The Callisto Moon

Callisto Discovery Site

Just getting started?


The following links are just reminders for those contributing to the Callisto Discovery site.

Minimum starting platform: Platform Runtime Binary M0609

Callisto Coordinated Update Sites

Callisto Simultaneous Release Plan

Callisto Plan Summary

Callisto Build

Great Bugs Contest

Great Bugs Query

Callisto Mirror sites

For most distributions of Eclipse, there should already be a "Callisto Discovery Site" defined in its Update Manager. But, if you do not see it you can try adding the following URL as a remote update site in your update manager.

Alternatively, if you would like to view the list or projects by their Eclipse Project (PMC) organization, you can define a new remote update site, and specify a site-byProject.xml file. In other words,

See Eclipse Help for general information about using Update Manager.