TeX Catalogue (Brief Ctan Edition) Graham Williams
a0poster | Provides fonts in sizes of 12pt up to 107pt. |
a2ac | AFM to AFM plus Composites. |
a2ping | Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter. |
a4 | Support for A4 paper sizes. |
a4wide | Increases width of printed area of an a4 page. |
a5 | Obsolete support for a5 paper size. |
a5comb | Support for a5 paper sizes. |
aaai | AAAI style. |
aastex | American Astronomical Society format. |
abbrevs | Text abbreviations in LaTeX. |
abc2mtex | Notate tunes stored in abc notation. |
abstbook | Books of abstracts. |
abstract | Control the typesetting of the abstract environment. |
abstyles | No description available. |
accents | Multiple accents. |
accfonts | Font manipulation utilities (mkt1font and vpl2vpl). |
achemso | LaTeX and BibTeX style for American Chemical Society. |
achicago | Chicago Manual citations in LaTeX. |
achicago-bst | Chicago Manual BibTeX style. |
acmconf | Association for Computing Machinery conference proceedings. |
acronym | Expand acronyms at least once. |
acroread | View pdf formatted files. |
acrotex | How to generate PDF with TeX. |
addindex | Add index entries to LaTeX document. |
adfathesis | Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format. |
adobeother | Font metrics for Adobe non-standard fonts. |
adobestd | Font metrics for Adobe `standard' fonts. |
adrconv | BibTeX styles to implement an address database. |
adrlist | Using address lists in LaTeX. |
advdate | No caption. |
ae | Virtual fonts for PDF-files with T1 encoded CMR-fonts. |
aeguill | Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts. |
afterpage | Execute command after each page. |
afthesis | Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class. |
aguplus | Styles for American Geophysical Union. |
aiaa | Typeset American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conference papers. |
aifont | BSR/YandY/AMS Type 1 Computer Modern fonts. |
akletter | Comprehensive letter support. |
alatex | Abstract LaTeX. |
aleph | Extended TeX. |
alg | LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms. |
algorithm2e | Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords. |
algorithmicx | The algorithmic style you always wanted! |
algorithms | Floating algorithm environment. |
allrunes | Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes. |
alltt | No caption. |
alnumsec | Alphanumeric section numbering. |
alpha | Editor for the Macintosh with good TeX support. |
alphalph | Convert numbers to letters. |
alphanum | Permits alphanumeric section numbering. |
altfont | No caption. |
amiweb2c | An Amiga port of the complete UNIX-TeX system. |
amsart | LaTeX document class for AMS math journal articles |
amsbook | LaTeX document class for AMS books |
amsbsy | Produce bold math symbols (AMS-LaTeX). |
amscd | AMS-LaTeX -- commutative diagrams. |
amscls | AMS document class for LaTeX. |
amsfonts | TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society. |
amslatex | Miscellaneous LaTeX enhancements. |
amslatexprimer | No Caption. |
amsltx11 | AMS-LaTeX, original version (obsolete). |
amsmath | AMS math facilities for LaTeX. |
amspell | ASCII and LaTeX spell checker. |
amsppt | AMS-TeX article preprint document style. |
amsppt1 | AMS-TeX v.2 compatibility for amsppt.sty v.1. |
amsproc | LaTeX document class for AMS conference proceedings |
amsrefs | A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX. |
amssym | AMS symbol fonts for Plain TeX. |
amssymb | AMS symbol fonts for LaTeX. |
amstex | American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros. |
amstext | AMS-LaTeX -- text fragments in math. |
amsthm | LaTeX package for theorem setup (AMS style) |
anleitung | No Caption. |
anonchap | Make \chapter s be typeset like sections. |
answers | Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers. |
ant | ant is a typesetting system inspired by TeX. |
antomega | Alternative language support for omega/lambda. |
antp | Antykwa P\'o\l{}tawskiego: a Type 1 family of Polish traditional type. |
antt | Antykwa Toru\'nska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type. |
anttvf | Virtual fonts for PostScript Antykwa Torunska font. |
anufinalexam | LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam |
apa | American Psychological Association format. |
apacite | Citation style following rules of American Psychological Assoc. |
apasoft | A more conforming apa-like style for BibTeX. |
apl | Fonts for typesetting APL programs. |
appendix | Extra control of appendices. |
ar | Capital A and capital R ligature for Apsect Ratio. |
arabtex | Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic. |
archaic | A collection of archaic fonts. |
armenian | A package which lets one to write in Armenian with TeX. |
armtex | A sytem for writing Armenian with TeX and LaTeX. |
arosgn | Support for the Bengali language. |
array | Arrays and tables with formatted columns. |
arrayjob | Array data structures for (La)TeX. |
arraymaker | A program for making latex and xypic arrays. |
arrow | Eplain macros for arrow theoretic diagrams. |
artex | Make filecontents environments of non-standard packages. |
arydshln | Horizontal and vertical dashed lines. |
asaetr | Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
ascelike | Bibliography style for the American Society of Civil Engineer. |
ascii | Support for IBM extended ASCII font. |
ascii-cyrillic | Converting Cyrillic letters to the Latin alphabet. |
askinclude | Interactive use of \includeonly |
aspell | Spell checker. |
assignment | A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments |
astro | Astronomical (planetary) symbols. |
at | Short commands starting '@'. |
attrib | Attribution of block quotations in LaTeX. |
auctex | Emacs support files for TeX. |
augie | Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting. |
auncial | Artificial Uncial manuscript book-hand font. |
aurical | Calligraphic font (AuriocusKalligraphicus) for LaTeX in T1-encoding. |
aurora | Header files for dvips to make colour separations. |
authblk | Support for footnote style author/affiliation. |
authorindex | No caption. |
autoconf | Autoconf macros to test for the presence of LaTeX |
autotab | Generating tabular setups. |
autoview | Maintain a ghostscript view of emacs buffer. |
babel | Multilingual support for LaTeX. |
babelbib | Multilingual bibliographies. |
backgammon | Style for typesetting backgammon boards. |
backgrnd | Mark text with grey background or change bar |
backrefx | Bibliographical back referencing. |
bahyph | Hyphenation patterns for basque. |
bakoma | TeX for MS-Windows for electronic documents. |
bakoma-fonts | Computer Modern and AMS fonts in PostScript Type1 form. |
bakoma-games | BaKoMa modules for music and games. |
balance | Balanced two-column mode. |
bangtex | Class files for writing Bangla and Asamese with LaTeX. |
bar | Provides the barenv environment for bar charts. |
barcode2 | No description available. |
barcodes | Fonts for making barcodes. |
bardiag | LateX package for drawing bar diagrams |
barr | Diagram macros by Michael Barr. |
barracuda | A BibTeX database manage. |
base | Definitive source of Plain TeX on CTAN. |
basix | A BASIC interpreter written in TeX. |
bbding | Symbol font including many Zapf dingbats. |
bbfig | Calculate and print bounding box. |
bbl2html | Convert a LaTeX .bbl file to formatted html code. |
bbm | "Blackboard-style" cm fonts. |
bbm-macros | LaTeX support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts. |
bbold | Sans serif blackboard bold. |
beamer | A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides. |
beebe | TeX-related bibliographies and BibTeX styles. |
beginlatex | A beginner's guide to LaTeX. |
beletter | Typeset Belgian letters. |
belleek | Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts. |
bera | Bera fonts. |
betababel | Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code. |
beton | Use Concrete fonts. |
bez123 | Support for Bezier curves. |
bezos | Packages by Javier Bezos. |
bgreek | Typeset classical Greek. |
bgteubner | Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag". |
bib-fr | French translation of classical BibTeX styles |
bib2xhtml | Convert BibTeX Files into XHTML |
bibarts | No caption. |
bibcheck | Check on references to items in thebibliography. |
bibdb | BibTeX bibliography manager fow MS-Windows and MS-DOS. |
bibex | Bibex automates the extraction of bibliographic references from BibTeX databases |
bibexport | Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file. |
bibextract | Utilities to extract BibTeX data. |
bibfile-reformat-pages | puts .bib file page ranges into uniform format (abbreviated or not as requested) |
bibfind | Prints entries in your bib file that match search string |
bibhtml | BibTeX support for HTML files. |
bibindex | No caption. |
biblio | No caption. |
biblio-perl | System for maintaining and presenting bibliographies. |
biblios | No caption. |
biblist | BibTeX styles by Joachim Schrod. |
biblook | No caption. |
bibsort | Sort a bibliography. |
bibtex | Bibliography management for LaTeX. |
bibtex-gen | A simple interactive script to generate BibTeX Files. |
bibtex8bit | A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99. |
bibtexmng | Manipulate database files. |
bibtool | Command line manipulation of BibTeX files. |
bibtools | Bib management tools |
bibtopic | Include multiple `by topic' bibliographies in a document. |
bibunits | Multiple bibliographies in one document. |
bibweb | Automatically retrieve bibliography from MathSciNet. |
bidstobibtex | No caption. |
bigdelim | Big deliminators. |
bigstrut | Big struts. |
binhex | Convert numbers into binary, octal and hexadecimal. |
bitfield | Draw bit field data structure diagrams. |
bits | Modular environments in LaTeX. |
bitstrea | No caption. |
bizcard | Typeset business cards. |
blackboard | No caption. |
blacklettert1 | T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts. |
blindtext | Producing `blind' text for testing. |
blkarray | Extended array and tabular. |
blkcntrl | Block-element hooks in LaTeX. |
block | A block letter style for the letter class. |
blu | BLUe's format system. |
blue | No caption. |
bluesky | Computer Modern family in format. |
bm | This is a package for accessing bold symbols in math mode. |
bm2ltx | Convert bitmap image to LaTeX document. |
bmeps | Converter from PNG/JPEG/Tgb81AIFF/NetPBM to EPS. |
boites | Boxes that may break across pages |
bookhands | A collection of book-hand fonts. |
booklet | Aids for printing simple booklets. |
booktabs | Publication quality tables in LaTeX |
bophook | Provides AtBeginPage hook. |
borceux | Diagram macros by Francois Borceux. |
bosisio | No caption. |
boundbox | Calculate TeX Bounding Box in points. |
boxedminipage | A package for producing boxed minipages. |
bpchem | Typeset chemical names, formulae, and numbering of chemical compounds. |
braille | Support for braille. |
braket | Dirac bra-ket and set notation. |
brclc | Support 16-bit (double) calculations in LaTeX. |
breqn | Automatic line breaking of displayed equations. |
bridge | Macros for typesetting bridge diagrams. |
brief | German letter style. |
brief_t | LaTeX support for the brief editor. |
brushscr | Type-1 font named BrushScript-Italic. |
btool | Perl library for parsing and processing BibTeX files. |
bundledoc | Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document. |
burmese | Basic Support for Writing Burmese. |
bytefield | Create illustrations for network protocol specifications. |
bzip2 | Compression program. |
c-pascal | Typeset C and Pascal programs. |
c2cweb | No caption. |
c2latex | Simple conversion of C programs to LaTeX. |
calc | No caption. |
calendar | A package for calendars and timetables. |
calligra | Calligraphic font. |
calrsfs | Nicer calligraphic letters. |
