PHP Manual


Das Verhalten dieser Funktionen wird durch Einstellungen in der php.ini beeinflusst.

Mongo Konfigurationsoptionen
Name Standard Veränderbar Changelog
mongo.default_host NULL PHP_INI_ALL
mongo.default_port NULL PHP_INI_ALL
mongo.auto_reconnect NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.allow_persistent NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.max_persistent NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.max_connections NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM

Weitere Details und die Definitionen der PHP_INI_*-Konstanten finden Sie im php.ini Einstellungen.

Hier eine kurze Erklärung der Konfigurationsoptionen:

mongo.default_host string

Default hostname. "localhost" is recommended.

mongo.default_port string

The default TCP port number to use when connecting to the database server if no other port is specified. The database's default is 27017.

mongo.auto_reconnect bool

Whether to reconnect to the database if the connection is lost.

mongo.allow_persistent bool

If persistent connections are allowed.

mongo.max_persistent int

The number of simultaneous persistent connections to allow. -1 allows unlimited persistent connections.

mongo.max_connections int

The number of simultaneous connections to allow. -1 allows unlimited connections.

PHP Manual