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pstricks PostScript macros for TeX.

An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and AMS-LaTeX. Included are macros for color, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and overlays. It has many special features, including: a wide variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with color support. There are macros for coloring or shading the cells of tables.

The package pstricks-add contains bug-fixes and additions for pstricks (among others). The author is Timothy Van Zandt. See also color colortab fancybox shading pdftricks ps4pdf.

License: lppl Version: 97 patch 15 Updated: 2004-05-13

Copyright (c) 1986-2004 .   This page was generated 2004-11-03 01:42:45.