#include "libemf.h"
Namespaces | |
namespace | EMF |
Functions | |
BOOL | DeleteDC (HDC context) |
HDC | CreateEnhMetaFileA (HDC referenceContext, LPCSTR filename, const RECT *size, LPCSTR description) |
HDC | CreateEnhMetaFileW (HDC referenceContext, LPCWSTR filename, const RECT *size, LPCWSTR description) |
HDC | CreateEnhMetaFileWithFILEA (HDC referenceContext, FILE *fp, const RECT *size, LPCSTR description) |
HDC | CreateEnhMetaFileWithFILEW (HDC referenceContext, FILE *fp, const RECT *size, LPCWSTR description) |
HMETAFILE | CreateMetaFileA (LPCSTR filename) |
HENHMETAFILE | CloseEnhMetaFile (HDC context) |
HMETAFILE | CloseMetaFile (HDC context) |
HENHMETAFILE | CloseEnhMetaFileWithFILE (HDC context) |
BOOL | DeleteEnhMetaFile (HENHMETAFILE metafile) |
BOOL | DeleteMetaFile (HMETAFILE metafile) |
HENHMETAFILE | GetEnhMetaFileA (LPCSTR filename) |
HENHMETAFILE | GetEnhMetaFileW (LPCWSTR filename) |
BOOL | PlayEnhMetaFile (HDC context, HENHMETAFILE metafile, const RECT *) |
void | EditEnhMetaFile (HENHMETAFILE metafile) |
DWORD | GetLastError () |
BOOL | MoveToEx (HDC context, INT x, INT y, LPPOINT point) |
BOOL | LineTo (HDC context, INT x, INT y) |
HGDIOBJ | GetStockObject (INT obj) |
HGDIOBJ | SelectObject (HDC context, HGDIOBJ obj) |
INT | GetObjectA (HGDIOBJ obj, INT size, LPVOID buffer) |
BOOL | DeleteObject (HGDIOBJ obj) |
BOOL | SetViewportOrgEx (HDC context, INT x, INT y, LPPOINT point) |
BOOL | GetViewportOrgEx (HDC context, LPPOINT point) |
BOOL | SetWindowOrgEx (HDC context, INT x, INT y, LPPOINT point) |
BOOL | GetWindowOrgEx (HDC context, LPPOINT point) |
BOOL | SetViewportExtEx (HDC context, INT cx, INT cy, LPSIZE size) |
BOOL | ScaleViewportExtEx (HDC context, INT x_num, INT x_den, INT y_num, INT y_den, LPSIZE size) |
BOOL | GetViewportExtEx (HDC context, LPSIZE size) |
BOOL | SetWindowExtEx (HDC context, INT cx, INT cy, LPSIZE size) |
BOOL | ScaleWindowExtEx (HDC context, INT x_num, INT x_den, INT y_num, INT y_den, LPSIZE size) |
BOOL | GetWindowExtEx (HDC context, LPSIZE size) |
BOOL | ModifyWorldTransform (HDC context, const XFORM *transform, DWORD mode) |
BOOL | SetWorldTransform (HDC context, const XFORM *transform) |
HPEN | CreatePen (INT style, INT width, COLORREF color) |
HPEN | ExtCreatePen (DWORD style, DWORD width, const LOGBRUSH *brush, DWORD, const DWORD *) |
HPEN | CreatePenIndirect (const LOGPEN *lpen) |
HBRUSH | CreateBrushIndirect (const LOGBRUSH *lbrush) |
HBRUSH | CreateSolidBrush (COLORREF color) |
UINT | SetTextAlign (HDC context, UINT alignment) |
COLORREF | SetTextColor (HDC context, COLORREF color) |
COLORREF | SetBkColor (HDC context, COLORREF color) |
INT | SetBkMode (HDC context, INT mode) |
INT | SetMapMode (HDC context, INT mode) |
HFONT | CreateFontA (INT height, INT width, INT escapement, INT orientation, INT weight, DWORD italic, DWORD underline, DWORD strike_out, DWORD charset, DWORD out_precision, DWORD clip_precision, DWORD quality, DWORD pitch_family, LPCSTR name) |
HFONT | CreateFontW (INT height, INT width, INT escapement, INT orientation, INT weight, DWORD italic, DWORD underline, DWORD strike_out, DWORD charset, DWORD out_precision, DWORD clip_precision, DWORD quality, DWORD pitch_family, LPCWSTR name) |
HFONT | CreateFontIndirectW (const LOGFONTW *lfont) |
HFONT | CreateFontIndirectA (const LOGFONTA *lfonta) |
BOOL | TextOutA (HDC context, INT x, INT y, LPCSTR string, INT count) |
BOOL | ExtTextOutA (HDC context, INT x, INT y, UINT flags, const RECT *rect, LPCSTR string, UINT count, const INT *dx) |
BOOL | Arc (HDC context, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, INT yend) |
BOOL | ArcTo (HDC context, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, INT yend) |
