GDALRasterAttributeTable Class Reference

Raster Attribute Table container. More...

#include <gdal_rat.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GDALRasterAttributeTable ()
 Construct empty table.
 GDALRasterAttributeTable (const GDALRasterAttributeTable &)
 Copy constructor.
GDALRasterAttributeTableClone () const
 Copy Raster Attribute Table.
int GetColumnCount () const
 Fetch table column count.
const char * GetNameOfCol (int) const
 Fetch name of indicated column.
GDALRATFieldUsage GetUsageOfCol (int) const
 Fetch column usage value.
GDALRATFieldType GetTypeOfCol (int) const
 Fetch column type.
int GetColOfUsage (GDALRATFieldUsage) const
 Fetch column index for given usage.
int GetRowCount () const
 Fetch row count.
const char * GetValueAsString (int iRow, int iField) const
 Fetch field value as a string.
int GetValueAsInt (int iRow, int iField) const
 Fetch field value as a integer.
double GetValueAsDouble (int iRow, int iField) const
 Fetch field value as a double.
void SetValue (int iRow, int iField, const char *pszValue)
 Set field value from string.
void SetValue (int iRow, int iField, double dfValue)
 Set field value from double.
void SetValue (int iRow, int iField, int nValue)
 Set field value from integer.
void SetRowCount (int iCount)
 Set row count.
int GetRowOfValue (double dfValue) const
 Get row for pixel value.
int GetRowOfValue (int nValue) const
int GetColorOfValue (double dfValue, GDALColorEntry *psEntry) const
double GetRowMin (int iRow) const
double GetRowMax (int iRow) const
CPLErr CreateColumn (const char *pszFieldName, GDALRATFieldType eFieldType, GDALRATFieldUsage eFieldUsage)
 Create new column.
CPLErr SetLinearBinning (double dfRow0Min, double dfBinSize)
 Set linear binning information.
int GetLinearBinning (double *pdfRow0Min, double *pdfBinSize) const
 Get linear binning information.
CPLXMLNodeSerialize () const
CPLErr XMLInit (CPLXMLNode *, const char *)
CPLErr InitializeFromColorTable (const GDALColorTable *)
 Initialize from color table.
GDALColorTableTranslateToColorTable (int nEntryCount=-1)
 Translate to a color table.
void DumpReadable (FILE *=NULL)
 Dump RAT in readable form.


const char * GDALRATGetNameOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int)
 Fetch name of indicated column.
const char * GDALRATGetValueAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int)
 Fetch field value as a string.

Detailed Description

Raster Attribute Table container.

The GDALRasterAttributeTable (or RAT) class is used to encapsulate a table used to provide attribute information about pixel values.

Each row in the table applies to a range of pixel values (or a single value in some cases), and might have attributes such as the histogram count for that range, the color pixels of that range should be drawn names of classes or any other generic information.

Raster attribute tables can be used to represent histograms, color tables, and classification information.

Each column in a raster attribute table has a name, a type (integer, floating point or string), and a GDALRATFieldUsage. The usage distinguishes columns with particular understood purposes (such as color, histogram count, name) and columns that have specific purposes not understood by the library (long label, suitability_for_growing_wheat, etc).

In the general case each row has a column indicating the minimum pixel values falling into that category, and a column indicating the maximum pixel value. These are indicated with usage values of GFU_Min, and GFU_Max. In other cases where each row is a discrete pixel value, one column of usage GFU_MinMax can be used.

In other cases all the categories are of equal size and regularly spaced and the categorization information can be determine just by knowing the value at which the categories start, and the size of a category. This is called "Linear Binning" and the information is kept specially on the raster attribute table as a whole.

RATs are normally associated with GDALRasterBands and be be queried using the GDALRasterBand::GetDefaultRAT() method.

Member Function Documentation

GDALRasterAttributeTable * GDALRasterAttributeTable::Clone (  )  const

Copy Raster Attribute Table.

Creates a new copy of an existing raster attribute table. The new copy becomes the responsibility of the caller to destroy.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATClone().

new copy of the RAT.

References GDALRasterAttributeTable().