calxxxx | Prints a card-size calendar for any year. |
camel | No caption. |
cancel | Place lines through maths formulae. |
capt-of | Captions on more than floats. |
captcont | Retain float number accross several floats. |
caption | Customising captions in floating environments. |
caption2 | Newer version of the caption package. |
carlisle | Miscellaneous small packages by David Carlisle. |
carolmin | Carolingan Miniscule manuscript book-hand font. |
cases | Numbered cases environment |
casyl | Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics. |
catalan | Catalan hyphenation patterns. |
catalanbib | The catalanbib bibliographic styles |
catalogue | A catalogue of what's available on CTAN. |
catdoc | No caption. |
catdvi | A DVI to plain text translator. |
cbcoptic | This bundle provides Coptic fonts in Metafont source and in pfb type1 format and the necessary files for using them in a LaTeX environment, with a certain amount of macros for philological applications. |
cbgreek | A complete set of Greek fonts. |
cc-pl | Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts (MetaFont sources). |
cc-plps | Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts in Type1 format. |
ccaption | Continuation headings and legends for floats. |
ccfonts | Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX. |
cchess | No caption. |
cdcover | Typeset CD covers. |
cdlabeler | Take user text and typeset it to fit a CD label. |
cdpbundl | Business letters in the Italian style |
cellular | Cellular table construction. |
cep | Compression tools for PostScript. |
cfgguide | Documentation of LaTeX configuration options. |
changebar | Generate changebars in LaTeX documents. |
chappg | Package for page numbering by chapter. |
chapterbib | Separate bibliography for each \include file. |
chapterfolder | Package that simplify working with folder structure |
chbibref | Change the Bibliography/References title. |
check | A syntax checker and tidier. |
chem-journal | Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry. |
chemarr | Arrows for chemists. |
chemcono | Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents. |
chemsym | Macros for typing chemical symbols. |
cheq | Adobe chess font. |
cherokee | Fonts for Cherokee scripts. |
chess | Fonts for typesetting chess boards. |
chicago | A bibliography style. |
china2e | No caption. |
chktex | Finds typographic errors in LaTeX. |
chngcntr | Change the resetting of counters. |
chngpage | Change the page layout in the middle of a document. |
chroma | Chroma: a reference book of LaTeX colors |
circ | Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams. |
circle | No caption. |
circuit-macros | M4 Macros for Electric circuit diagrams. |
cirth | Fonts for Cirth. |
citation | A bibliographical conversion program. |
cite | Supports compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations. |
citeref | Support backward references in the bibliography. |
cj | BibTeX style for Computer Journal |
cjhebrew | Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX containing two type 1 fonts. |
cjk | No caption. |
cjk-fonts | No caption. |
clefval | Key/value support with a hash. |
clock | Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX. |
clrscode | Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms. |
clsguide | Documentation of LaTeX class and package writing. |
cm | Computer Modern fonts. |
cm-lgc | Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic. |
cm-super | CM-Super family of fonts |
cmactex | TeX for the Macintosh. |
cmap | Make PDF files searchable and copyable. |
cmbright | Support for CM Bright fonts in LaTeX. |
cmcyr | No caption. |
cmcyralt | Alternative Russian encoding support. |
cmdtrack | Check used commands |
cmextra | No caption. |
cmfrak | Reencoded versions of Haralambous fraktur fonts. |
cmolddig | Virtual fount setup for using old style digits. |
cmpica | A Computer Modern Pica variant. |
cmps | Versions of PostScript fonts, from Blue Sky and Y&Y. |
cmsd | A package including additional fd files. |
cmtt | A package for handling the `cmtt' font better. |
cmyk-hax | A TeX macro package for colour manipulation (using PostScript). |
code128 | A set of barcode macros for the Code 128 standard. |
codepage | Support for variant code pages. |
collect | Collect text for later re-use. |
color | Allows text and page background colors to be set. |
colorinfo | Retrieve color model and values for defined colors. |
colorsep | Color separation. |
colortab | Shade cells of tables and halign. |
colortbl | Add colour to LaTeX tables. |
combine | Bundle individual documents into a single document. |
comma | Formats a number by inserting a comma. |
comment | Selectively include/excludes portions of text. |
comp-fonts-faq | Frequently Asked Questions from comp.fonts. |
compactbib | Allows many thebibliography environments with continuous numbering. |
components | Components of TeX. |
comprehensive | Samples of thousands of symbols that are accessible from LaTeX |
compsci | Document (LaTeX) programming with LaTeX. |
concmath | Concrete Math fonts. |
concprog | No caption. |
concrete | Concrete Roman fonts. |
concrete-wrap | No caption. |
consdiag | A utility for OO programming documentation. |
context | The ConTeXt macro package. |
context-bib | ConTeXt bibliography module |
context-maths | ConTeXt versions of LaTeX speciality maths packages |
contour | Print a coloured contour around text. |
convert | Convert notation of text files. |
cooking | Typeset recipes. |
coptic | Coptic Fonts. |
corelpak | No caption. |
corridx | Add index entries to LaTeX document. |
count1to | Set count1 to count9. |
courier-scaled | Provides a scaled Courier font similar to the helvet package |
covfonts | Make Apostrophic Laboratories's Covington fonts available to TeX and LaTeX |
covington | Linguistic support. |
croatian | Fonts for typesetting Croatian scripts. |
crop | Support for cropmarks. |
crosswrd | Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles.. |
cryst | Font for symmetry elements in crystallography. |
csfonts | Czech/Slovak-tuned MetaFont Computer Modern fonts. |
cslatex | LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting. |
csplain | Plain TeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting. |
cspsfonts | Czech and Slovakian PostScript fonts. |
csquotes | Context sensitive quotation marks. |
cstug | No description available. |
csvtools | Reading data from CSV files |
csx | Documentation for the CS/CSX documents on MS-DOS. |
ctable | Easily typeset centered tables. |
ctib4tex | Tibetan for TeX and LATeX2e. |
currvita | Package for typesetting a curriculum vitae. |
cursor | No caption. |
curve | A LaTeX2e class for making curriculum vitae. |
curves | Curves for LaTeX picture environment |
custom-bib | Customised BibTeX styles. |
cuted | Mixing onecolumn and twocolumn modes at any place of page. |
cv | A package for creating a curriculum vitae. |
cvsty | Yet another style for easy CV pagination. |
cwebbin | CWEB for ANSI-C/C++ compilers on UNIX/Linux, MS/Windows, and Amiga. |
cwebhy | Insert hyperlinks for included files. |
cwebx | A system for Structured Software Documentation in C. |
cwpuzzle | Typeset crossword puzzles. |
cypriot | A script which was used on Cyprus for writing Greek. |
cyrguide | Documentation LaTeX Cyrillic-alphabet features. |
cyrillic | Cyrillic support. |
cyrtug | No caption. |
czech | Typeset Czech documents. |
czhyph2e | Converting the Czech hyphenation pattern into a form usable by LaTeX2e. |
dancers | Font for the Sherlock Holmes `Dancing Men'. |
dashbox | Draw dashed boxes. |
datenumber | Convert a date into a number and vice versa. |
dates | Macros for parsing date strings. |
datetime | Change format of \today with commands for current time. |
dayroman | The Day Roman typeface. |
dblfloatfix | Fixes for twocolumn floats. |
dblfont | No caption. |
dbprocess | No caption. |
dcolumn | Align on the decimal point of numbers in tabulars. |
dcounter | Supports dynamic counters. |
dcpic | Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents. |
decimal | LaTeX package for the traditional English decimal point |
default | A style to help provide default parameters for TeX macros. |
delarray | Delimiters for arrays. |
deleq | Flexible numbering of equations. |
delimtxt | Read and parse text tables. |
detex | Strip TeX from a source file. |
devanagari | Typeset Devanagari. |
devanagari-omega | Typeset Devanagari with Omega. |
development | Bibtex style file for the journal Development. |
diagxy | Draw commutative diagrams. |
dialogl | Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts. |
dialogue | Quote short scripted dialogue in LaTeX. |
dichokey | Construct dichotomous identification keys. |
dictsym | DictSym font and macro package |
dinat | Bibliography style for German texts. |
dinbrief | German letter DIN style. |
dingbat | A dingbat symbol font. |
directory | Address book. |
directtex | TeX for the Macintosh. |
dk-bib | Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles. |
doafter | Do things after a group. |
doc | Format LaTeX documentation. |
docarc | Multi-user distributed bibliographic database system. |
docmfp | Document non-LaTeX code. |
docstrip | Remove comments from file. |
dotlessi | Provides dotless i's and j's for use in any math font. |
dotlessj | Generates a dot-less j. |
dotseqn | Flush left equations with dotted letters to the numbers. |
doublespace | Double space environment. |
doublestroke | Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols. |
dpfloat | Support for double-page floats. |
draftcopy | Identify draft copies. |
drafthead | No caption. |
drama | Production-style stage script in LaTeX. |
dramatist | Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose. |
dratex | General drawing macros entirely in TeX. |
drftcite | Print the tags instead of the numbers for \cite and \bibitem. |
dropcaps | Use dropped capitals to start a paragraph. |
dropping | Drop first letter of paragraphs. |
dstroke | No caption. |
dtxtut | Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files |
duerer | Computer Duerer fonts. |
dvgtk | No caption. |
dvi2bitmap | Utility to convert TeX DVI files directly to bitmaps. |
dvi2tty | Produce ACSII from DVI. |
dvichk | List the page numbers in a DVI file. |
dviconcat | Concatenates dvi files. |
dvicopy | Copy and concatenate DVI files. |
dvii | Extract information from a DVI file. |
dviincl | A tiny package for including a DVI page into the EPS files generated by METAPOST. |
dviljk | No caption. |
dviout | TeX previewer and printer driver for MS-Windows. |
dvipaste | DVI manipulation. |
dvipdfm | A dvi driver to produce PDF directly. |
dvipng | A fast DVI to PNG/GIF converter. |
dvips | A dvi to PostScript driver. |
dvips-os2 | No caption. |
dvips-shell | A dvips Shell for MS-Windows32. |
dvipsconfig | Collection of dvips PostScript headers. |
dvipsdoc | No description available. |
dvipsk | Convert DVI to Postscript - with KPSE search path. |
dviwin | MS-Windows DVI screen and printer driver. |
e-tex | Extended TeX. |
ean | Font for making EAN barcodes. |
easy | A collection of ``easy'' to use macros. |
easybib | Simple syntax for custom bibliographies. |
easybmat | Block matricies. |
easyeqn | A simple package for writing equations. |
easylatex | Faster and simpler writing of LaTeX documents |
easymat | A simple package for writing matrices. |
easytable | A simple package for writing tables. |
easyvector | Write vectors in a C-like fashion. |
ebib | Ebib is a BibTeX database manager for GNU Emacs |
ebong | Utility for writing bengali (through bangtex) in Rapid Roman Format |
ebsthesis | Typesetting theses for economics |
ec | No caption. |
ec-plain | No caption. |
ecc | Sources for the European Concrete fonts. |
ecltree | Trees using epic and eepic macros |
eco | Font metric files and virtual fonts for ec fonts. |
