6.3. Object Management

6.3.1. Overview

Object management is a collection of features which support:

  1. the definition of special objects in configuration files
  2. the use of these special objects in documents.

For example, a configuration file can contain a lookup table of references. Within a document:

SDF supports 4 predefined classes of objects - references, terms, products and organisations. New classes can be added via the class macro.

6.3.2. The Predefined Classes

The fields supported by the predefined classes are given below.

Class Styles Identifer fields Property fields
references REF, DOC Reference, Document Jump, Version, Status
terms TERM Term, Definition Jump
products PRD Name Jump
organisations ORG, ORGN Name, Long Jump

Styles are the tags used for objects in the class. The first style is the 'normal' one. The second style is the 'long' one.

Identifier fields are the 'normal' and 'long' (if any) fields within the data tables. Property fields are the additional fields, if any.

Note: The build_title macro uses the references declarations to provide default values for DOC_CODE, DOC_VERSION, DOC_STATUS and DOC_URL.

The objects module provides some commonly used objects in these predefined classes (and matching variables).

6.3.3. Declaring Objects

To declare a table of objects, the syntax is:

  !block class; data
  field names
  object record1
  object recordN

An example lookup table for organisations is given below.

!block organisations; data
Name        Long                             Jump
DEC         Digital Equipment Corporation    http://www.dec.com
Frame       Frame International              http://www.frame.com
HP          Hewlett Packard                  http://www.hp.com
IBM         International Business Machines  http://www.ibm.com
Mincom      Mincom Pty Ltd                   http://www.mincom.com
Microsoft   Microsoft Corporation            http://www.microsoft.com

To insert a table of objects, the syntax is:

  !block class
  field names
  object key or record1
  object key or recordN

If only the key is provided, then the 'long' name is found from the configured data, if any. For example, a configuration file may have the following declaration of terms:

  !block terms; data
  Term     Definition
  SDF      Simple Document Format
  SQL      Structured Query Language

These can then be inserted into a document as follows:

  !block terms
  Term     Definition
  WWW      World Wide Web

Note that the definition for a term already declared will be inserted if none is provided. Furthermore, new terms (like WWW above) can be inserted and added to the configured ones.

6.3.4. Hypertext and Name Conversion

If an object has a 'Jump' property defined for it, hypertext is automatically generated for it. For example:

 See {{DOC:My Design Document}} for further details

will have a jump created for the DOC object.

Object names can be converted between the normal and long forms by using the expand and shrink attributes. For example:

 {{PRD:Java}} was developed by {{ORG[expand]Sun}}.