Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_CPLListList element structure
CPLODBCDriverInstallerA class providing functions to install or remove ODBC driver
CPLODBCSessionA class representing an ODBC database session
CPLODBCStatementAbstraction for statement, and resultset
CPLXMLNodeDocument node structure
GDAL_GCPGround Control Point
GDALColorEntryColor tuple
GDALDatasetA set of associated raster bands, usually from one file
GDALDriverFormat specific driver
GDALDriverManagerClass for managing the registration of file format drivers
GDALGridDataMetricsOptionsData metrics method control options
GDALGridInverseDistanceToAPowerOptionsInverse distance to a power method control options
GDALGridMovingAverageOptionsMoving average method control options
GDALGridNearestNeighborOptionsNearest neighbor method control options
GDALMajorObjectObject with metadata
GDALPamDatasetA subclass of GDALDataset which introduces the ability to save and restore auxilary information (coordinate system, gcps, metadata, etc) not supported by a file format via an "auxilary metadata" file with the .aux.xml extension
GDALRasterAttributeTableRaster Attribute Table container
GDALRasterBandA single raster band (or channel)
GDALRasterBlockA single raster block in the block cache
GDALWarpKernelLow level image warping class
GDALWarpOperationHigh level image warping class
GDALWarpOptionsWarp control options for use with GDALWarpOperation::Initialize()

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