CPLErr GDALRasterAttributeTable::CreateColumn ( const char *  pszFieldName,
GDALRATFieldType  eFieldType,
GDALRATFieldUsage  eFieldUsage 

Create new column.

If the table already has rows, all row values for the new column will be initialized to the default value ("", or zero). The new column is always created as the last column, can will be column (field) "GetColumnCount()-1" after CreateColumn() has completed successfully.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATCreateColumn().

pszFieldName the name of the field to create.
eFieldType the field type (integer, double or string).
eFieldUsage the field usage, GFU_Generic if not known.
CE_None on success or CE_Failure if something goes wrong.

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, and GFT_String.

Referenced by InitializeFromColorTable().

void GDALRasterAttributeTable::DumpReadable ( FILE *  fp = NULL  ) 

Dump RAT in readable form.

Currently the readable form is the XML encoding ... only barely readable.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATDumpReadable().

fp file to dump to or NULL for stdout.

int GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetColOfUsage ( GDALRATFieldUsage  eUsage  )  const

Fetch column index for given usage.

Returns the index of the first column of the requested usage type, or -1 if no match is found.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetUsageOfCol().

eUsage usage type to search for.
column index, or -1 on failure.

Referenced by TranslateToColorTable().

int GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetColumnCount (  )  const

Fetch table column count.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetColumnCount().

the number of columns.

Referenced by InitializeFromColorTable().

int GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetLinearBinning ( double *  pdfRow0Min,
double *  pdfBinSize 
) const

Get linear binning information.

Returns linear binning information if any is associated with the RAT.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetLinearBinning().

pdfRow0Min (out) the lower bound (pixel value) of the first category.
pdfBinSize (out) the width of each category (in pixel value units).
TRUE if linear binning information exists or FALSE if there is none.

const char * GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetNameOfCol ( int  iCol  )  const

Fetch name of indicated column.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetNameOfCol().

iCol the column index (zero based).
the column name or an empty string for invalid column numbers.

int GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetRowCount (  )  const

Fetch row count.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetRowCount().

the number of rows.

Referenced by InitializeFromColorTable().

int GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetRowOfValue ( double  dfValue  )  const

Get row for pixel value.

Given a raw pixel value, the raster attribute table is scanned to determine which row in the table applies to the pixel value. The row index is returned.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetRowOfValue().

dfValue the pixel value.
the row index or -1 if no row is appropriate.

References GFT_Integer, and GFT_Real.

Referenced by TranslateToColorTable().

GDALRATFieldType GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetTypeOfCol ( int  iCol  )  const

Fetch column type.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetTypeOfCol().

iCol the column index (zero based).
column type or GFT_Integer if the column index is illegal.

References GFT_Integer.

GDALRATFieldUsage GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetUsageOfCol ( int  iCol  )  const

Fetch column usage value.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetUsageOfCol().

iCol the column index (zero based).
the column usage, or GFU_Generic for improper column numbers.

References GFU_Generic.

double GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsDouble ( int  iRow,
int  iField 
) const

Fetch field value as a double.

The value of the requested column in the requested row is returned as a double. Non double fields will be converted to double with the possibility of data loss.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetValueAsDouble().

iRow row to fetch (zero based).
iField column to fetch (zero based).
field value

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, and GFT_String.

int GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsInt ( int  iRow,
int  iField 
) const

Fetch field value as a integer.

The value of the requested column in the requested row is returned as an integer. Non-integer fields will be converted to integer with the possibility of data loss.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetValueAsInt().

iRow row to fetch (zero based).
iField column to fetch (zero based).
field value

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, and GFT_String.

Referenced by TranslateToColorTable().

const char * GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsString ( int  iRow,
int  iField 
) const

Fetch field value as a string.

The value of the requested column in the requested row is returned as a string. If the field is numeric, it is formatted as a string using default rules, so some precision may be lost.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATGetValueAsString().

iRow row to fetch (zero based).
iField column to fetch (zero based).
field value

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, and GFT_String.

Referenced by GDALRATGetValueAsString().

CPLErr GDALRasterAttributeTable::InitializeFromColorTable ( const GDALColorTable poTable  ) 

Initialize from color table.