ecpk | No description available. |
ecta | Bibliography style file for submission to Econometrica. |
eddi4tex | Editor and shell for DOS and OS/2. |
edmac | Typeset scholarly edition. |
ednotes | Typeset scholarly edition. |
eepic | Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools. |
egameps | LaTeX style for typesetting extensive games, using PSTricks macros |
egothic | Early Gothic manuscript book-hand font. |
egplot | No caption. |
eiad | Macros and EIAD fonts. |
eijkhout | No caption. |
ellipsis | Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode. |
elmath | XXXX |
elsevier | Preprint style for Elsevier Science journals. |
elvish | Font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script. |
emp | No caption. |
empheq | EMPHasizing EQuations. |
emtex | A TeX system for MS-DOS. |
emtex-os2 | A TeX system for os2. |
emtexgi | A MS-Windows interface to emTeX. |
emulateapj | No caption. |
encodings | No description available. |
enctex | A tex extension translating input on its way into TeX. |
endfloat | Move floats to the end with markers where they belong. |
endnotes | Place footnotes at the end. |
engord | Converts numbers to English ordinal numbers. |
engpron | Helps to type the pronunciation of English words. |
engrec | Two macros \engrec and \EnGrec to enumerate, for example some lists, with lower case or upper case greek letters. They have the syntax of \alph. |
engwar | Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script. |
enumerate | No caption. |
enumitem | Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description. |
envbig | Printing addresses on envelopes. |
envlab | Facilates addressing envelopes or mailing labels. |
epic | A package enhancing LaTeX's picture mode. |
epigraph | A package for typesetting epigraphs. |
epiolmec | Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language. |
epix | Utility for mathematically accurate, camera quality plots and line figures. |
eplain | No caption. |
epmtfe | TeX environment for OS/2. |
eps2pdf | A Win32 GUI eps to pdf convertor. |
epsfig | Include Encapsulated PostScript in LaTeX documents. |
epsfview | AppleScript tool (for Mac) for viewing figures generated with MetaPost. |
epsfx | A TeX macro package for including EPS graphics (a replacement of epsf.tex/sty). |
epsincl | The package facilitates including EPS files in METAPOST documents; it makes use of (G)AWK. |
epslatex | guide to using Encapsulated PostScript in LaTeX. |
epstopdf | Convert eps to encapsulated pdf using gs. |
eqmlite | TeX system and PDF support for Linux and OS/2. |
eqname | Style for different equation numbering. |
eqnarray | More generalised equation arrays with numbering. |
eqparbox | Create equal-widthed parboxes |
esieecv | Curriculum vitae for French. |
esindex | Typset index entries in Spanish documents. |
esint | Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern. |
esint-type1 | esint10 in Type 1 format |
eso-pic | A package to add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page. |
esvect | Vector arrows. |
et | TeX-compatible editor. |
etexbase | No description available. |
ethiop | No caption. |
etruscan | Fonts for the Etruscan script. |
eukleides | A geometry drawing system. |
euler | Use AMS Euler fonts for math. |
eulervm | Euler virtual math fonts. |
euro | Arbitrary national currency amounts using the Euro as base unit. |
eurofont | Provides a command that prints a euro symbol. |
euroitc | LaTeX interface for the ITC euro font symbols |
europecv | Unofficial class for European curricula vitae. |
europs | Access to Adobe's Euro currency symbol fonts. |
eurosans | Interface to Adobe's free Euro fonts. |
eurosym | No caption. |
euxm | No caption. |
evautofl | Pages with cut lines and punch marks. |
everysel | A LaTeX package which provides hooks into selectfont. |
everyshi | Introduces a new hook for taking action at every \shipout. |
evweek | Weekly calendar. |
exam | Package for typesetting exam scripts. |
examdesign | LaTeX class for typesetting exams. |
examplep | Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX. |
exams | No caption. |
excalibur | No caption. |
excel2latex | Convert Excel spreadsheets to LaTeX tables. |
excludeonly | Prevent files being \include-ed (opposite of \includeonly) |
exercise | A package to typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers |
exerquiz | Environments for defining exercises and quizzes. |
expdlist | Expanded description environments. |
expl3 | Experimental packages demonstrating a possible LaTeX3 programming convention. |
export | Import and export values of LaTeX registers. |
expressg | Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations. |
exscale | Implements scaling of the `cmex' fonts. |
extarrows | Extra Arrows beyond those provided in AMS math |
extdash | No caption. |
extract | Extract specific content from a source document and write that to a target document |
extsizes | Extends article and report with extra sized fonts. |
facsimile | Document class for preparing faxes. |
faltblat | Making Leaflets. |
fancybox | No caption. |
fancyfolien | fancyfolien. |
fancyhdr | Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e. |
fancyhdrBoxed | Page headers for the documentation of Software Engineering Projects. |
fancynum | Typeset numbers. |
fancyref | A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing. |
fancyvrb | Sophisticated verbatim text. |
faq | The UK TeX Users Group Frequently Asked Questions. |
faq-de | The DANTE TeX Users Group Frequently Asked Questions. |
faq-es | CervanTeX FAQ ---Spanish TeX Group FAQ |
faq-fr | French FAQ of the GUTENBERG TeX user group. |
fax | Document class for preparing faxes. |
fbithesis | Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund. |
fc | Fonts for African languages. |
fcursive | French Cursive font |
featpost | 3D MetaPost. |
fepslatex | French version of esplatex. |
feyn | A Metafont for Feynman diagrams. |
feynmf | Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams. |
fi2t1 | Tools for installing T1 fonts in the MiKTeX environment. |
fig2sty | Generate a layout in fig and then insert text into it in LaTeX. |
figbib | organize figure databases with BibTeX |
figcaps | Collect figure captions for later printing. |
figflow | Flow text around a figure. |
figfrag | Convert xfig figures with embedded latex commands to EPS |
fihyph | Hyphenation patterns for Finnish language. |
filecontents | Extended filecontents and filecontents* environments |
filehdr | No caption. |
finbib | No description available. |
findhyph | Find hyphenated words in a document. |
fink | The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper. |
finomaton | Comfortably draw and typeset finite state machines. |
finplain | A Finnish version of `plain.bst'. |
fix2col | Fix miscellaneous two column mode features. |
fixbbl | Patch bibliographies inappropriately broken by bibtex. |
fixfoot | Multiple use of the same footnote text |
fixmath | Make maths comply with ISO31-0:1992 to ISO31-13:1992. |
fixme | Insert "fixme" notes into draft documents. |
flabels | Labels for files and folders. |
flashcard | Typeset flash cards. |
flatex | No caption. |
flatten | No caption. |
float | Improved interface for floating objects. |
floatfig | Deprecated: Allows text to be wrapped around figures. |
floatflt | Wrap text around floats. |
floatpag | Different pagestyles for text and float pages. |
floatrow | Extension or addition for float package. |
flow | Draw flow diagrams in picture mode. |
fltpage | No caption. |
fltpoint | Simple floating point arithmetic. |
flushend | Columns balancing at last page. |
fmp | Include Functional MetaPost in LaReX. |
fncychap | This package provides six predefined chapter headings. |
fncylab | Alter the format of \label references. |
fnpara | No caption. |
fntguide | Docmentation of LaTeX font commands. |
foilhtml | No caption. |
foiltex | A LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies. |
font-selection | Font selection for plain TeX. |
fonteinf | Fonteinf. |
fontenc | Standard package for activating ec fonts. |
fontinst | Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX. |
fontinstallationguide | Font installation guide. |
fontmisc | Miscellaneous MetaFont input files. |
fontname | Naming scheme for naming fonts in TeX. |
fontsmpl | Print a sample of a font. |
fontspec | An automatic interface to feature-rich fonts in XeLaTeX |
footbib | A package to put bibliographic references as footnotes. |
footmisc | A range of footnote options |
footnote | Improve on LaTeX's footnote handling. |
footnpag | No caption. |
forindex | Manipulate \index commands in a LaTeX file. |
formats | Prebuilt TeX format and MetaFont base files. |
formlett | Letters to multiple recipients. |
formula | No caption. |
fourier | Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents. |
fourproject | Analyse and display the structure of a TeX document. |
fourspell | Windows32 spell checker for TeX, RTF, HTML, and BibTeX. |
fp | Fixed point arithmetic. |
fpl | SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L |
fptex | A web2C-based TeX system for MS-Windows32. |
framed | Create framed or shaded regions that can break across pages. |
frankenbundle | Develop and distribute groups of LaTeX packages and classes and BibTeX bibstyles. |
frankenstein | A collection of LaTeX packages. |
freetype | A free, full-featured TrueType rasterizer library. |
french-translations | French translation project. |
frenchle | French option for Babel (also independently). |
frenchpro | Professional typesetting of French documents. |
frhyph | French hyphenation patterns. |
fribrief | A LaTeX class for writing letters. |
ftcap | Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment. |
ftetx | No caption. |
ftn | No caption. |
ftnright | Footnotes in two column documents. |
fullblck | No caption. |
fullpage | Set all page margins to 1.5cm. |
fullpict | Full page pictures. |
functan | macros for functional analysis and PDE theory |
fundus | Providing LaTeX access to various font families. |
funnelweb | No caption. |
futhark | Fonts for the Older Futhark script. |
g-brief | A document class for LaTeX2e. |
galois | Write Galois connections in two-ddimensional style. |
garamond | A set of Garamond No8 Postscript Type 1 fonts which URW has made available for free under the Aladdin Free Public License. |
gatech-thesis | Georgia Institute of Technology thesis class |
gauss | A package for Gaussian operations |
gb4e | Government Binding styles. |
gchords | Typeset guitar chords. |
gellmu | LaTeX-like markup for writing XML documents. |
genealogy | No caption. |
genfam | Find hyphenated words in a document. |
genmisc | No caption. |
genmpage | Generalization of LaTeX's minipages. |
gensymb | Generic symbols for both text and math mode. |
gentl-gr | Modern Greek translation of the Gentle Introduction to TeX. |
gentle | A Gentle Intorudction to TeX. |
geometry | Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions. |
geomsty | No caption. |
german | Support for German typography. |
germbib | German variants of standard BibTeX styles. |
germdoc | No description available. |
getrefs | No caption. |
ghostscript-afpl | Freely available PostScript interpreter. |
ghostscript-gpl | Freely distributable PostScript interpreter. |
ghostview-mac | No caption. |
ghyphen | No caption. |
gladtex | LaTeX equations in HTML.. |
gleitobjekte | Tutorial from a DANTE meeting in November 1997. |
gloss | Create glossaries using BibTeX. |
glossary | Create a glossary |
glosstex | Prepare glossaries in LaTeX. |
gn-logic | No description available. |
gnhyph | No caption. |
gnuplot | General purpose plotting program. |
go | Fonts and macros for typesetting go games. |
go-make | A make variant for LaTeX documents. |
gost | BibTeX styles to format according to GOST. |