BOOL | Rectangle (HDC context, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom) |
BOOL | Ellipse (HDC context, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom) |
BOOL | PolyBezier (HDC context, const POINT *points, DWORD n) |
BOOL | PolyBezier16 (HDC16 context, const POINT16 *points, INT16 n) |
UINT | GetEnhMetaFileHeader (HENHMETAFILE metafile, const UINT sizeof_enhmetaheader, LPENHMETAHEADER metaheader) |
INT | GetDeviceCaps (HDC context, INT capability) |
BOOL | Polyline (HDC context, const POINT *points, INT n) |
BOOL | Polyline16 (HDC context, const POINT16 *points, INT16 n) |
BOOL | Polygon (HDC context, const POINT *points, INT n) |
BOOL | PolyPolygon (HDC context, const POINT *points, const INT *counts, UINT polygons) |
BOOL | PolyPolygon16 (HDC context, const POINT16 *points, const INT *counts, UINT16 polygons) |
INT | GetTextFaceA (HDC, INT, LPSTR) |
BOOL | SetTextJustification (HDC, INT, INT) |
INT | SetPolyFillMode (HDC context, INT mode) |
BOOL | FillPath (HDC context) |
BOOL | StrokePath (HDC context) |
BOOL | PolyBezierTo (HDC context, const POINT *points, DWORD n) |
BOOL | PolyBezierTo16 (HDC context, const POINT16 *points, INT16 n) |
BOOL | PolylineTo (HDC context, const POINT *points, DWORD n) |
BOOL | PolylineTo16 (HDC context, const POINT16 *points, INT16 n) |
BOOL | GetTextExtentPoint32A (HDC, LPCSTR, INT, LPSIZE) |
BOOL | BeginPath (HDC context) |
BOOL | EndPath (HDC context) |
BOOL | CloseFigure (HDC context) |
INT | SaveDC (HDC context) |
INT | RestoreDC (HDC context, INT n) |
INT | SetMetaRgn (HDC context) |
INT | SetTextCharacterExtra (HDC, INT) |
INT | GetTextCharacterExtra (HDC) |
COLORREF | SetPixel (HDC context, INT x, INT y, COLORREF color) |
HWND | GetDesktopWindow (void) |
HDC | GetDC (HWND) |
INT | ReleaseDC (HWND, HDC) |
INT | StretchDIBits (HDC, INT, INT, INT, INT, INT, INT, INT, INT, const void *,const BITMAPINFO *,UINT, DWORD) |
Draw an arc. Not sure what the specification here means, though.
Draw another arc. Not sure what the specification here means, though.
Begin defining a path.
If the metafile was opened with CreateEnhMetaFileA or CreateEnhMetaFileW, use this routine to close the metafile.
Close a metafile which was created with an already open FILE pointer.
Close the figure (how is this different from EndPath?)
If the metafile was opened with CreateEnhMetaFileA or CreateEnhMetaFileW, use this routine to close the metafile (same as CloseEnhMetaFile)
Create a BRUSH, used to fill polygons.
Create an enhanced metafile on disk.
Create an enhanced metafile on disk. This differs from CreateEnhMetaFileA only in that the filename and description are made of wide characters.
Many graphics programs want to open and close output files themselves. At least, gnuplot and Grace do. So, supply the FILE pointer when creating a metafile and let the plotting program's driver handle it.
Many graphics programs want to open and close output files themselves. At least, gnuplot and Grace do. So, supply the FILE pointer when creating a metafile and let the plotting program's driver handle it. This differs from CreateEnhMetaFileWithFILEA only in that the description string uses wide characters.
Create a new FONT object. Presumably, the system tries to find a reasonable approximation to all the requested attributes.
Create a new FONT using the logical(?) font specification.
Create a new FONT using the logical(?) font specification.
Create a new FONT object. Presumably, the system tries to find a reasonable approximation to all the requested attributes.
The old 16-bit metafile constructor. Actually creates an Enhanced Metafile anyway.