This method will setup a whole raster attribute table based on the contents of the passed color table. The Value (GFU_MinMax), Red (GFU_Red), Green (GFU_Green), Blue (GFU_Blue), and Alpha (GFU_Alpha) fields are created, and a row is set for each entry in the color table.

The raster attribute table must be empty before calling InitializeFromColorTable().

The Value fields are set based on the implicit assumption with color tables that entry 0 applies to pixel value 0, 1 to 1, etc.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATInitializeFromColorTable().

poTable the color table to copy from.
CE_None on success or CE_Failure if something goes wrong.

References GDALColorEntry::c1, GDALColorEntry::c2, GDALColorEntry::c3, GDALColorEntry::c4, CreateColumn(), GDALColorTable::GetColorEntryAsRGB(), GDALColorTable::GetColorEntryCount(), GetColumnCount(), GetRowCount(), GFT_Integer, GFU_Alpha, GFU_Blue, GFU_Green, GFU_MinMax, GFU_Red, SetLinearBinning(), SetRowCount(), and SetValue().

CPLErr GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetLinearBinning ( double  dfRow0MinIn,
double  dfBinSizeIn 

Set linear binning information.

For RATs with equal sized categories (in pixel value space) that are evenly spaced, this method may be used to associate the linear binning information with the table.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATSetLinearBinning().

dfRow0MinIn the lower bound (pixel value) of the first category.
dfBinSizeIn the width of each category (in pixel value units).
CE_None on success or CE_Failure on failure.

Referenced by InitializeFromColorTable().

void GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetRowCount ( int  nNewCount  ) 

Set row count.

Resizes the table to include the indicated number of rows. Newly created rows will be initialized to their default values - "" for strings, and zero for numeric fields.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATSetRowCount().

nNewCount the new number of rows.

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, and GFT_String.

Referenced by InitializeFromColorTable(), and SetValue().

void GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetValue ( int  iRow,
int  iField,
int  nValue 

Set field value from integer.

The indicated field (column) on the indicated row is set from the passed value. The value will be automatically converted for other field types, with a possible loss of precision.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATSetValueAsInteger().

iRow row to fetch (zero based).
iField column to fetch (zero based).
nValue the value to assign.

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, GFT_String, and SetRowCount().

void GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetValue ( int  iRow,
int  iField,
double  dfValue 

Set field value from double.

The indicated field (column) on the indicated row is set from the passed value. The value will be automatically converted for other field types, with a possible loss of precision.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATSetValueAsDouble().

iRow row to fetch (zero based).
iField column to fetch (zero based).
dfValue the value to assign.

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, GFT_String, and SetRowCount().

void GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetValue ( int  iRow,
int  iField,
const char *  pszValue 

Set field value from string.

The indicated field (column) on the indicated row is set from the passed value. The value will be automatically converted for other field types, with a possible loss of precision.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATSetValueAsString().

iRow row to fetch (zero based).
iField column to fetch (zero based).
pszValue the value to assign.

References GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, GFT_String, and SetRowCount().

Referenced by InitializeFromColorTable().

GDALColorTable * GDALRasterAttributeTable::TranslateToColorTable ( int  nEntryCount = -1  ) 

Translate to a color table.

This method will attempt to create a corresponding GDALColorTable from this raster attribute table.

This method is the same as the C function GDALRATTranslateToColorTable().

nEntryCount The number of entries to produce (0 to nEntryCount-1), or -1 to auto-determine the number of entries.
the generated color table or NULL on failure.

References GDALColorEntry::c1, GDALColorEntry::c2, GDALColorEntry::c3, GDALColorEntry::c4, GetColOfUsage(), GetRowOfValue(), GetValueAsInt(), GFU_Alpha, GFU_Blue, GFU_Green, GFU_Max, GFU_MinMax, GFU_Red, and GDALColorTable::SetColorEntry().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

const char* GDALRATGetNameOfCol ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iCol 
) [friend]

Fetch name of indicated column.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetNameOfCol()

const char* GDALRATGetValueAsString ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField 
) [friend]

Fetch field value as a string.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsString()

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