gothic | A collection of old German-style fonts. |
gplot | CGM-based graphics support. |
grafik | Grafik. |
graphbase | A platform for combinatorial algorithms. |
grapher | Create graphs, state machine and data flow diagrams. |
graphfig | Simpler graphic, subfigure and float. |
graphics | No caption. |
graphicx | Better support for graphics. |
graphpap | For producing graph paper. |
gray | Fonts for gray scales. |
greek4cbc | A Greek font from 394BC. |
greek6cbc | A Greek font from the sixth century BC. |
greenpoint | The Green Point logo. |
grfguide | No caption. |
grfpaste | Include fragments of a dvi file. |
grnumalt | No caption. |
grtimes | Typeset Greek text with the Times New Roman Greek. |
gsftopk | No caption. |
gsview | View PostScript under MS-Windows or OS/2. |
gtex-letter | A Gnome assistant (wizard/druid) to ease the writing of LaTeX letters |
guit | Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo. |
guitar | Guitar chords and song texts. |
gurmukhi | Support for Gurmukhi. |
gustlib | Polish oriented macros. |
gv | An X front end for ghostscript. |
ha-prosper | Patches and improvements for prosper. |
hands | Pointing hand fonts. |
hangcaption | No caption. |
hanging | Hanging paragraphs. |
harpoon | Extra harpoons, using the graphics package. |
harvard | The Harvard bibliography style family. |
harvmac | Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles. |
hatching | METAPOST macros for hatching interior of closed paths. |
hcbundle | Replacement for the LaTeX classes. |
hellas | Typeset bibliographies which include Greek. |
hepparticles | Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names. |
here | No caption. |
hexdump | Read and format ASCII hexdump files. |
hfbright | The hfbright fonts (Type1 version of the CM Bright fonts). |
hfoldsty | Old style numerals with EC fonts. |
hhline | Better horizontal lines in tabulars and arrays. |
hhtensor | Print vectors, matrices, and tensors. |
hieroglf | About 60 Egyptian Hieroglyphs. |
hieroglyph | Hieroglyph fonts and other support. |
hierotex | Typesetting Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs. |
highlight | Converts source code to syntax highlighted TeX or LaTeX. |
hilowres | Support high and low resolution versions of same picture. |
histogr | Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment. |
hlatex | Support for the Korean language. |
hoekwater | Converted mflogo font. |
hp2pl | Create TeX PL files from HP AutoFont Support. |
hp2xx | HP GL converter. |
hrhyph | No caption. |
html | Various TeX documentation converted to HTML. |
html2latex | No caption. |
huhyph | Hyphenation patterns for the Hungarian language. |
humanist | Humanist manuscript book-hand font. |
huncial | Fonts based on the half Uncial manuscript book-hand. |
hvdashln | No caption. |
hvfloat | Rotating caption and object of floats in different ways. |
hvmath | Support for using the Micropress HV-Math fonts (Helvetica Maths). |
hvmath-fonts | Support for using the Micropress HV-Math fonts (Helvetica Maths). |
hypbmsec | Hypertext bookmarks in sectioning commands. |
hypcap | Adjusting the anchors of captions. |
hyper | Hypertext cross referencing. |
hyperlatex | A restricted LaTeX system that also produces HTML. |
hypernat | Allow hyperref and natbib to work together. |
hyperref | Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX. |
hyphenat | Disable/enable hypenation. |
hyphenation-greek | Hyphenation patterns for ancient and modern Greek. |
hypht1 | Additional hyphenation patterns. |
iagproc | LaTeX2e class file for two column IAG Proceedings articles |
iahyphen | Hyphenation patterns for Interlingua |
ibm | No description available. |
ibycus-babel | Use the Ibycus 4 Greek font with Babel |
ibycus4 | A collection of fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek. |
icelandic | Icelandic Fonts. |
icomma | Intelligent commas for decimal numbers. |
icons | TeX icons. |
idealfonts | No caption. |
ieeepes | IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions. |
ieeetran | Document class for IEEE Transactions. |
ifacmtg | Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings. |
ifmslide | Presentation slides for screen and printouts. |
ifmtarg | If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments. |
ifpdf | Provides the \ifpdf conditional. |
ifsym | Symbols for alpinistic, electronic, meteorological, geometric etc. usage. |
ifthen | Conditionals in LaTeX2e documents. |
ifvtex | Detects use of VTeX and its facilities. |
igo | Fonts and macro to typeset Go diagrams. |
imac | International Modal Analysis Conference format. |
imaketex | An Imake system for TeX. |
import | Allow input of a file with its own inputs from another directory. |
impose | PostScript utilities. |
includex | Extended \include. |
indentfirst | Indent first paragraph after section header. |
index | Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes. |
indxcite | Generate author index based on citations. |
info | Documentation in GNU info form. |
inhyph | Hyphenation patterns for Bahasa Indonesia. |
initials | Postscript Type 1 decorative initial fonts. |
inlinebib | Inlined \cites. |
inputenc | Control input encoding. |
insbox | A TeX macro for inserting pictures/boxes into paragraphs. |
inslrmaj | Fonts based on the Insular Majuscule manuscript book-hand. |
inslrmin | Fonts based on the Insular Minuscule manuscript book-hand. |
interactiveworkbook | latex-based interactive PDF on the web |
invoice | Generate invoices. |
ipa | No description available. |
isi2bib | Vim script to convert bib database from ISI to BiBTeX format |
isi2bibtex | Converter for ISI to BibTeX. |
iso-tex | . |
isodate | Tune the output format of dates language dependent. |
isorot | Rotation of document elements. |
isostds | Typeset ISO International Standard documents. |
isotope | package for type setting isotopes |
ispell | Multi-platform spell checker. |
ite | Interactive Tex editor. |
ithyph | Italian hyphenation. |
itrans | Transliteration of Indian Languages. |
izhitsa | Support for the old Russian font ``Izhitsa''. |
jabref | Graphical frontend to manage BibTeX databases. |
jadetex | Macros to implement Jade DSSSL output |
jas99m | BibTeX style for American Meteorological Society (AMS). |
javadvi | DVI viewer and printer coded in Java |
javascript-texed | Small MikTeX-editor for Win32 Intel platform. IE5.0+ need. |
javatex | A Java implementation of TeX. |
jbibtexmanager | Managing citations in bibtex format |
jeep | Modified LaTeX2.09 article and report styles. |
jhep | JHEP style. |
jknappen | Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen. |
jkthesis | Document class for formatting a thesis. |
jpeg2ps | Convert JPEG files to PostScript Level 2 or 3 EPS. |
jpeg2ps-os2 | JPEG to PostScript converter for OS/2. |
jpsj | Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. |
jqt1999 | Journal of Quality Technology BibTeX format. |
jsmisc | Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod. |
jspell | An ASCII file spelling checker. |
jtbnew | BibTeX style for Journal of Theoretical Biology. |
jura | A document class for German legal texts. |
juraabbrev | handle abbreviations for typesetting (german) juridical documents |
jurabib | Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts. |
juramisc | Typesetting German juridical documents. |
jurarsp | citations of judgements and official documents for typesetting (german) juridical documents |
kalendar | A calendar style. |
kalender | Style file for creating a calendar; in German. |
karnaugh | Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps. |
kdgreek | Greek fonts. |
kelly | Simple fonts for Greek. |
kerkis | Kerkis (Greek) font family. |
keystroke | Graphical representation of keys on keyboard. |
keyval | Process 'key=value' schemes. |
kile | A user friendly TeX/LaTeX editor for KDE. |
kix | No caption. |
knst | No caption. |
knuth | No caption. |
koi8 | No caption. |
koma-script | A bundle of versatile classes and packages |
kpathsea | Path searching library for TeX-related files. |
ktexshell | Graphical frontend to TeX. |
kuvio | Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams. |
l2a | LaTeX to ASCII. |
l2tabu | Obsolete packages and commands. |
l2tabu-english | English Translation of Obsolete packages and commands. |
l2tabu-french | French translation of l2tabu. |
l2tabu-italian | Italian Translation of Obsolete packages and commands |
l2x | LaTeX to ASCII. |
labbook | Typeset laboratory journals. |
labelmag | Manage a collection of labels. |
labels | Print sheets of sticky labels. |
lacheck | LaTeX checker. |
lametex | A PostScript translator for a subset of LaTeX. |
lamstex | A merge of the best in AMS-TeX and LaTeX. |
lastpage | Reference last page for Page N of M type footers. |
latable | A near-WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX tables. |
lated | No caption. |
latex | Macro package for TeX (the most popular). |
latex-base | Collection of core packages for LaTeX. |
latex209 | The pre-1993 LaTeX, now no longer supported. |
latex2e-help | Documentation on LaTeX2e in OS/2 hypertext format and HTML. |
latex2html | Convert LaTeX into HTML documents. |
latex2man | Translate LaTeX-based manual pages into Unix man format. |
latex2rtf | Convert LaTeX into Rich Text Format. |
latex4jed | A much enhanced LaTeX mode for the Jed editor. |
latex4wp | A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users. |
latexcad | A CAD drawing package. |
latexcount | Perl script generates word count of LaTeX documents |
latexdb | Integrates LaTeX and SQL databases. |
latexdiff | Determine and mark up significant differences between latex files |
latexdraw | X-Windows based and CAD orientated drawing program. |
latexfonts | No description available. |
latexinfo | Texinfo and info files for LaTeX 2.09. |
latexmake | LaTeX Makefile. |
latexmk | Fully automated LaTeX document generation routine. |
latexmng | LaTexMng is an easy to use product of integrated development environment software for Windows. |
latexmp | Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost |
latexn | Run LaTeX as many times as needed. |
latexpand | Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document. |
latexpix | LaTeX picture editor for Windows. |
latexrender | Use LaTeX in PHP programs |
latexwide | Multifunctional editor for LaTeX in MSWindows. |
latin2jk | No caption. |
layaureo | A package to improve the A4 page layout. |
layout | Produces an overview of the layout of the current document. |
layouts | Display various elements of a document's layout. |
lazylist | Lists in TeX's "mouth" |
lcg | Generate random integers. |
ldiff | A script for marking the differences between two LaTeX files |
leaflet | Create small handouts (flyers). |
leawood | Make the ITC Leawood font family available to LaTeX |
ledmac | Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts. |
ledpar | Typeset scholarly editions. |
leftidx | Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode. |
letter | The standard LaTeX2e letter document class. |
letterspacing | Letter spacing. |
lettre | Letters and faxes in French. |
lettrine | Typeset dropped capitals. |
levy | Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts. |
lexikon | Implements commands to generate a two language dictionary. |
lextex | Typesetting legal documents using plain TeX. |
lgc-examples | Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion. |
lgreek | Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts. |
lgrind | Produce beautiful listings of source code with LaTeX. |
lh | Olga Lapko's LH fonts. |
lhcyr | No caption. |
lhelp | Miscelaneous helper pacakges. |
ligatex | Remove unnecessary ligatures. |
lilypond | Support for music notation. |
limap | Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping method. |
linearb | Linear B script used in the Bronze Age for Mycenaean Greek. |
