(module dispatch-server-unit mzscheme (require (lib "tcp-sig.ss" "net") (lib "unitsig.ss") (lib "thread.ss") (lib "contract.ss") (lib "kw.ss")) (require "web-server-structs.ss" "connection-manager.ss" "dispatch-server-sig.ss") (provide/contract ; XXX contract [dispatch-server@ unit/sig?]) ;; **************************************** (define dispatch-server@ (unit/sig dispatch-server^ (import net:tcp^ (config : dispatch-server-config^)) ;; serve: -> -> void ;; start the server and return a thunk to shut it down (define (serve) (define the-server-custodian (make-custodian)) (start-connection-manager the-server-custodian) (parameterize ([current-custodian the-server-custodian] [current-server-custodian the-server-custodian] [current-thread-initial-stack-size 3]) (thread (lambda () (run-server config:port handle-connection #f (lambda (exn) #f) (lambda (p mw re) (tcp-listen p config:max-waiting #t config:listen-ip)) tcp-close tcp-accept tcp-accept/enable-break)))) (lambda () (custodian-shutdown-all the-server-custodian))) ;; serve-ports : input-port output-port -> void ;; returns immediately, spawning a thread to handle ;; the connection ;; NOTE: (GregP) should allow the user to pass in a connection-custodian (define (serve-ports ip op) (define server-cust (make-custodian)) (start-connection-manager server-cust) (parameterize ([current-custodian server-cust] [current-server-custodian server-cust]) (define connection-cust (make-custodian)) (parameterize ([current-custodian connection-cust]) (thread (lambda () (handle-connection ip op (lambda (ip) (values "" "")))))))) ;; handle-connection : input-port output-port (input-port -> string string) -> void ;; returns immediately, spawning a thread to handle (define/kw (handle-connection ip op #:optional [port-addresses tcp-addresses]) (define conn (new-connection config:initial-connection-timeout ip op (current-custodian) #f)) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? (lambda (e) (kill-connection! conn) (raise e))]) (let connection-loop () (define-values (req close?) (config:read-request conn config:port port-addresses)) (adjust-connection-timeout! conn config:initial-connection-timeout) (config:dispatch conn req) (unless (connection-close? conn) (set-connection-close?! conn close?)) (cond [(connection-close? conn) (kill-connection! conn)] [else (connection-loop)])))))))