; The main program of the "web-server" launcher. (module launch mzscheme (require (lib "cmdline.ss") (lib "pregexp.ss") (lib "contract.ss") (lib "unitsig.ss") (lib "tcp-sig.ss" "net")) (require "util.ss" "configuration-structures.ss" "../web-server-unit.ss" "../sig.ss" "../configuration.ss") (define configuration@ (parse-command-line "web-server" (current-command-line-arguments) `((once-each [("-f" "--configuration-table") ,(lambda (flag file-name) (cond [(not (file-exists? file-name)) (error 'web-server "configuration file ~s not found" file-name)] [(not (memq 'read (file-or-directory-permissions file-name))) (error 'web-server "configuration file ~s is not readable" file-name)] [else (cons 'config (string->path file-name))])) ("Use an alternate configuration table" "file-name")] [("-p" "--port") ,(lambda (flag port) (let ([p (string->number port)]) (if (valid-port? p) (cons 'port p) (error 'web-server "port expects an argument of type ; given ~s" port)))) ("Use an alternate network port." "port")] [("-a" "--ip-address") ,(lambda (flag ip-address) ; note the double backslash I initially left out. That's a good reason to use Olin's regexps. (let ([addr (pregexp-split "\\." ip-address)]) (if (and (= 4 (length addr)) (andmap (lambda (s) (let ([n (string->number s)]) (and (integer? n) (<= 0 n 255)))) addr)) (cons 'ip-address ip-address) (error 'web-server "ip-address expects a numeric ip-address (i.e.; given ~s" ip-address)))) ("Restrict access to come from ip-address" "ip-address")])) (lambda (flags) (update-configuration (load-configuration (extract-flag 'config flags default-configuration-table-path)) flags)) '())) (define-values/invoke-unit/sig web-server^ (compound-unit/sig (import (T : net:tcp^)) (link [C : web-config^ (configuration@)] [S : web-server^ (web-server@ T C)]) (export (open S))) #f net:tcp^) (provide ; XXX contract serve))