lineno | Line numbers on paragraphs. |
linguex | Format linguist examples. |
lintex | No caption. |
lips | Text ellipses in LaTeX. |
lipsum | This package gives you easy access to the Lorem Ipsum dummy text. |
listbib | Lists contents of bibtex files for archival purposes. |
listing | Produce formatted program listings. |
listings | Typeset source code listings using LaTeX. |
listliketab | Typeset lists as tables. |
lkort | No description available. |
llncs | No caption. |
lm | Latin modern fonts in type 1 format. |
localloc | Macros for localizing TeX register allocations. |
logfilter | Choose what you want to see of a (La)TeX log. |
logic | A MetaFont font for drawing logic diagrams. |
logo-ps | PostScript fonts for the logo font. |
lollipop | A new generation format. |
longdiv | Long division arithmetic problems |
longtable | Support for tables longer than a page. |
losymbol | Defines a lot of symbol macros. |
lout | An alternative typesetting system |
lscape | Place selected parts of a document in landscape. |
lshort-english | A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e. |
lshort-finnish | Finnish version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e |
lshort-french | No caption. |
lshort-german | German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung. |
lshort-italian | Italian translation of the (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX. |
lshort-japanese | Japanese version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e |
lshort-mongolian | No caption. |
lshort-polish | Introduction to LaTeX in Polish. |
lshort-portuguese | Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese. |
lshort-portuguese-br | Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese (Brazil). |
lshort-russian | Russian introduction to LaTeX. |
lshort-slovak | Slovak translation of "Not so Short Introduction ..." |
lshort-spanish | No caption. |
lshort-ukr | Ukrainian version of the LaTeX introduction. |
ltablex | No caption. |
ltnews | The latest LaTeX news. |
ltoh | A converter from LaTeX to HTML. |
ltt | Example code for "LaTeX Tips und Tricks" book. |
ltx2rtf | A conversion program from LaTeX to Rich Text Format. |
ltx2x | Replace LaTeX commands in a document by user-defined strings. |
ltxbase | The core LaTeX. |
ltxdoc | Class for documented LaTeX2e classes. |
ltxgrid | Control of the page grid. |
ltxindex | A LaTeX package to typeset indices with GNU's Texindex. |
ltxinput | No caption. |
ltxmisc | Miscellaneous LaTeX styles. |
ltxsrc | The core source files for LaTeX2e. |
ltxtable | Longtable and tabularx merge. |
ltxutil | LaTeX utility macros. |
lucida | Package to make Lucida Bright fonts usable with LaTeX. |
lucold | Use old-style digits with Lucida fonts. |
lw35nfsx | Support for LY1 encoding. |
lxmail | A letter-generator that produces LaTeX output. |
ly1 | Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding, i.e. |
lyx | Document processor (editor for LaTeX). |
m-pictex | Solves the `out of dimen' problem. |
macbibtex | BibTeX for the Macintosh. |
macgreek | Greek language support. |
magaz | Magazine layout. |
mailing | Macros for mail merging. |
make-latex | LaTeX Makefile. |
makebox | Defines a \makebox* command |
makecirc | A METAPOST library for electrical circuit diagrams drawing. |
makecmds | The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command. |
makefonts | Shell scripts to generate pk files. |
makeglos | Include a glossary into a document. |
makeidx | Standard LaTeX package for creating indexes. |
makeindex | Process index output to produce typesettable code. |
maketable | Convert Word or Excel tables to TeX tabular structures |
makor | Makor System for Hebrew Typesetting. |
makor2 | Typeset Hebrew with Omega. |
malayalam | Fonts for typesetting Malayalam, with a pre-processor. |
malvern | A new sans-serif font family. |
manfnt | LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols. |
manjutex | Manju language support. |
manuscript | Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter. |
manyfoot | Adds footnote levels to the standard LaTeX's footnote mechanism. |
mapcodes | Support for multiple character sets and encodings. |
maple | Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter. |
maplems | Export Maple worksheets to LaTeX2e. |
margbib | A package for displaying bibliography tags in the margins. |
marginal | Enlarge free and show lost marginal inserts. |
marvosym | A Type 1 font: Martin Vogels Symbole (marvosym) font. |
marvosym-mac | No caption. |
mathcmd | No caption. |
mathcomp | No caption. |
mathdots | Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size. |
mathematica | No caption. |
mathenv | Defines some often useful math-mode environments. |
mathinst | No caption. |
mathkit | No caption. |
mathpazo | Pazo Math fonts and LaTeX package to typeset Palatino. |
mathpple | Use PostScript Palatino for typesetting maths. |
mathptm | No caption. |
mathrsfs | No caption. |
mathspad | No caption. |
mathspic | An MS-DOS filter program for use with PiCTeX. |
mathtime-ltx | LaTeX macros for using MathTime and MathTime Plus. |
mathtime-pln | Plain TeX macros for using MathTime and MathTime Plus. |
mathtools | Mathematical tools to use with amsmath |
matlabweb | Literate programming system for Matlab. |
mattens | Vector/ tensor typesetting |
maybemath | Make math bold or italic according to context. |
mbboard | Blackboard bold fonts. |
mceinleger | Creating covers for music cassettes. |
mcite | No caption. |
mctex | Convert VAXIMA output to (La)TeX code. |
mdvi | A DVI previewer |
mdwlist | Miscellaneous list-related commands. |
mdwtools | Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding. |
mem | A multilingual system for Lamed. |
memoir | Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books. |
mentis | Adjustments Mentis publishers in Paderborn, Germany. |
meta-mode | No caption. |
metafp | Some Experiences in Running METAFONT and MetaPost. |
metaobj | Metapost package providing high-level objects. |
metaplot | Plot-manipulation macros for use in Metapost. |
metapost | No caption. |
metapost-examples | Example drawings using metapost. |
metatex | METATeX communicates TeX and METAFONT |
metatype1 | Generate Type 1 fonts from MetaPost. |
method | Typeset method and variable declarations. |
mex | A Polish format for TeX. |
mf-ps | A MetaFont-PostScript link. |
mf2pt1 | Produce PostScript Type 1 fonts from Metafont source |
mf2pt3 | No caption. |
mf2tex | No caption. |
mff | No caption. |
mflogo | LaTeX support for MetaFont and logo fonts. |
mfnfss | Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX. |
mfpic | Macros to generate Metafont/Metapost for drawing pictures. |
mftinc | Pretty-print Metafont source. |
mftrace | Convert Metafont fonts to Adobe Type 1. |
mh | The MH bundle |
mhchem | Typeset chemical formulae/equations and Risk and Safety phrases |
mhequ | Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering. |
mhs | No description available. |
mhsetup | The MH bundle "setup" function |
microtype | An interface to the micro-typographic extensions of pdfTeX |
mid2tex | Convert MIDI to MusicTeX input. |
midfloat | Mixing onecolumn and twocolumn modes at any place of page. |
midi2tex | Convert MIDI to MusicTeX input. |
midnight | A set of useful macro tools. |
midpage | Environment for vertical centering. |
mif2xfig | No caption. |
miktex | A free TeX distribution for MS-Windows32. |
mil3 | Samples from Math into LaTeX. |
miller | Typeset miller indices. |
mimetex | Typeset miller indices. |
miniltx | No caption. |
miniplot | A package for easy figure arrangement. |
minitoc | Produce a table of contents for each chapter. |
minutes | Package for writing minutes of meetings. |
mirr | PostScript mirror header (for dvips). |
mitpress | Support for MIT Press. |
mk | Make for LaTeX. |
mkpic | Perl interface to mfpic. |
mla | No caption. |
mla-paper | This package allows for proper MLA formatting. |
mlbib | Support for multilingual bibliographies. |
mltex | No caption. |
mmafm | Font metrics for multiple-master font. |
mmpfb | Create instance of multiple-master font. |
mmtools | Multiple master fonts tools. |
mnras | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. |
mnttex | Tools for accessing the (occasionally rather rare) Chinese characters used for the literary work "The Secret History of the Mongols" |
modes | A collection of MetaFont mode_def's. |
modguide | The rules about modifying LaTeX. |
modroman | Write numbers in lower case roman numerals. |
monster | Obsolete name for Frankenstein. |
montex | Mongolian LaTeX. |
moredefs | LaTeX defining, expansion, and debugging commands. |
morefloats | Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats. |
morehelp | No caption. |
moresize | Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt. |
moreverb | Extended verbatim. |
morse | A package for printing Morse code signs. |
movie15 | Multimedia inclusion package. |
mparhack | A workaround for a LaTeX bug in marginpars. |
mpattern | Patterns in MetaPost. |
mpedit | MetaPost text editor for Win32. |
mpsproof | Macros for making proofs of metapost figures. |
ms | Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schr\"oder. |
msg | A package for LaTeX localisation. |
mslapa | No caption. |
mt11p | No caption. |
mtbe | Examples from Mathematical TeX by Example by Arvind Borde. |
mtgreek | Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime |
mtx | A pmx preprocessor. |
multenum | Multi-column enumerated lists. |
multibbl | XXXX |
multibib | Multiple bibliographies within one document. |
multicap | Format captions inside multicols |
multicol | Intermix single and multiple columns. |
multido | A loop facility for Generic TeX. |
multirow | Creates tabular cells spanning multiple rows. |
multitoc | Set table of contents in multiple columns. |
musicref | Reference page for musictex. |
musictex | Typesetting music with TeX. |
musixtex | Sophisticated music typesetting |
muthesis | Document classes for University of Manchester Department of Computer Science. |
mxedruli | No caption. |
mylatex | MyLaTeX. |
myletter | Another letter package. |
namespc | rudimentary c++-like namespaces in LaTeX |
nassflow | Drawing Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams and flowcharts. |
natbib | Bibliography style with author-year and numbered references. |
nath | Natural math notation |
nb4latex | Convert NotaBene4 to LaTeX. |
nccfoots | No caption. |
ncctools | A collection of general packages for LaTeX |
nedit-latex-extensions | The LaTeX-Mode is a set of macros for the NEdit text editor. |
needspace | Insert pagebreak if not enough space. |
nemocal | Calendar maker. |
nestquot | Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting. |
neufont | Neufont. |
neuron | BibTeX style for the journal Neuron. |
newalg | Format algorithms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest. |
newclude | Reimplemented \include system for LaTeX. |
newcommand | Missing Abstract |
newfile | User level management of LaTeX input and output |
newlfm | Write letters, facsimilies, and memos. |
newsletr | Macros for making newsletters. |
newthm | No caption. |
newvbtm | Define your own verbatim-like environment. |
nextpage | Generalisations of the \clear...page and \newpage commands. |
ngerman | Support for new German typography. |
niceframe | Support for fancy frames. |
noindent | A locally developed style to inhibit all indentation. |
nolbreaks | No line breaks in text |
nomencl | Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature. |
nomentbl | Nomenclature typeset in a longtable |
nonfloat | Non-floating table and figure captions. |
nopageno | No page numbers in LaTeX documents. |
norbib | No caption. |
notex | A BibTeX style that outputs HTML. |
notoccite | Prevent erroneous numbering of cites when using BibTeX/unsrt. |
nrc | Format of the NRC Canadian Journal of Physics. |
