| dph-base-0.3: Basic Definitions for Data-Parallel Haskell. | Contents | Index |
Data.Array.Parallel.Stream | Portability | non-portable (existentials) | Stability | internal | Maintainer | Roman Leshchinskiy <rl@cse.unsw.edu.au> |
Description |
This module defined the interface to the stream library used for loop
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data Step s a |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Stream a |
emptyS :: Stream a |
Empty stream
singletonS :: a -> Stream a |
Singleton stream
consS :: a -> Stream a -> Stream a |
replicateS :: Int -> a -> Stream a |
replicateEachS :: Int -> Stream (Int :*: a) -> Stream a |
Given a stream of (length,value) pairs and the sum of the lengths,
replicate each value to the given length.
(+++) :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a |
indexedS :: Stream a -> Stream (Int :*: a) |
Associate each element in the Stream with its index
tailS :: Stream a -> Stream a |
Yield the tail of a stream
enumFromToS :: Int -> Int -> Stream Int |
Yield an enumerated stream
enumFromThenToS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Stream Int |
Yield an enumerated stream using a specific step
enumFromStepLenS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Stream Int |
enumFromToEachS :: Int -> Stream (Int :*: Int) -> Stream Int |
enumFromToEachS [k1 :*: m1, ..., kn :*: mn] = [k1,...,m1,...,kn,...,mn] |
toStream :: [a] -> Stream a |
Convert a list to a Stream
fromStream :: Stream a -> [a] |
Generate a list from a Stream
mapS :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b |
filterS :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a |
foldS :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> b |
fold1MaybeS :: (a -> a -> a) -> Stream a -> MaybeS a |
Yield NothingS if the Stream is empty and fold it otherwise.
scanS :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> Stream b |
scan1S :: (a -> a -> a) -> Stream a -> Stream a |
Scan over a non-empty Stream
mapAccumS :: (acc -> a -> acc :*: b) -> acc -> Stream a -> Stream b |
zipWithS :: (a -> b -> c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c |
zipWith3S :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c -> Stream d |
zipS :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream (a :*: b) |
combineS :: Stream Bool -> Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a |
findS :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Maybe a |
findIndexS :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Maybe Int |
randomS :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => Int -> g -> Stream a |
randomRS :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => Int -> (a, a) -> g -> Stream a |
data SStream a |
segmentS :: Stream Int -> Stream a -> SStream a |
foldValuesSS :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> SStream b -> Stream a |
fold1ValuesSS :: (a -> a -> a) -> SStream a -> Stream a |
combineSS :: Stream Bool -> SStream a -> SStream a -> Stream a |
(^+++^) :: SStream a -> SStream a -> Stream a |
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2 |