute host-root (paths-passwords paths))) (tr (td ([colspan "2"]) ,(make-field "submit" 'edit-passwords "Edit Passwords"))) (tr (td ([colspan "2"]) (hr))) (tr (th ([colspan "2"]) "Message Paths")) ,(make-tr-str "Servlet error" 'path-servlet-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-servlet m))) ,(make-tr-str "Access Denied" 'path-access-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-authentication m))) ,(make-tr-str "Servlet cache refreshed" 'servlet-refresh-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-servlets-refreshed m))) ,(make-tr-str "Password cache refreshed" 'password-refresh-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-passwords-refreshed m))) ,(make-tr-str "File not found" 'path-not-found-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-file-not-found m))) ,(make-tr-str "Protocol error" 'path-protocol-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-protocol m))) ,(make-tr-str "Collect garbage" 'path-collect-garbage-message (build-path-unless-absolute conf (messages-collect-garbage m))) (tr (td ([colspan "2"]) (hr))) (tr (th ([colspan "2"]) "Timeout Seconds")) ,(make-tr-num "Default Servlet" 'time-default-servlet (timeouts-default-servlet timeouts)) ,(make-tr-num "Password" 'time-password (timeouts-password timeouts)) ,(make-tr-num "Servlet Connection" 'time-servlet-connection (timeouts-servlet-connection timeouts)) ,(make-tr-num "per Byte When Transfering Files" 'time-file-per-byte (timeouts-file-per-byte timeouts)) ,(make-tr-num "Base When Transfering Files" 'time-file-base (timeouts-file-base timeouts))) (hr) (input ([type "submit"] [value "Save Configuration"])) ,footer)))) ; update-host-table : host-table (listof (cons sym str)) -> host-table (define (update-host-table old bindings) (let* ([eb (lambda (tag) (build-path (extract-binding/single tag bindings)))] [paths (host-table-paths old)] [host-root (paths-host-base paths)] [expanded-host-root (build-path-unless-absolute web-base host-root)] [conf (build-path-unless-absolute expanded-host-root (paths-conf paths))] [ubp (un-build-path expanded-host-root)] [eb-host-root (lambda (tag) (ubp (eb tag)))] [ubp-conf (un-build-path conf)] [eb-conf (lambda (tag) (ubp-conf (eb tag)))]) (make-host-table (host-table-indices old) (host-table-log-format old) (apply make-messages (map eb-conf '(path-servlet-message path-access-message servlet-refresh-message password-refresh-message path-not-found-message path-protocol-message path-collect-garbage-message))) (apply make-timeouts (map (lambda (tag) (string->number (extract-binding/single tag bindings))) '(time-default-servlet time-password time-servlet-connection time-file-per-byte time-file-base))) (let ([old-paths (host-table-paths old)]) (apply make-paths (paths-conf old-paths) ((un-build-path web-base) (build-path (paths-host-base old-paths))) (map eb-host-root '(path-log path-htdocs path-servlet path-mime-types path-password))))))) ; un-build-path : path -> path -> string ; (GregP) Theory: this should return a string not a path so that the result can be ; written to the configuration file. (define (un-build-path possible-base) (let ([base-list (path->list possible-base)]) (lambda (path) (let ([path-list (path->list path)]) (cond [(suffix base-list path-list) => (lambda (x) (path->string (apply build-path x)))] [else (path->string path)]))))) ; suffix : (listof a) (listof a) -> (U #f (listof a)) ; to return the extra elements in b after removing all elements from a in order (define (suffix a b) (cond [(null? a) (if (null? b) #f b)] [else (cond [(null? b) #f] [else (and (equal? (car a) (car b)) (suffix (cdr a) (cdr b)))])])) ; Password Configuration ; configure-passwords : path -> void (define (configure-passwords password-path) (edit-passwords password-path (if (file-exists? password-path) (call-with-input-file password-path read-passwords) null))) ; edit-passwords : path passwords -> passwords (define (edit-passwords which-one passwords) (let* ([bindings (interact (password-updates which-one passwords))] [to-deactivate (extract-bindings 'deactivate bindings)] [again (lambda (new-passwords) (write-to-file which-one (format-passwords new-passwords)) (edit-passwords which-one new-passwords))]) (cond [(assq 'edit bindings) => (lambda (edit) (again (drop (map (let ([to-edit (string->number (cdr edit))]) (lambda (r n) (if (= to-edit n) (edit-realm r) r))) passwords (build-list (length passwords) (lambda (x) x))) to-deactivate)))] [(assq 'add bindings) (again (cons (make-realm "new realm" "" null) (drop passwords to-deactivate)))] [else (drop passwords to-deactivate)]))) ; password-updates : path passwords -> request (define (password-updates which-one passwords) (let ([which-one (path->string which-one)]) (build-suspender `("Updating Passwords for " ,which-one) `((h1 "Updating Passwords for ") (h3 ,which-one) (h2 "You may wish to " (font ([color "red"]) "backup") " this password file.") (p "Each authentication " (em "realm") " password protects URLs that match a pattern. " "Choose a realm to edit below:") (table (tr (th "Realm Name") (th "Delete") (th "Edit")) . ,(map (lambda (realm n) `(tr (td ,(realm-name realm)) (td ,(make-field "checkbox" 'deactivate n)) (td ,(make-field "radio" 'edit n)))) passwords (build-list (length passwords) number->string))) ,(make-field "submit" 'add "Add Realm") ,(make-field "submit" 'edit-button "Edit") ,footer)))) ; edit-realm : realm -> realm (define (edit-realm realm) (let* ([bindings (interact (realm-updates realm))] [new-name (extract-binding/single 'realm-name bindings)] [new-pattern (extract-binding/single 'realm-pattern bindings)] [new-allowed (drop (map (lambda (u p) (make-user-pass (string->symbol u) p)) (extract-bindings 'user bindings) (extract-bindings 'pass bindings)) (extract-bindings 'deactivate bindings))]) ; more here - check something? Everything is a string or symbol, though. (cond [(assq 'add-user bindings) (edit-realm (make-realm new-name new-pattern (cons (make-user-pass 'ptg "Scheme-is-cool!") new-allowed)))] [(assq 'update bindings) (make-realm new-name new-pattern new-allowed)] [else (error 'edit-realm "Didn't find either 'add-user or 'update in ~s" bindings)]))) ; realm-updates : realm -> request (define (realm-updates realm) (build-suspender `("Update Authentication Realm " ,(realm-name realm)) `((h1 "Update Authentication Realm") (table ,(make-tr-str "Realm Name" 'realm-name (realm-name realm)) ,(make-tr-str "Protected URL Path Pattern" 'realm-pattern (realm-pattern realm))) (hr) (table (tr (th "User Name") (th "Password") (th "Delete")) . ,(map (lambda (x n) `(tr (td ,(make-field "text" 'user (symbol->string (user-pass-user x)))) (td ,(make-field "text" 'pass (user-pass-pass x))) (td ,(make-field "checkbox" 'deactivate n)))) (realm-allowed realm) (build-list (length (realm-allowed realm)) number->string))) (input ([type "submit"] [name "add-user"] [value "Add User"])) (input ([type "submit"] [name "update"] [value "Update Realm"])) ,footer))) ; read-passwords : iport -> passwords ; only works if the file starts with (quote ...) (define (read-passwords in) (let ([raw (read in)]) (unless (and (pair? raw) (eq? 'quote (car raw)) (null? (cddr raw))) (error 'read-passwords "The password file must be quoted to use the configuration tool.")) (map (lambda (raw-realm) ; more here - error checking (make-realm (car raw-realm) (cadr raw-realm) (map (lambda (x) (make-user-pass (car x) (cadr x))) (cddr raw-realm)))) (cadr raw)))) ; format-passwords : passwords -> s-expr (define (format-passwords passwords) (list 'quote (map (lambda (r) (list* (realm-name r) (realm-pattern r) (map (lambda (x) (list (user-pass-user x) (user-pass-pass x))) (realm-allowed r)))) passwords))) ; Little Helpers ; initialization-error-page : response (define initialization-error-page `(html (head (title "Web Server Configuration Program Invocation Error")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (p "Please direct your browser directly to the " (a ([href ,(url->string (request-uri initial-request))]) "configuration program,") " not through another URL.") ,footer))) ; done-page : html (define done-page ; more-here - consider adding more useful information `(html (head (title "done")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (h2 "Configuration Saved.") (p "Click your browser's back button to continue configuring the server.") ,footer))) ; exception-error-page : TST -> html (define (exception-error-page exn) `(html (head (title "Error")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (p "Servlet exception: " (pre ,(exn->string exn))) ,footer))) (define must-select-host-page `(html (head (title "Web Server Configuration Error")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (p "Please select which host to edit before clicking the Edit button.") ,footer))) ; io ; read-configuration : path -> configuration-table (define (read-configuration configuration-path) (parse-configuration-table (call-with-input-file configuration-path read))) ; write-configuration : configuration-table path -> void ; writes out the new configuration file and ; also copies the configure.ss servlet to the default-host's servlet directory (define (write-configuration new configuration-path) (ensure-configuration-servlet configuration-path (configuration-table-default-host new)) (ensure-configuration-paths new) (write-configuration-table new configuration-path)) ; ensure-configuration-servlet : path host-table -> void (define (ensure-configuration-servlet configuration-path host) (let* ([paths (host-table-paths host)] [root (build-path-unless-absolute web-base (paths-host-base paths))] [servlets-path (build-path (build-path-unless-absolute root (paths-servlet paths)) "servlets")]) (ensure-config-servlet configuration-path servlets-path) (let ([defaults (build-path "Defaults")]) (ensure* (collection-path "web-server" "default-web-root" "htdocs") (build-path-unless-absolute root (paths-htdocs paths)) defaults)))) ; ensure-configuration-paths : configuration-table -> void ; to ensure that all the referenced config files exist for an entire configuration (define (ensure-configuration-paths configuration) (ensure-host-configuration (configuration-table-default-host configuration)) (for-each (lambda (x) (ensure-host-configuration (cdr x))) (configuration-table-virtual-hosts configuration))) ; ensure-host-configuration : host-table -> void ; to ensure that all the referenced config files exist for a virtual host (define (ensure-host-configuration host) (let* ([paths (host-table-paths host)] [host-base (build-path-unless-absolute web-base (paths-host-base paths))] [conf (build-path-unless-absolute host-base (paths-conf paths))] [log (build-path-unless-absolute host-base (paths-log paths))]) ; skip passwords since a missing file is an okay default (ensure-directory-shallow conf) (ensure-directory-shallow host-base) ;(ensure-file log ...) ; empty log file is okay (ensure-directory-shallow (build-path-unless-absolute host-base (paths-htdocs paths))) (ensure-directory-shallow (build-path-unless-absolute host-base (paths-servlet paths))) (let* ([messages (host-table-messages host)] ; more here maybe - check default config file instead? maybe not [from-conf (collection-path "web-server" "default-web-root" "conf")] [copy-conf (lambda (from to) (let ([to-path (build-path-unless-absolute conf to)]) ; more here - check existance of from path? (copy-file* (build-path from-conf from) to-path)))]) (copy-conf "passwords-refresh.html" (messages-passwords-refreshed messages)) (copy-conf "servlet-refresh.html" (messages-servlets-refreshed messages)) (copy-conf "forbidden.html" (messages-authentication messages)) (copy-conf "protocol-error.html" (messages-protocol messages)) (copy-conf "not-found.html" (messages-file-not-found messages)) (copy-conf "servlet-error.html" (messages-servlet messages)) (copy-conf "collect-garbage.html" (messages-collect-garbage messages))))) ; ensure-file : path path path -> void ; to copy (build-path from name) to (build-path to name), creating directories as ; needed if the latter does not already exist. (define (ensure-file from to name) (let ([to (simplify-path to)]) (ensure-directory-shallow to) (let ([to-path (build-path to name)]) (unless (file-exists? to-path) (copy-file (build-path from name) to-path))))) ; copy-file* : str str -> void (define (copy-file* from-path to-path) (unless (file-exists? to-path) (let-values ([(to-path-base to-path-name must-be-dir?) (split-path to-path)]) (ensure-directory-shallow to-path-base)) (copy-file from-path to-path))) ; ensure* : path path path -> void ;; GregP: Don't know what the heck this does (thanks Paul) ;; but the first two arguments are now paths. (define (ensure* from to name) (ensure-directory-shallow to) (let ([p (build-path from name)]) (cond [(directory-exists? p) (unless (member (path->string name) '("CVS" ".svn")) ; yuck (let ([dest (build-path to name)]) (ensure-directory-shallow dest) (for-each (lambda (x) (ensure* p dest x)) (directory-list p))))] [(file-exists? p) (ensure-file from to name)]))) ; ensure-directory-shallow : path -> void (define (ensure-directory-shallow to) (unless (directory-exists? to) ; race condition - someone else could make the directory (make-directory* to))) ; ensure-config-servlet : str path -> void ; to create, if necessary, a stub configuration servlet that includes the main configuration servlet ; at the desired location in a new web tree (define (ensure-config-servlet configuration-path servlets-path) (ensure-directory-shallow servlets-path) (let ([file-path (build-path servlets-path CONFIGURE-SERVLET-NAME)]) (unless (file-exists? file-path) ; more here - check that it's a well formed servlet? (call-with-output-file file-path (lambda (out) (pretty-print `(require (lib ,CONFIGURE-SERVLET-NAME "web-server")) out) (newline out) (pretty-print `(servlet-maker ,(path->string configuration-path)) out)))))) ; extract-definition : sym (listof s-expr) -> s-expr ; to return the rhs from (def name rhs) not (def (name . args) body) (define (extract-definition name defs) (or (ormap (lambda (def) (and (pair? def) (eq? 'define (car def)) (pair? (cdr def)) (eq? name (cadr def)) (pair? (cddr def)) (caddr def))) defs) (error 'extract-definition "definition for ~a not found" name))) ; passwords = str (i.e. path to a file) (define build-path-maybe-expression->file-name caddr) ; main (choose-configuration-file))) (define servlet (servlet-maker default-configuration-table-path)))