ntabbing | Simple tabbing extension for automatic line numbering. |
ntemacs | A distribution of Emacs for MS-Windows32 machines. |
ntg | Dutch TeX Users Group information. |
ntgclass | No caption. |
ntheorem | Enhanced theorem environment. |
numalg | BibTeX style for Kluwer's Numerical Algorithms |
numline | Macros for numbering lines. |
numprint | Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary. |
oands | Characters used as symbols when transliterating ancient scripts. |
obas | Web based interface to a bibliographical database. |
objectz | Macros for typesetting Object Z. |
oca | OCR font. |
ochem | Typeset chemical formulae with LaTeX. |
ocherokee | LaTeX Support for the Cherokee language. |
ocr-a | Fonts for OCR-A. |
ocr-b | Fonts for OCR-B. |
octavo | Typeset books following classical layout/design principles. |
ofs | plainTeX and LaTeX macro for managing large font collections. |
ogham | Fonts for typesetting Ogham script. |
ogonek | Support for Polish typography and the ogonek. |
oinuit | LaTeX Support for the Inuktitut Language. |
oldprsn | Fonts old Persian cuneiform script. |
oldstyle | No caption. |
oletex | OLE - LaTeX interface. |
omega | Omega. |
omegabase | Basic support files for Omega. |
omegafonts | Omega fonts. |
one2many | 12many, generalizing mathematical index sets |
onepagem | If the document has only one page, omit page number. |
onlyamsmath | Inhibit use of TeX resp. LaTeX math environments when using amsmath.sty |
optional | Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document. |
optparams | Macros with multiple optional parameters. |
orderrefs | Reorder bibliography in LaTeX document by order of citation |
oriya | Typesetting the Oriya script using TeX. |
os2tex | A distribution of TeX for OS/2 Warp. |
osmanian | Osmanian fonts by Alan Stanier for writing Somali. |
ot2cyr | Macros to use the OT2 Cyrillic encoding. |
othello | Create othello boards in LaTeX. |
outliner | Change section levels easily. |
overcite | Compressed lists of superscript numerical citations. |
overpic | Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics. |
overword | Parse text. |
oxford | A BibTeX style of citations for the humanities. |
oztex | TeX for the Macintosh. |
oztex-german | German version of oztex. |
pacioli | Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497. |
pagedraw | No caption. |
pageno | No caption. |
pagenote | Notes at end of document. |
pagesel | Select shipout pages. |
palatino | No caption. |
pandey | Support for the Bengali language. |
pandora | The Pandora font family. |
pandora-type1 | The Pandora font family. |
paper | No caption. |
paralist | Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs. |
parallel | Typeset parallel texts. |
parcolumns | Multiple column parallel typesetting. |
paresse | Defines macros for greek letters |
parrun | Typesets (two) streams of text running parallel. |
parskip | Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip. |
passivetex | Support package for XML/SGML typesetting |
patch | Macros for package management. |
path | A LaTeX package to break long strings at convenient places. |
pawpict | Using graphics from PAW. |
pb-diagram | A diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts. |
pbm2tex | Translate PBM format to LaTeX |
pbmtogf | Convert pbm images to gf font files. |
pcap | Typeset programs in Python, C, Pascal |
pcfonts | Support for Hebrew. |
pclnfss | Font support for current PCL printers. |
pdcmac | Damian Cugley's macro tools. |
pdfcolmk | Improving colour support under pdftex. |
pdfcprot | Activating and setting of character protruding using pdflatex. |
pdfcrop | Crop PDF graphics. |
pdfcrypt | Allows the setting of pdf encryption. |
pdflscape | Make landscape pages display as landscape. |
pdfpages | Include PDF documents in LaTeX. |
pdfscreen | Support screen-based document design. |
pdfslide | Presentation slides using pdftex. |
pdftex | Generate PDF from TeX directly. |
pdftex-def | Colour and Graphics support for PDFTeX. |
pdftex_oztex | PdfTeX designed to run with OzTeX. |
pdftricks | Support for pstricks in pdftex. |
pecha | A LaTeX class to print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style. |
perltex | Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code |
permute | Supportfor symmetric groups. |
perpage | Make a counter reset at every page boundary. |
petri-nets | TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets |
pf2afm | AFM generator for Adobe Type 1 fonts. |
pgf | Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX. |
pgothic | Fonts based on the Gothic Textura Prescisus manuscript book-hand. |
phaistos | Disk of Phaistos font. |
phoenician | Fonts for the semitic script in use from about 1600 BC. |
phonetic | MetaFont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern. |
photo | A float environment for photographs. |
phppcf | No caption. |
physe | PHYSE format. |
phyzzx | A TeX format for physicists. |
picinpar | Insert pictures into paragraphs. |
picins | Insert pictures into paragraphs. |
pict2e | New implementation of picture commands. |
pictex | Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX. |
pictex2 | Adds relative coords and rules for dots in plots. |
piff | Macro tools by Mike Piff. |
piq | No caption. |
pitthesis | Document class for University of Pittsburgh theses. |
pkfind | No caption. |
pkfix | Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts. |
pl | Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX. |
pl-mf | Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts in MF sources. |
placeins | Control float placement. |
plain | Make plain TeX files LaTeXable. |
plainmisc | Miscellaneous useful macros for plain TeX. |
plaintex | Basic Plain TeX macros. |
plari | A document class for typesetting stageplay scripts. |
platex | Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts. |
play | Typeset plays. |
plcalendar | Plain macros for making nice calendars. |
plfonts | Polish extension to CM fonts. |
plgraph | No caption. |
plpatch | No description available. |
plpsfont | Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts in Type1 format. |
pmcstex | LaTeX in emTeX IDE/FrontEnd for EPM. |
pmgraph | No caption. |
pmtex | Preprocessor for MusicTeX |
pmx | Preprocessor for MusiXTeX |
png2pdf | PNG to PDF converter |
poemscol | Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry. |
pointRuler | 12" Ruler containing Points and Inches |
poligraf | A TeX macro package for prepress. |
polish-doc | General TeX and LaTeX documentation in Polish. |
polynom | Macros for manipulating polynomials. |
polytable | Tabular-like environments with named columns. |
postcards | Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail). |
poster | Scale PostScript images for larger media or tiling. |
ppchtex | A package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas. |
ppower4 | A post processor for PDF presentations created by pdf(La)TeX. |
ppr-prv | Prosper preview |
prelim2e | Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document. |
presfull | Inside LaTeX2e kernel. |
prettyref | Make label references "self-identify". |
preview-latex | Preview equations in Emacs. |
printlen | Print lengths using specified units. |
proba | Some shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts |
probsoln | generate problem sheets and their solution sheets |
processkv | Process key-value pairs. |
progkeys | No caption. |
program | Typesetting programs and algorithms. |
progress | Creates an overview of a documents' state. |
proof | Shell based completion to process and view TeX and LaTeX. |
proofs | Macros for building proof trees. |
prosper | LaTeX class for high quality slides. |
protex | Literate programming package. |
protext | A MikTeX-based TeX installation for MS-Windows32. |
protocol | Typeset meeting protocols. |
protosem | Fonts for proto-Semitic cuneiform script. |
prv | Compile, preview, and print LaTeX documents. |
ps2eps | Produce Encapsulated PostScript from PostScript. |
ps4pdf | Use Postscript commands inside a pdfLaTeX document. |
ps_conv | A converter from PostScript to Encapsulated PostScript. |
ps_view | A PostScript previewer of PostScript files. |
psboxit | Enables one to put a PostScript drawing behind a TeX box. |
pseudocode | A LaTeX enviromnet for specifying algorithms in a natural way. |
psfig | No description available. |
psfixbb | No caption. |
psfont | No caption. |
psfonts | PostScript fonts for use with TeX and LaTeX. |
psfrag | No caption. |
psfrag-italian | PSfrag translation from english to italian |
psfragger | Use psfrag and LaTeX to label an eps file. |
psfragx | A psfrag eXtension |
psgo | Typeset go diagrams with pstricks. |
psizzl | A TeX format from SLAC. |
pslatex | Use PostScript fonts by default. |
psmerge | No caption. |
psnfss | Font support for common PostScript fonts. |
psnfss-source | Sources (makefiles and fontinst scripts) of the PSNFSS. |
psnfssx | Extra styles and encodings for PostScript fonts. |
pspicture | PostScript picture support. |
psrip | Extracts images from PostScript files. |
pssplit | Print selected pages from PostScript files. |
pst-3dplot | Draw 3d curves and graphs using PSTricks. |
pst-bar | Produces bar charts using pstricks. |
pst-blur | PSTricks package for "blurred" shadows. |
pst-circ | PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits. |
pst-fr3d | Draw 3-dimensional framed boxes using PSTricks. |
pst-func | PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions. |
pst-geo | Geographical Projections |
pst-ghsb | Draw HSB colour gradients. |
pst-gr3d | Three dimensional grids with PSTricks. |
pst-infixplot | Using pstricks plotting capacities with infix expressions rather than RPN |
pst-jftree | Linguistic trees with PSTricks. |
pst-lens | Lenses with PSTricks. |
pst-light3d | 3D lighting effects for pstricks. |
pst-math | Enhancement of postscript math operators to use with pstricks |
pst-node | Draw connections using pstricks. |
pst-optic | Optic drawings: lenses and mirrors. |
pst-osci | Oscgons with PSTricks. |
pst-poly | Polygons with PSTricks. |
pst-slpe | Sophisticated colour gradients. |
pst-uml | UML diagrams with PSTricks. |
pst-vue3d | Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects. |
pst-xkey | Key-value syntax for pstricks packages. |
pstoedit | Translate PostScript and PDF to other formats. |
pstotext | Extract ASCII from PostScript and PDF. |
pstricks | PostScript macros for TeX. |
pstricks-add | A collection of several add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks. |
psutils | PostScript utilities. |
pthyphs | Hyphenation Patterns for Portuguese. |
punk | Donald Knuth's punk font. |
purifyeps | Make EPS work with both latex/dvips and pdflatex |
pybliographer | A tool for managing bibliographic databases. |
pydocstrip | Scripted version of LaTeX docstrip. |
qbibman | Graphical frontend to BibTool. |
qcm | A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires |
qfig | No caption. |
qfonts | A collection of PostScript (Adobe Type 1) fonts in QX layout. |
qobitree | LaTeX macros for typesetting trees. |
qsymbols | Maths symbol abbreviations. |
quotchap | Decorative chapter headings. |
quotes | Smart quotes. |
qxcm | An experimental collection of extended CM fonts in PostScript Type 1 format |
r-und-s | No caption. |
ragged | Ragged left and ragged right options. |
ragged2e | Defines \Centering, \RaggedLeft, and \RaggedRight, and corresponding environments. |
raggedr | Set an entire document raggedright. |
rail | No caption. |
random | Generating "random" numbers in TeX. |
rangecite | Will turn a range of citations into something like [1..3]. |
rawfonts | No caption. |
rawprint | Print raw Russian text. |
rccol | Right-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular. |
rcs | Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents. |