Create a PEN, used to draw lines. Styles have (at least) the following values:
Create a PEN, used to draw lines.
Create a solid BRUSH, used to fill polygons.
Delete a device context. (Have to check to see if there is any reason to ever call this.)
Delete the metafile. Well, you can call this to clear out the memory used by the metafile, but it's already been written to disk by the time this is callable.
Delete the metafile. Well, you can call this to clear out the memory used by the metafile, but it's already been written to disk by the time this is callable. Just calls DeleteEnhMetafile.
Delete the given graphics object. Note that, now, only those contexts into which the object has been selected get a delete object records. (Makes a lot more sense to me now.)
This is not a ECMA-234 standard function. Edit (print) the contents of the metafile to stdout. Also, this function does nothing if editing wasn't enabled at ./configure time.
Draw an ellipse. (I have no idea how the ellipse is defined!)
End the path definition.
Create a PEN. Use the color from brush. WINE does not do anything with style_count and style_bits, so I'm not sure what to do here.
Draw a string of text at the given position and using the additional placement specifications.
Fill the defined path.
Return a device context from the given window handle. Neither of these exist here, actually.
Return a dummy handle to the desktop window (graphics systems aren't a requirement).
Return various information about the "capabilities" of the device context. This is wholly fabricated for the metafile (i.e., there is no real device to which these attributes relate).
Read an enhanced metafile from the given file.
Retrieve the handle of a *closed* metafile.
Read an enhanced metafile from the given file.
Return the number of the last error. Since libEMF doesn't really do any graphics, this is always returns OK. Also, since this doesn't take any arguments, there appears to be only one, global, error number.
Return information about the object. What does it want?
Retrieve the handle for a predefined graphics object. Stock objects include (at least) the following:
Returns the extra space between each character setting.
Measure the extents of a string.
Evidently returns the name of the current font.
Return information about the current font.
Get the dimensions of the viewport.
Get the origin of the viewport.
Get the dimensions of the window.
Get the origin of the window.
Draw a straight line using the current PEN from the current point to the given position.
Multiply the given Affine transform times the current global transformation. (Not handled correctly by StarOffice 5.2, as near as I can tell, anyway.)
Move the current point to the given position.
"Display" the enhanced metafile in the given device context. For the purposes of this library, this re-executes each graphics command in the given context.
Draw a Bezier curve.
Draw a Bezier curve using 16-bit points.
Draw a Bezier curve to (what?).
Draw a Bezier curve to (what?) using 16-bit points.
Draw a series of sequences of connected straight line segments where the end of the last line segment is connect to the beginning of the first line segment.
Draw a series of sequences of connected straight line segments where the end of the last line segment is connect to the beginning of the first line segment. Uses the 16-bit interface (not directly callable from a user-program, though).
Draw a sequence of connected straight line segments where the end of the last line segment is connect to the beginning of the first line segment.
Draw a sequence of connected lines.
Draw a sequence of connected lines using 16-bit points.
Draw a Polyline to (what?).
Draw a Polyline to (what?) using 16-bit points.
Draw a rectangle using the current brush.
Surrender device context associated with the given window. Does nothing here.
Get the (contents of?) given Device Context off a stack (?).
Push the (contents of?) given Device Context on to a stack (?).
Scale the dimensions of the viewport.
Scale the dimensions of the window.
Make the given graphics object current.
Set the background color. (As near as I can tell, StarOffice only uses this for text background.)
Set the background mode. (As near as I can tell, StarOffice ignores this value.) The choices for mode are:
Set the window mapping mode. (Unfortunately, as near as I can tell, StarOffice ignores this value.) The choices for mode are:
Set the pixel to the given color.
Set the polygon fill mode.
Set the subsequent alignment of drawn text. You can also pass a flag indicating whether or not to update the current point to the end of the text. Alignment may have the (sum of) values:
Adds extra space between each character drawn.
Set the text foreground color.
Even after reading the documentation for this function, I still don't understand what it does. This has no EMF implementation.
Set the dimensions of the viewport. (Not honored by StarOffice!)
Set the origin of the viewport. (Not entirely sure if this is honored by StarOffice.)
Set the dimensions of the window. (Not entirely sure if this is honored by StarOffice.)
Set the origin of the window. Evidently, this means that a point drawn at the given coordinates will appear at the Viewport origin.
Replace the global transformation with the given transformation. (Not handled correctly by StarOffice 5.2, as near as I can tell, anyway.)
Outline the defined path.
Draw a string of text at the given position using the current FONT and other text attributes.