rcsinfo | Support for the revision control system. |
realcalc | Macros for real arithmetic calculations. |
recipe | A LaTeX2e class file to typeset recipes. |
redit | Menu-based editor. |
refcheck | Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc). |
refcount | Counter operations with label references. |
refer2bibtex | Convert bibliographies in refer format to BibTeX format. |
references | Bibliographic software supporting LaTeX/BibTeX. |
refman | Format technical reference manuals. |
refstyle | Advanced formatting of cross references. |
regcount | Display the allocation status of the TeX registers. |
register | Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers). |
relenc | No caption. |
relsize | Set the font size relative to the current font size. |
remreset | Remove counters from reset list. |
repeat | No caption. |
res | Resume class res.cls updated for latex2e. |
revnum | No caption. |
revtex | Styles for various Physics Journals. |
rfc2bib | Convert IETF RFCs to BibTeX. |
rlepsf | No caption. |
rmligs | Remove incorrectly used ligatures from German LaTeX documents. |
rmpage | A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX. |
rnototex | Convert from Runoff to LaTeX. |
romaniantex | LaTeX support for Romanian. |
romanneg | Roman Neg. |
romannum | Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits. |
rotating | No caption. |
rotfloat | Rotate floats. |
rotpages | Typeset multiple pages upside-down with page order rearrangement |
rotunda | Rotunda manuscript book-hand font. |
rplain | Redefines the plain pagestyle. |
rrgtrees | Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with LaTeX. |
rsfs | No caption. |
rsfs-ps | No caption. |
rst | Drawing rhetorical structure analysis diagrams in LaTeX |
rtf2latex2e | Convert Rich Text Format (RTF) files to LaTeX2e. |
ruhyphen | Russian hyphenation. |
ruler | A ruler for TeX. |
runic | Fonts for Anglo-Saxon futharc script. |
russian-help | LaTeX help in Russian. |
rustic | Roman Rustic manuscript book-hand font. |
s2latex | A scribe to LaTeX converter. |
saferef | No caption. |
sam2p | Convert bitmap formats to compact PS/PDF. |
sanskrit | Sanskrit support. |
sanskrit-t1 | Type 1 version of 'skt' fonts for Sanskrit. |
sansmath | Maths in a sans font |
sauter | No caption. |
sauterfonts | No caption. |
savefnmark | Save name of the footnote mark for reuse. |
savesym | Redefine symbols where names conflict. |
savetrees | Pack as much text as possible onto each page of a LaTeX document. |
scale | Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2). |
scalebar | This package creates scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos. |
scalefnt | Rescale fonts to arbitrary sizes. |
schedule | No caption. |
schwell | Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting in Schwell style. |
scientificpaper | Format a scientific paper for journal publication. |
scientificviewer | GUI Equation Viewer |
sciposter | Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger |
sciwordconv | Scientific Word/WorkPlace source files with another TeX. |
script | Variant report / book styles. |
scripttex | Macros for scripts and screenplays. |
secdot | Section numbers with trailing dots |
section | Sections. |
sectsty | Control sectional headers. |
sehyph | Hyphenation patterns for Swedish. |
selectp | No caption. |
semantic | Help for writing programming language semantics. |
semaphor | Semaphore alphabet font in METAFONT. |
seminar | Overhead slides. |
serial | Generate serial letters. |
serto | Syriac fonts/style-files and preprocessor to typeset Syriac (Aramaic). |
setspace | Set space between lines (e.g., double and one and a half spacing. |
settobox | Counter operations with label references. |
sf298 | Standard form 298. |
sfg | No caption. |
sfheaders | No caption. |
sgame | LaTeX style for typesetting strategic games |
sgmlcmpt | Suppport for LaTeX formulae as SGML PCDATA. |
shadbox | Shade the background of any box (text, figure, table, etc.). |
shadethm | Theorem environments that are shaded |
shading | A LaTeX Style file for putting text on a shaded background. |
shadow | Shadow boxes |
shalom | No caption. |
shapepar | A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes. |
shapepatch | Transfig patch supporting shapepar. |
shhyphl | Serbo-croat hyphenation written in the latin alphabet. |
shlatex | LaTeX compilation script for Linux (written in Bash) |
shortcuttool | Enables file import to the input tool Shortcut, provides shortcut file |
shortlst | No caption. |
shorttoc | Table of contents with different depths. |
showdim | No caption. |
showkeys | Show label, ref, cite and bib keys. |
showlabels | Show label commands in the margin. |
siam | Styles for SIAM publications. |
sidecap | Typeset captions sideways. |
siggraph | No caption. |
sihyph23 | Slovene hyphenation patterns. |
simplified-latex | A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX. |
simpsons | MetaFont source for Simpsons characters. |
sinhala | Support for the sinhala language. |
sirlin | No caption. |
sistyle | Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles |
siunits | International System of Units. |
skak | Typeset chess games. |
skaknew | Full chess fonts; the MetaFont skak fonts redone in Postscript |
slashbox | No caption. |
slashed | Put a slash through characters. |
slatex | LaTeX support for writing Swedish. |
slemph | Slanted emphasis in LaTeX. |
slidenotes | No caption. |
slides | No caption. |
slovak | Typeset Slovakian documents. |
smallcap | No caption. |
smalltableof | Create listoffigures etc in a chapter. |
smartmn | No caption. |
smartref | Extend LaTeX's \ref capability. |
smflatex | Classes conforming to Societie Mathematique de France. |
smiletex | creates LaTeX documents and more from simple texts |
snapshot | List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document. |
sober | Reduces the amount of white space on the page. |
sobolev | No caption. |
somedefs | No caption. |
songbook | Package for typesetting song lyrics. |
sorhyph | Upper sorbian hyphenations patterns. |
soul | Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more. |
spain | Bibliography style for Spain |
spanish | Spanish hyphenation and other support. |
sparklines | Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics. |
sphack | No caption. |
spie | LaTeX class for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts |
splitbib | Split and reorder your bibliography |
splitindex | Unlimited number of indices. |
springer | Macros for Springer journals. |
sprite | Macros to set bitmaps with TeX. |
sqltex | An SQL Preprocessor for LaTeX |
sqrcaps | Square Capitals manuscript book-hand font. |
srcltx | Jump between DVI and TEX files. |
sseq | Spectral sequence diagrams. |
ssqquote | No caption. |
stabular | Multipage tabular. |
startex | No caption. |
statex | Statistics style. |
stdclsdv | Provide sectioning information for package writers. |
stdpage | Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each. |
stfloats | Floating baselineskip, footnotes below the floats, dblfloats at bottom. |
stmaryrd | St Mary Road symbols for functional programming. |
stmaryrd-ps | St Mary road signs in PostScript. |
struktex | Draw Nassi-Schneidermann charts |
sttools | Various macros. |
subeqn | Package for subequation numbering. |
subeqnarray | Equation array with sub numbering. |
subfig | Figures broken into subfigures |
subfigmat | Automates the layout of small multiples when using the subfigure package. |
subfigure | Figures divided into subfigures. |
subfiles | Allows individual typeseting of files that are \input |
subfloat | Sub-numbering for figures and tables. |
sublabel | Sub-number counters. |
subscript | Provides the textsubscript command. |
substr | Deal with substrings in strings. |
sueterlin | Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting in Süetterlin style. |
suffix | Define commands with suffixes |
supertabular | A multi-page tables package. |
svjour | Springer-Verlag journal macros. |
svn | Typeset Subversion keywords |
svninfo | Typeset Subversion Keywords. |
swebib | Swedish translation of standard BibTeX styles. |
swetex | Plain TeX support for writing Swedish |
swiftex | Edit doc.sty and normal LaTeX files with GNU Emacs. |
swimgraf | Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances |
swrule | Lines thicker in the middle than at the ends. |
symbols | Comprehensive list of LaTeX symbols. |
syngen | A tool for generating syntax diagrams from BNF\@. |
syntax-mdw | Typeset syntax descriptions. |
syntax2 | Creation of syntax-diagrams. |
syntonly | Run a document through LaTeX for syntax checking. |
synttree | Typeset syntactic trees. |
t-angles | Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures. |
t1enc | Standard package for activating ec fonts. |
t1infos | Utilities for Postscript fonts |
t1utils | Simple type-1 font manipulation programs. |
t2 | No description available. |
tabbing | Tabbing with accented letters. |
tabls | No caption. |
tabsatz | How to use tables in LaTeX. |
tabularx | Tabulars that widen automatically. |
tamethebeast | A manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX |
tap | An easy TeX macro package for typesetting complex tables. |
tapir | The 'Tapir' is a simple geometrical font mostly created of line and circular segments with constant thickness. |
taylor | Diagram macros by Paul Taylor. |
taylor-proof | Macros for formatting proofs by Paul Taylor. |
tbe | Examples from Arvind Borde's TeX by Example. |
tcobrowser | Local browsing of the Catalogue on Mac OS X. |
tcvn | Vietnamese Windows support. |
tcx | TeX character translation files. |
tds | The TeX Directory Structure documentation. |
techexplorer | Netscape Plugin for viewing TeX and LaTeX sources. |
teencontrex | HTML-based help for TeX and LaTeX. |
telugu | (La)TeX Support for writing the Telugu Language. |
tengwar | No caption. |
tensind | Typeset tensors. |
tensor | Typeset tensors. |
termcal | Print a class calendar. |
testmath | Examples of the AMS-LaTeX package. |
tetex | The TeX distribution for Unix/Linux. |
teubner | Philological typesetting. |
tex-math | No caption. |
tex-ps | TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons. |
tex-references | References for TeX and Friends |
tex2bib | Converts bibitems embedded in a document to bib format. |
tex2ltx | No caption. |
tex2page | Produce HTML from TeX/LaTeX. |
tex2rtf | No caption. |
tex2word | Convert TeX/LaTeX to MSWord. |
tex4ht | Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML. |
tex98 | The 1998 cycle of changes to TeX from Knuth. |
tex_converter | Windows front-end to various LaTeX to HTML converters |
texaide | A special version of Equation Editor that generates TeX/LaTeX. |
texbuch | A summary of the TeXBook in German. |
texdepend | Find dependencies in a LaTeX file. |
texdoc | Documentation access for TeX distributions. |
texdoctk | Easy access to package documentation. |
texdraw | Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript. |
texed | No caption. |
texemplar | A class for the journal of CervanTeX. |
texi2html | Converts TeXinfo to HTML. |
texi2www | Converts texinfo to display on the Web. |
texinfo | Texinfo documentation system. |
texip | Macros from TeX in Practice. |
texlist | Typeset program (or ASCII text file) listings. |
texlive | A CD-ROM distribution of TeX and friends. |
texlogos | Ready-to-use LaTeX logos. |
texmacs | Structured text editor for TeX. |
texmalli | A quick Finnish introduction to using LaTeX. |
texniccenter | An IDE for LaTeX on MSWindows. |
texpack | Scripts to create documented LaTeX style, class files and docs in a Unix environment |
texperf | A WordPerfect to LaTeX translator. |
texpict | Create drawings for LaTeX. |
texpower | Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX. |
texshade | Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments. |
texshell32 | A free TeXShell for MS-Windows 95 and NT. |
texsis | Plain TeX macros for Physicists. |
texsk | Simple LaTeX drawing program for OS/2 PM. |
texsort | Sort/compress numerical lists. |
text1 | TeX format from Washington State University. |
textcase | Case conversion ignoring mathematics. |
textcomp | Text Companion fonts. |
textfit | Fit text to a desired size. |
textmerg | Merge text in TeX and LaTeX. |
textoolspro | No caption. |
textopo | Annotated membrane protein topology plots. |
textpos | Place boxes at absolute positions. |
tfmpk | A viewer for tfm and pk font files. |
tgothic | Gothic Textura Quadrata manuscript book-hand font. |
theorem | No caption. |
thesis | Typeset thesis. |
threed | 3D animations. |
threedldf | Three-dimensional drawing with Metapost output |
threeparttable | Tables with captions and notes all the same width. |
thumb | Thumb marks in documents. |
thumbpdf | Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf. |
ticket | Make labels, visting-cards, pins with LaTeX. |
tif2eps | A PostScript program for converting TIFF files to EPS. |
tiff | The tiff graphics package. |
time | Defines a macro \now to print the current time. |
times | No caption. |
timesht | Package for typesetting time sheets. |
timetable | Generate timetables. |
timing | Fonts and macro package for drawing timing diagrams. |
tinyc2l | Pretty print C/C++/Java source code using LaTeX. |
tipa | Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters. |
tipos | Description of fonts for TeX in Spanish. |
titlefoot | Add special material to footer of title page. |
titleref | A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles. |
titles | Titles of books, articles, etc. in LaTeX. |
titlesec | Select alternative section titles. |
titletoc | Alternative headings for toc/tof/tol. |
titling | Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command. |
tkbibtex | A portable editor and browser for BibTeX files. |
tlc2-examples | Examples from The LaTeX Companion, second edition. |
tmmath | Support for using the Micropress TM-Math fonts. |
tmmath-fonts | Support for using the Micropress HV-Math fonts (Helvetica Maths). |
tmview | A DVI previewer for SVGA displays. |
tocbibind | Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents. |
tocloft | Control table of contents, figures, etc. |
tocvsec2 | Section numbering and table of contents control. |
toil | An installer of PostScript fonts for TeX. |
tokenizer | A tokenizer. |
toolbox | Macros for writing indices, glossaries. |
topcapt | Place captions above figures and tables. |
topfloat | Move float's to the top of the page. |
totpages | Access last page number and page mark of last page. |
tpslifonts | A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts. |
tracking | No caption. |
trajan | Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome in 114 AD. |
trans | A simple TeX macro package for PostScript transformations. |
transfig | Transform xfig pictures into many other formats. |
treesvr | Tree macros. |
treetex | Draw horizontally- or vertically-oriented trees. |
treetex-plain | Draw trees. |
trfsigns | Typeset transform signs. |
truetype | How to use TrueType fonts with teTeX. |
truncate | Truncate text to a specified width. |
tsconfig | No caption. |
tt2001 | Type1 EC fonts generated by TeXtrace |
ttf-tetex | Using TrueType fonts with teTeX. |
ttf2mf | Convert True Type to MetaFont. |
ttf2pk | No caption. |
ttf2pt1 | Converts True Type fonts into PS Type 1 fonts. |
ttf2tex | Use TrueType fonts with teTeX. |
ttf2tfm | No caption. |
ttftogf | Convert MS-Windows True Type fonts to GF format. |
tth | A TeX to HTML translator. |
ttt | A Tibetan Transcript Transliterator for LaTeX. |
tugboat | LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles. |
tugboat-plain | Plain TeX macros for TUGboat articles and tables of contents. |
tugboat-toc | The complete accumulation of TUGboat tables of contents |
turkish | LaTeX Support for Typesetting Turkish |
tvs | TeX Versioning System. |
twcal | Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting. |
twoinone | Print two pages on a single page (landscape) |
twoopt | Definitions with two optional arguments. |
twoup | Print two virtual pages on each physical page. |
twoupltx | Print two virtual pages on each physical page. |
txt2latex | Convert text by fixing special chars and quote marks. |
txt2tex | Add LaTeX markup to a text document. |
type1 | No caption. |
type1cm | No caption. |
typearea | Set page margins. |
typehtml | Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX. |
typespec | No caption. |
typografie | A tutorial on typography. |
u8tex | Emacs Mule facility to input Unicode characters in TeX notation. |
uaclasses | No caption. |
ucthesis | University of California thesis format. |
ugarite | Fonts for Ugaritic cuneiform script. |
uhc-gothic | Fonts for the Korean language. |
ukhyph | Hyphenation patterns for British English. |
ukrhyph | Hyphenation Patterns for Ukrainian. |
ulem | Package for underlining. |
ulsy | Extra mathematical characters. |
ulsy-ps | PostScript type 1 versions of ulsy fonts. |
umich-thesis | University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class. |
umlaute | No caption. |
umoline | Underlines text allowing line breaking. |
umrand | Package for fancy box frames. |
uncial | Uncial manuscript book-hand font. |
underbracket | Draw brackets to underline (song) text |
underlin | Package for underlining. |
underscore | Make ``_'' print as \textunderscore in text. |
undertilde | Typeset a tilde under one (or many) maths symbols. |
unicode | Map unicode to LaTeX macros and use UTF-8 input encoding. |
uniqleaf | No caption. |
units | No caption. |
unitsdef | Typesetting units in LaTeX2e. |
universa | Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font. |
upgreek | Upright Greek letters. |
upref | Ensure references are upright. |
url | Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks. |
urlbst | Web support for BibTeX. |
urw | No caption. |
urwstd | No description available. |
urwvf | No caption. |
ushort | Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars. |
ushyph | Extended US hyphenation patterns freely available |
usrguide | User-mode documentation for LaTeX. |
ut-backref | No caption. |
ut-thesis | University of Toronto thesis style. |
utf2any | Converting UTF-7 and UTF-8 to LaTeX, HTML, and other text formats. |
utopia | Adobe Utopia fonts. |
utorontothesis | No caption. |
utthesis | No caption. |
uwmslide | Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance. |
uwthesis | University of Washington thesis class. |
vancouver | bibliographic style file (for LaTeX/BibTeX) to meet the ``Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'' (aka the Vancouver style) |
varindex | Luxury frontend to the \index command. |
varioref | Intelligent page references. |
varwidth | A variable-width minipage |
vdm | Typesetting VDM schemas. |
vector | No caption. |
venn | Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost. |
verbatim | The LaTeX verbatim environment. |
verbdef | Define commands which expand to verbatim text |
verse | Aids for typesetting simple verse. |
version | Conditionally include text. |
versions | Optionally omit pieces of text. |
vertex | Styles for economics working papers and journals. |
vfcomb | No caption. |
vfinst | No caption. |
vicentino | Vicentino fonts. |
viiptart | No caption. |
viking | Scandinavian runic alphabet as used by the Vikings. |
vita | No caption. |
vmargin | Set various dimensions. |
vncmr | A Vietnamese extension of the cmr fonts. |
vntex | Vietnamese LaTeX and Plain TeX support. |
voss-mathcol | Typesetting mathematics in colour, in (La)TeX. |
voss-mathmode | A comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX. |
vpage | Set page sizes. |
vpp | View and Print Postscript/PDF. |
vrb | Verbatim macros via plain TeX. |
vrsion | Add version number to DVI file. |
vruler | No caption. |
vtex | TeX system and PDF support for Linux and OS/2. |
wallpaper | Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling. |
warning | Global warnings at the end of the logfile. |
warpcol | No caption. |
wasy | The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts). |
wasy2 | The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts). |
wasy2-ps | No caption. |
wasysym | LaTeX support file to use the WASY-2 fonts |
wbarcode | Typeset common (and less common) barcodes with TeX. |
web | Establishes a page layout for an on-screen (PDF) document. |
web2c | The "standard" source C version of the TeX sysmtem. |
webeq | A series of packages for online education. |
webfiles | Include several CWEB and/or Spidery WEB documents in a single LaTeX . |
webguide | Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing. |
webomints | Webomints font support. |
williams | Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams. |
windvi | MS-Windows DVI driver. |
winedt | MS-Windows shell and editor for TeX. |
winemtex | No caption. |
winlatex | FrontEnd for TeX, Win98/NT, needs Microsoft VisualBasic-DLLs. |
winshell | A MS-Windows32 user interface for TeX. |
wintex2000 | A Win32 TeX Editor with the MS Office look and feel. |
wmf2eps | Windows meta file conversion. |
wnri | No caption. |
wntamil | Tamil to TeX converter. |
word2tex | Convert TeX/MSWord to LaTeX. |
word2x | No caption. |
wordcount | Estimate the number of words in a LaTeX document. |
wp-conv | FAQ on converters between (La)TeX and PC-Textprocessors. |
wp2latex | Convert WordPerfect documents to LaTeX. |
wrapfig | Produces figures which text can flow around. |
wsuipa | Style for using International Phonetic Alphabet fonts. |
wsuipa2tipa | Translate wsuipa font commands into tipa font commands. |
xarticle | A class that allows use of 7pt, 8pt and 9pt style options. |
xbibfile | Create and search bibtex databases |
xcolor | Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX |
xcomment | Allows selected environments to be included/excluded. |
xdoc | Extending the LaTeX doc system. |
xdvi | A dvi previewer for the X Window System. |
xdvik | A version of xdvi with recursive searching. |
xetal | Strip TeX constructs from a file. |
xfig | XWindows vector drawing program. |
xindy | A general-purpose index processor. |
xkeyval | Extension of the keyval package. |
xl2latex | Convert Excel (97 and above) tables to LaTeX tabulars. |
xlatex | A TeX/LaTeX shell for Xwindows. |
xmlplay | Typeset Shakespeare's plays as marked up by Bosak. |
xmltex | Support for parsing XML documents. |
xmpincl | Include "eXtensible Metadata Platform" data in pdflatex |
xpdf | Viewing and manipulating upon PDF files. |
xr | References to other LaTeX documents. |
xspace | Define commands that don't eat spaces. |
xtab | Break tables across pages. |
xtcapts | Defining language-dependent text macros. |
xtem | An X11 TeX menu built on Tcl/Tk. |
xtexcad | Simple drawing program enforcing limited slopes and diameters. |
xtexshell | A shell/editor. |
xtrcode | Extract contents of LaTeX environments. |
xwpick | Pick an image from an X display. |
xymtex | Typesetting chemical structures. |
xypic | No caption. |
yafoot | Miscellaneous footnote commands. |
yannisgr | Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous. |
yfonts | Support for old German fonts. |
yfonts-t1 | Old German-style fonts, in type 1 format. |
yfrak | Old German Fraktur font. |
ygoth | Old German Gothic font. |
yhmath | Extended maths fonts for LaTeX. |
yi4latex | No caption. |
yinit | Old German decorative initials. |
youngtab | Typeset Young-Tableaux. |
yplan | Daily planner type calendar. |
yswab | Old German Schwabischer font. |
ytex | Macro package developed at MIT. |
zahl2string | Format numbers as German words. |
zed-csp | Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications. |
zefonts | No caption. |